Chapter 13

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Ethan'sPOV as me Ethan 🙊 Cassie and Grayson were all standing there we couldn't believe what just happened we walk through the door and it look like we got robbed completely there was glass all over the floor everything was shattered or pictures were thrown we couldn't believe it and I was return Cassie was gone me and Grayson look at each other I asked him where is Cassie all of us and then we are screaming coming from the basement Grayson ran over to try to open the door but it was jammed as if some thing or someone was pulling onto the door from us getting to Cassie finally without any hesitation I backed up and kick the door down then we ran down screaming cassie's name then Grayson turns around and here's a mopey crying sound in the distance he walked over and he turned on the light and suddenly something freaked him out I didn't know what it was something scared me and it scared me for a minute then both me and Grayson Sarkassian sitting in the corner we walk up to her I kneel down Cassie Cassie I couldn't hear her cry I am mediately touched your hands as if they have been in a cold freezer for days I told Grayson to go straight upstairs to get something I sat down beside her

Cassie finally she lives up her head but Cassie didn't look like herself something was definitely wrong she was white as if something has terrified her when Grayson got back manage to carry Cassie up the stairs not knowing what was wrong with her we sat Cassie onto the couch Cassie's entire body starts to shake we didn't know what was wrong with her and Cassie mumbles something she keeps saying it's here now I know it watches you those were the words that I will never forget Grayson remarry both looked at each other we couldn't believe what was happening I am mediately start to shake Cassie Cassie wake up Within an instant Cassie wakes up Cassie had all scratches all over her face but they were six in total what could that mean I Ask her
E Cassie are you OK
C yeah what the fuck just happened
E Cassie what the hell were you doing in the basement
C dude honestly I don't know the next thing I know I walk into the door I see something and I followed it
G what are you talking about
C guys I don't want to tell you this but I think this house is completely haunted
G oh for fucks sake's Cassie we just have a ghost it's not nothing evil
C Grayson do you have any idea that anything paranormal it could kill you
G dude you've been watching that bullshit paranormal crap ever since the day we recorded it you think now that you're a paranormal investigator all of a sudden
C I don't know why the fuck you're yelling at me I don't know what just happened downstairs I saw something something leave me to the basement and I don't know what it was
G do you expect me and my brother to believe every fucked up thing you say
C Grayson it's not fucked up it's reality OK maybe you guys don't even see it first of all didn't you both tell me that you were seeing things
G Yeah just to get you to fucking shut up about it do you see anything happening now no
C The house is a fucking disaster it's like we went through a robbery
G oh so what are you telling me basically somebody just a ghost robber just came in and threw everything on the floor and broke everything and scratched out all of our photos 
C But all of a sudden you guys don't believe me now whatever I say it's a myth it's nothing to you anything I'm surprise you're not saying a fucking word
E Cassie what the hell do you want me to say to you honestly I think you're just fucking with us that's all you wanna do you're making this shit up
C what shit am I making up what are those scratches that you got on your lake what about those times are you saw the little girl singing or you heard it or was that for me to shut my mouth so you guys didn't believe me at all you guys just wanted to play the game here did you not hear on that little recorder did you not hear what happened
E Will you expect both of us to believe something when it's never even happened is because wanted you to stop talking about it constantly
G Cassie look this house is not haunted OK there's nothing going on I think it's just all in your head we're not seeing anything we lie to you this entire time OK
C but dude do you see the scratches on my face and Ethan 🙊 you even said what are the scratches do you think I made all this shit up man oh man was it a mistake to move in with you guys
G yeah probably fucking wasn't a steak for you to move in with us
E Grayson what the fuck
C oh so you to feel the same way maybe was better for me to go back to fucking Canada
G it's kind of nice not having you around
C Ethan 🙊 you're not gonna say shit you're just gonna let your brother talk to me like that so you guys think I'm lying about this wow I thought I never see the day
E wait Cassie Grayson apologize OK
C No I don't want your stupid goddamn fake ass apology's OK you guys don't wanna believe me that's fine when something happens to me or you guys don't come crying I'm not stupid and for the record at least I came out with a diploma what did you guys come up with zero you guys never fucking said he did nothing
G Cassie go to fucking hell Maybe you are possessed *she runs up the stairs*
E dude that was a little bit too far are you kidding me
G Dude it was every fucking day there's a ghost in this house is haunted I'm probably going through something that girl is needs to go to a mental hospital she's going psycho you can't even fucking see you don't even believe her how do we know that she's been doing all of this for fucking shit for nothing so I said what I had to say and she can go back to Canada I can't believe I was friends with such a liar

Cassie'sPOV i'm Nam of saying I could not believe it my two best friends want me to leave them I sat there on the floor in my bed and cried no one came upstairs I cry for hours minutes and seconds no Ethan no Chris I was all alone I was scared I was numb I don't know what I was getting myself into this was a major mistake I didn't feel like all my mom and my dad because they were suspect something I didn't want to stay here for the night so I packed up my stuff waiting for them to go to bed I wrote them a letter about how I felt as soon as they went to bed I close the door quietly walk down the stairs In the pitch black darkness Quietly tiptoeing over in case I step on glass no one even bother to clean up I wasn't wasn't my mess I open up the door Took the key off the key ring locked it and put it back onto the front door I walked in the pitch black darkness I didn't know where I was going at this point

I decided to stay into a hotel for the night or until I talk to my parents about me coming home I was in so much tears I felt so numb I went to bed that night all alone but for once I felt at peace there was nothing for me to worry about anymore they don't want me and I don't want them and I don't want their apologies because I'm never ever coming back I lay down I put my phone on the charger I listen to a side playlist for a while cried my eyes out luckily nobody was in the next room beside me because I was crying loud my tears my eyes were bawling out red I didn't feel as if I was being watched any more I felt different but was a true wasn't sure what Grayson said could I be possessed I shook my head and thought no I can't be I finally took my AirPods out of my ears put them back on the charging case turned off the lights and went to sleep I kept tossing and turning the next morning I woke up it was almost 9 o'clock I didn't even want to turn over to look at my phone so I turned back over and went to sleep I woke up 2 1/2 hours later I put on my door do not disturb so the cleaning lady didn't come in while I was asleep  because that would've been awkward   I woke up did my morning routine I can't believe I grabbed everything when I woke up I didn't even bother looking on my phone something felt different then I noticed on my right shoulder I had the number six as if somebody scratched it onto my shoulder I probably just thought I scratched myself I ignored it I got ready for the day left the room I was obviously going to stay until I talk to my parents.

The next day
Ethan'sPOV I woke up the next day I couldn't believe what was happening Grayson and I decided to sleep in separate rooms because I was so pissed off at him but I couldn't believe what I said to Cassie I really fucked up this time we did I got up wash my face for the day put on a shirt knocked on Cassie's door but no answer I knocked again no answer I opened up the door her bed was made but everything else was gone her drawers her dresser her nightstand everything was gone no clothes no phone no nothing Cassie was gone where does she go I immediately went into Grayson's room
E Grayson Grayson wake up
G bro what the fuck do you want I'm sleeping
E dude Cassie is gone
G oh yeah very funny cassie is in her room
E dude no come here wake up you got to see this
G OK OK I'm waking up and waking up fuck we can me up with his bullshit
E dude stop it it's not bullshit look at this *I handed Grayson the note*  it reads

Guys what happened last night I couldn't believe so congratulations you got your wish don't call me don't text me I don't want nothing to do with you guys what you said it made me sick I cannot believe it I wasted my time on moving with you guys my parents are right I should've came back home and not stuck around don't contact me anymore
This is goodbye forever Cassie

E See bro you went to far with this
G I didn't go fucking far with this OK I never went far Cassie made my life a living hell
E A living hell so for the last four years she made you into a living hell
G bro don't play fucking innocent you said some stupid things too I wouldn't lie
E yeah I understand that but I didn't tell Cassie to go to hell or maybe you're fucking possessed that was a little bit too much Grayson
G what the fuck are we gonna do now now we don't know
E I don't know let me try to call her *hi this is Cassie leave a message* Cassie please answer your phone it's Ethan 🙊 look what happened last night was a little bit insane call us back please bye
G well
E well what she's got and she's not answering her fucking phone
G she could not have flown all the way to Canada by now
G do you let me try E bro she doesn't even want to talk to you and you gonna call her G shut up *hi this is Cassie live message*

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