Chapter 25

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Back at the hotel
C Guys I'm already so we have about a half an hour to get back to the house
E Dude I'm antsy to find out exactly what Mike and David found
G same here but the only reason why am concerned while we're concerned as because of Cassie
C awwh Grayson you care about me
G Of course I do Shorty like I always
E My brother sister love
C/G ewww He's just my little brother
G Are we the exact same age though
C Yeah but who acts like a goddamn child every time
G Me
C Yeah yeah I thought so
E All right guys let's go I will drive goes and you can see in the fancy Cassie can have them back to herself she deserves it she's been through way too much
C Thank you I appreciate it let me just grab my stuff and we can leave
E OK wait outside don't take too long though
Cassie'sPOV I sit in the hotel for just a few minutes to catch every single moment and what I'm about to listen to I close my eyes and I listened to all of the crazy things that I have gone through in the last few years in the last few months in the last few days and right here right now am I scared yeah I looked at my grandmothers necklace Even though she was back at home with my family I knew that she was watching I decided to give my parents a call before anything my parents don't even know exactly what's going on but I don't know what's more important telling my parents what's about to happen to their daughter or give them a heads up later on I couldn't decide I sat there and contemplate it for a few minutes Then I said I'm gonna let my parents now I told the twins to wait in the car for me they were OK with it we're actually going to be there quite early anyways I shut the door behind me sat on the bed dial the number
M Hello
C Hey mom
M Hey sweetheart what's going on and I haven't heard from you in a while
C I know I know I've been kind of busy and I'm really really sorry but mom there's something that I need to tell you
M Yeah absolutely what's wrong honey
C Is dad with you at all
M Yeah he's right beside me wanna say hi Your daughter
D Hey honey I haven't heard from you in a long time
C Hey dad listen there's a lot of things that I haven't told you guys about the house because I haven't been truly honest nothing is going on between me and the twins has nothing to do with us but it has something to do with me
M Of course talk to us what's going on
C OK do you remember when I came home and you saw all those bumps and bruises and you thought something was going on
D Yeah I was kind of concerned as to what the hell happened
C Like I know this is gonna sound really crazy but the house that we're living in is possessed and I'm not just talking about haunted I'm talking like it's really badly haunted that I'm being attacked by this entity
M honey why don't you call us we would've came down with you I made sure you guys were OK
D honey you should've called us what are you talking about it are you saying things again         
C What do you mean again
M Honey you have a gift you see things and I know and we believe you and we knew something was wrong listen do you want mean your father to come down and stay with you for a little while until you get back on your feet
C No no no no really we're OK we actually call the paranormal investigator and we're actually on our way to get some evidence and you know see if we stay there or we can leave we don't know but this thing is attached to me but I just want to give you guys a heads up on what's going on so you guys are not receiving a really crazy ass phone call for me through Grayson that something happened I just wanna let you know
D OK honey listen I'm glad that you told us which is really happy to hear your voice and if there's anything please don't ever hesitate to call us OK because careful and take care of yourself OK
M All we want is for you and the twins to feel at home OK we are one phone call away will be on that plane and will get you guys settled in and if that means they're moving you guys back to Toronto Canada and living here with us until you can get back on your feet and that's fine
C Really appreciate that goes thank you listen I know I'm cutting this conversation short I have to leave I will let you guys know when everything OK I love you guys
M/D Love you stay safe
C Love you guys to buy *call ends* That that was probably crazies phone call if ever done let's do this Hey guys sorry
E Hey you it's OK no problem you are right
C So far my parents are not mad so that's the good part but they said if anything does a car that will be on the next plane to come and help us out
G Literally I love your mom she makes the best cookies
E I mean her dad he's the one who makes and bakes
G Whatever but the cookies I die for them
C OK seriously Grayson is food crazy let's just go I'm ready
E We're all in this together no matter what happens
G Hey you know what we should talk about something so funny get our minds off of it for a second
C Look if this is the time to embarrass me sure why not
G Cassie It's not embarrassing you I was talking about the one time that me And Ethan were walking around like half naked at a college dorm room and he walked in and you asked us why we decided to buy an actual strip pole
E Dude not a stripper pole story
C Oh yeah that I yelled at you guys and you looked at me funny like what you never seem to do that and underwear before
E Yeah but somebody's balls were hanging out too fast
G Shut the fuck up
E I know Cassie couldn't stop looking at it
G what it's OK cass it's nothing
E Yeah I know it's OK Cathleen don't worry
C Yeah yeah yeah whatever oh what about the one time you both brought home girlfriends and one of them cheated on you guys with their exes
G Dude how in the hell do you remember that that was back in high school
E I know brother girl you came home with Yikes
G I know it was a great nine mistake don't blame me And I wouldn't even talk what about that one time you brought home that girl and she was more attracted to me than you and I was like girl that's your boyfriend don't be looking
E What do you want me to do she was a pig
C hey There's a girl in the backseat are you calling me a pig
G no Cassie you always smell so good and you show him Waymore than we do
C Oh hello I don't wanna stank do you understand I have to take an hour because I'm either singing dancing or modelling in the shower don't ask
E Dude I just wash my body I don't need to shave I sometimes wash my hair I'm in there 10 minutes in and out that's it
G Me same Wi-Fi body wash my hair in and out in 10 minutes that's it
E What's Cassie's
C No no I'll explain get in the shower wash my hair condition put a hair mask if I feel like it scrub my body two times with a bar soap and two different types of body wash is sometimes I go with a bar soap and then a regular body wash or just a body wash body wash it depends on my mood then I exfoliate before and after I shave and then you don't wash my downstairs And then scrub my feet because I want soft feet obviously and then shave like I said and then wash my face if I'm too lazy to wash it in the sink I wash my face twice and that's it and then I put body lotion on and then body spray and then it's not good
E Geez Cassie what type of a list do you have mine is just shampoo body wash and I am out
C Boy I need to get you some goddamn conditioner
G Conditioner Cassie you just use shampoo and does it that's it what do I need to condition
C You don't think girls like to go through a boys hair and feel how soft and clean it feels and did I mention that I have nails on and your boys love and girls have fake nails because they give you the best back scratches in the best head massages
E Ooo That sounds tempting can you wash my hair in the sink
G Oh yeah me too and give me a good conditioning treatment
C Yeah I'll do it as long as you guys in a fucking with me with what I'm talking about this thank God we're at the house now all right let's just go in and see what happens and that's it             

E let me just unlock the door Hello
M Hey look who it is it's the man of the house
G Good to see you
D Good to see you guys as well where is Cassie
C I hear thank you guys so much for everything so what did you set up everything
M In the back over here Come with me and we can get started
D All right guys so you called us and you told us exactly what was going on we did a full investigation and let me tell you me and Mike found a lot of evidence to a lot of crazy things are going on in this house and I want to let you guys know if you caught us just in time but
C But what you're looking at me funny
M Here's a thing as what you're about to hear it's related to Cassie this entity is attaching itself to her because obviously if she's the woman she is weaker but any entity or negative force will go on anybody but especially on women it's 95% certain that it will happen
D what Mike's trying to say is that whatever this entity is is trying to force itself onto cassie and that's why you see the scratches in the light and Mark sand the lines of scratches in the upside down cross it you know I know that you told me exactly what the two little girls look like because we talked about it and you told me what the sanity looked like and I remember very vividly the last time that you saw me was like 48 hours ago and I draw it out for you and I actually wanted to show you but I'm letting you decide do you wanna listen to all the evidence or do you want to see the pictures
C Honestly I just want to hear the evidence and I guess afterwords at it I'm just nervous
G Before we continue with this are we as in me Ethan and Cassie are we in danger
D this is the thing guys they don't want the two of you I want Cassie but this is where we have to fight because if it's to the point where Cassie might need an exorcism and that is very dangerous
C I just wanna listen to the evidence
D OK I'm gonna give you guys these three headphones and I want you guys to listen to everything

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