Chapter 29

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G So since you want to stay here what do you want to fix the first
E well I have an idea how about me and Grayson fix up our room and Cassie can help because she is the designer queen
C You know what yeah that's an idea and you guys can help out with my room sometimes I'm a little bit indecisive what are you expect Man can you believe my parents went back to Canada already
E Hey Cassie you OK
C oh yeah I guess I realize that I've lived away from my parents for so long that sometimes it hurts but it's peregrine up and we've been through a lot and I think at this point in my life that I'm just ready to get on live and just do whatever that makes me happy
G Hey Cassie let me ask you something what is it that you've always wanted to do
C What do you mean
E Funny thing is you never told us what you've studied for in college you kept it a secret
C Oh yeah that's right wait you guys don't know what I was studying really
G no you would always be cooped up in your room and you leave the door cracked open a little bit and when we Peeking and all we can hear is you talking and repeating stuff are you feeling OK 
C Oh now I know what you guys are talking about well it's kind of a long story it's kind of weird but
E Well what is it I mean heck you're pretty good at it
C Do you even know what it is
G Not necessarily but what was the reason why you want to come to LA why did you come down to LA to go to college here why don't you ever stay back in Canada
C wow I guess I never really told you guys You see here's the thing You guys on off when I was like Young I never talked I never did anything wrong I was the goody two shoes all the time
E Oh yeah that's right but that's not a bad thing
G yeah it's not a bad thing at all you know I'm in a guy loves that a girl in all keeps her studies and doesn't focus on men
E I know where that one girl that would always focus on men but she would never focus on your studies and she ended up in college how was that
C I know I mean she graduated even with the diploma
E I Cassie you're smart you're funny you're a hard-working person you're always up-to-date you're always making sure we're OK and always were making sure that you're OK but really tell us what are you studying in college
C you guys really wanna know
G Yes Now stop beating around the bush and tell us why are you holding back
C I don't know I guess I gave it up
E Wait what what what do you mean you gave it up
G What are you talking about
C OK so I got a scholarship to go to theatre school because I was always in theatre I was always doing dance theatre stuff and I was into it might be a silly I cant saying but I dance full-time you guys know that and yeah I was a tuition but I didn't have the money back then to go to school so I turned it down because I want to be with my friends so I gave up my room for you guys
G Cassie why don't you ever say anything to us why would you give up your dreams for us we were not gonna hold you back
E Yeah heck I didn't know you were in third theatre arts and everything why didn't you ever tell me   
C I don't know I guess I kind of kept a quiet that's why when I said I couldn't hang out those times I was in theatre school and studying hard and I got a scholarship but I turned it down when they gave it to somebody else already
E Cassie I'm so sorry
C Sorry what do you mean sorry you have nothing to apologize about
G Yeah but cast you came up your dreams so you could stay together with us I mean the dedication but 
C but nothing guys listen I have it up I'm happy spending time with my two best friends or it's in the past now I feel get some stuff done so let's go
E will be down in a minute here take the keys you can drive
C wow thanks hurry up
E Grayson I feel fucking Awful but she never told us
G I know and it's like she gave up her dreams just to be with us just to make sure we're OK she's done a lot for us and what have we done giving her hell
E you know what our Dreams are not over I have an idea
G well spill it I want to hear this
E OK play dumb ass Cassie what is the name of the school don't make it obvious just be like oh well you never told us the name of the school and then when she tells you just do you like OK thanks
G Oh no you're not thinking what I'm thinking are you
E thinking of getting Cassie back into that school again and getting back her dreams we have to get that scholarship and I also have an idea why do we turn Cassius full entire bedroom into a theatre she loves it will hang up posters and everything but the problem is she's gonna be with us so we have to like sneak out of the house
G Ethan you are a genius OK let's go before Cassie things that were up to something
E yeah why does she always think we're always up to something
G Because that's what she always thinks now let's go
E I remember just act cool
G hey
C Jesus what took you both so long
E Why I have to take a person and Grayson had to take a shit
C eww TMI next time I'm not asking anymore   
E That's probably a good idea
C so I'm guessing we're going to IKEA and then see what we can find
G Yeah so Cassie can I ask you something
C Yeah anything what's up
G you know how you were telling us about that school they got a scholarship from
C oh yeah you mean Academy of the arts
G yes so where is that school anyway
C I think it's up in Hollywood somewhere why
G no no reason at all so you have any ideas for your new bedroom
C well I actually need some of your help
E how about this why don't we do each others rooms you can do our room and we can do yours
G but yours Hass to be a surprise can we at least do some thing just to make you feel more at home
C umm Do you know what I think that's a good idea I have an actual idea you guys shop at one end of the store and I'll shop at the other side of the store whatever we find whatever we bring back we will see if we like it or leave it
G sounds like a deal to me
C I see you in about 2 to 3 hours what it takes me a while to find some thing I'm indecisive hello
E OK let's try to find some theatre stuff anything that represents music dance even though she can't sing will put some saying stuff and Grayson you can build right
G Yes but I need to go to goddamn Home Depot
E What are you a dad
G Would expect and Bob the builder
E look let's just see what we can find
G Ooo This one's kind of cute hey Ethan what do you think
E Oh yeah that could look so good we have a lot of work to do

