chapter 4

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G Diana the one that was psycho in her class all the time she would always scream and say weird things
C Oh in a classroom I'm sorry I'm out of it while Grayson kind of shocked you know how to cook now I guess you're gonna have to start cooking from now on I'll trust you to just as long as you don't burn down the house remember that one you guys almost burn down the entire campus
G hey hey it's not my fault that this one here forgot to turn off the stove
E Oh yeah certainly blame it all on Ethan            
C well guys I think I'm gonna go upstairs and get some stuff already packing because I have a bunch of clothes and I still need to order some boxes but I'm gonna order like maybe like 30 in a pack even though that won't be enough but I guess I'll just try to order some so I'll see you guys tomorrow when I wake up
G OK night Cassie love you
E night  Cassie I don't order a lot of boxes because I have a lot of things I need to pack especially for Grayson because he can't pack dead shit
G trust me I can pack way better than Ethan 🙊 can I know it
E I don't even know why you're even yelling

The next morning
E Cassie Cassie hello
C what what oh it's you
E It's you? What's that supposed to mean if somebody wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning
C no I was just busy packing all night
E Wait second you've been packing since Last night we're not moving until Friday
C I know I just wanna get myself organized you know how I've been remember
E I know I know I'm just playing with you do you need any help
C uhhh yeah you can start putting that stuff on top of my dresser in the boxes but be careful with them some of them are from my grandmother
E we are by the way how is she doing
C She's OK now but you know I just miss Home I guess I'm not with her and  She keeps telling me don't worry about me I'm fine
E That's what they always say it's OK I'm fine you don't need to worry about me but trust me your parents are doing the best that they can and plus you just graduated you're with us and I can understand you're homesick but hey we're going to be with you every step of the way
C awh why are you so sweet to me 
E Because you're my best friend
C and what about Grayson
E He's my brother not my best friend I'm just kidding
C You better be joking heheh
E OK so listen I just thought I ask
C yeah sure anything what's up
E Well maybe you can help me and Ethan 🙊 out on designing our room I mean we're going to the store later on do you want to come
C Sure if you can help me pack up all the stuff I'll go with you guys speaking of which where is Grayson
E still sleeping he was supposed to go out for his morning jog guess that didn't happen I think he's in Grayson dreaming land    
C Ethan 🙊 why is it every time you always have to pick on Grayson all the time and Grayson has to pick on you
E because we are brothers unfortunately
C Yeah yeah I got that part but is it every time you have to fight over one another I'm gonna say day by night and night by day
E Listen as much as I want to freaking kill him I love him like a brother and I also love you like a little sister
C ouch did you just pinch my cheeks 
E yes And they are so cute
C OK seriously what are we five
E Fine I'll get back to work geez hey Cassie what's up with all the pack of tampons in the drawer over here
C i'm sorry Ethan 🙊 do I need to go back to health class with you again
E what's the matter Sprunger leak
C I- you're such a dick
E Hey at least I can own up to that one what can you want up to not helping me out while I'm trying to help you pack
C I said I would help you out and go to the store with you and Grayson if you were just help me out over here geez am I speaking English or gibberish
E Wow I think I heard that quite clear because now my ears are ringing
C Good know how many packs of these boxes and put them in the hallway would you maybe sure but I can't lift them all especially I can't reach
E See this is why I call you short stack
C oh hahah Short stack you're pretty funny I won't call you sky scraper but wait a second I can't even see you hi skyscraper
E You're such a brat sometimes I swear but how can I get mad at that little face

G Hey guys you may want to come here and check this out
E why what's going on
C What in the world is that
G Oh no that's my box of candies that I need for later I'm talking about this key did you leave this
E No I didn't leave this Cassie did you
C No maybe it was a real estate agent it looks like your key for the new house but I don't remember if maybe I dropped it on the floor or something what did you find it
G When I was putting the stuff in the car I thought I stepped on something and then it was laying right there in the other front door so I thought maybe you guys dropped it
C I'm pretty sure it's just a new house key but anyways hey Grayson you want to come and help me Ethan 🙊 overhears not being too helpful because he's so curious about my tampons
G Sure I'll be back I mean it's only Tuesday I could lend my best to your hand
C All right I'll meet you inside I have to start packing
E OK meet you inside
G listen I need to talk to you about something
E What is it now
G so what are you thinking
E Thinking about what what are you talking about
G You're going to go with that girl again
E That girl nah she was too much for me to handle and besides Cassie is not dating anyone and you're not dating anyone I'm not dating anyone then it's a done deal 
G All right fine I'm gonna go help out Cassie
E well second that's the only thing you wanted to talk to me about
G Yeah one more thing can you put his box of candy in the car for me thanks
E Why the fuck am I putting your box of Ooo do you have a box of skittles in here well say no more

G hey sorry to keep you waiting you almost done here
C Well I mean like I still have my clothes and a couple of other things but I guess maybe you can take out some of the boxes put them in the hallway because I don't even know how I'm supposed to get to my bed even though
G Cassie come on let's go and take a break let's go furniture shopping go look around even though we're not gonna buy anything you're pretty much the graphic designer in the house so it's all good right
C Well I mean I guess I could take a break where is Ethan 🙊
G Putting up the box of candies in the car and I might've gave him a little bit of skittles because he likes skittles
C sure let your brother have a sugar rush now
Hey Ethan 🙊 you good with the candy
E What candy you talking about yes I am perfectly fine with the candy perfectly fine great
C You had too much sugar didn't you
E Maybe a little too much
G come on Humpty Dumpty let's go shopping
E First you call me your name now my brother calls me Humpty Dumpty what else is new
C well you guys always say we're brothers were siblings we fight too much often

At the store
E Oo Cassie what do you think of this
G Or what about this thing that looks kind of cool not gonna lie though
C Hey I have an idea why don't you to go to the back of the store and I'll go to the front of the store and then will come back and meet in the middle and then you guys can show me your little knickknacks are you gonna buy from the store do you think we're gonna stay here for another five more hours
E Cassie we've only been here for 20 minutes  
G Just chill ass girl trust me I'll meet you back in an hour
C oh yeah one hour turns into five I'll meet you guys back here in a bit I'll let's see where can I find this is interesting       
S can I help you find anything interesting
C oh no I'm just looking thank you
S OK well if you need me I'll be on the opposite side
C Thank you people are weird around here I swear
E Grayson would you watch out where you're going and you're going to crash
G Man that was awesome let's do that again with the cart
C what am I raising her two children where are you guys standing on the carts those are for people they are not goddamn skateboards because you're gonna get yourself hurt
G cassie lineup it's nothing major I mean it's kind of awesome
C Whatever you say did you guys find anything in the house
E  nope
G no but I did find a little candy jar for my obsession that I'm not going to use in the house because Ethan 🙊's got a candy Addiction
C mhm right come on I still have some more boxes to clean up sorry for the mess don't worry

C Well this is just fantastic we can find nothing because two of my best friends were acting like a bunch a little fools in the store is why I can't bring you guys anywhere I have to put a bungee cord hockey around my waist
E What are we dogs
G you know that's what we Should've got
C yeah yeah yeah yeah listen it's only Tuesday so let's just try to pack as much as we can and get ready for the big crazy move

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