Three hours later
C geez I haven't even bought much where are those guys. What the oh God the goofballs what did you guys buy
G Why we had two carts we couldn't fit all her stuff and one cart so we decided to get two different cards but see if we have a lot of selections
C uhhh Guys why is there curtains and a poster that says music of the arts
E uhhhh umm well since you told us about that's cool we thought why not get in it with you it's kind of good when you're jamming out
G A dork ass I don't think she likes when you dance like a freak
E The person that can dance like an old grandpa
C Oh God lord someone please tell me when this is all over with listen I'm going to check out meet you guys in the car
G we Cassie why is your car not even that full
C Oh then I have a lot of things that I was looking for plus I was looking at bathroom stuff I don't know why
E OK will meet you a check out Jesus Christ that was close you need to hide things she's more smarter than anything else
G sorry I thought I tucked it in the cart then then Tuckett in enough
E why you clearly did not do that enough let me tell you Every time I tell you to keep a secret never do
G is it bad enough that I can't even say a peep to her because I want to
E well you need keep your mouth close and not say nothing to her
G And how in the world are we supposed to not say anything to her
E And how do you expect that
G OK let's just get out of here before people start to notice that were shopping for some odd reason
E Well just tell Cassie that were going somewhere I just had to sit really have it delivered without her knowing
G And idea but Cassie exactly what orders are for her and for us too
E OK So we just won't tell her anything that's the whole plan
G OK let's get home for cats thinks of any thing
E Yeah good idea thank you have a good day
G d boo already she's in the car how in the world is this happening
C What I had to Pack up the groceries and pack up everything why did I say groceries
E I don't know maybe you just hallucina
G hahaha
C Oh shut up would you
E would you just relax

Later on that night
C hey were are you guys off in such a hurry
E Oh a couple buddies of mine are having a party and we were wondering if we can go
G oh yeah it's a really cool party and we're going to be out late so don't wait up OK
C yeah of course obviously i'm not going to wait up so you guys can hang out and chill
G Will be back a little later OK love you
E Love you don't wait up
C wait wait wait guys listen I'm sorry I never told you about before but I love you as well and I'm sorry but the college thing earlier I guess I was a little bit upset
E It's OK don't worry about it that much we know you were a little bit upset about it but all we want
G Is what is best for you
C I know I love you guys just don't steal too OK I might go to bed early so if you don't find me watching TV just girl to sleep right after I'll be OK
G OK whatever you say just trying to get some sleep
E Luck cassie will be back it's not like things are turning upside down
C I know I know I'm just a little scared but go have fun OK




It Watches You (E.D G.D)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora