Chapter 5

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G Do you want us to help you or do you think you're OK
C no I think I'll be OK I just have to pack a couple of my clothes by then everything should be good so good night guys see you tomorrow

Friday morning
E OK that's the last of everything did you get everything you need
G Yeah I got everything Cassie what is taking you so long
C Give me a minute would you I'm just packing up a couple things
E I thought you did that last night
C would you guys just wait for me in the car please This is it goodbye room I'm going to miss you this is a new chapter for forever

E where are you are what took you so long
C Sorry I was saying goodbye to the place
G OK I'm by was nice knowing you
E Hey you OK Cassie
C Yeah I'm totally fine you guys ready
E I'm ready Grayson you ready G Ready as I'll ever be did you lock the door
C yes I lock the door closed everything close the lights everything is all done now let's just get into the car and begin our new lives together as best friends  GOODBYE
The memories will always stay between us
E and what about us
C Just get in the car you two
G all right all right take it easy someone's addicted

In the car
Snoring snoring
C Ethan he's doing it again
E I got you on this your Grayson Grayson Grayson
G broo Shut up I'm trying to get som- snoring
C Grayson if you don't get the hell up I'm gonna kick you out of the car
G uh what you guys woke me up in the best dream ever
C Hush up with you quit your whining I'm already stuck back here
G well why don't you drive
E Grayson are you crazy the last time that this chick right here I mean Besty drove us to the dentist we almost got into a car crash
C be quiet let me drive Trust me I can get there way quicker than Mr. grandpa over here driving fucking 45 miles an hour we haven't even left
G fine hold on let me pull over All right I'm trusting you with my beautiful truck to not get into an accident
C Grayson I'm the one that bought you the car you'll have one little scratch mark and you blamed it on me and Ethan 🙊 but you're the one who went to the store and you got keyed on your car remember that and you blamed it on the two of us but it was your fault
G Make a good point here take the keys
C Siri start the car driving off this is fine
E Yeah by the way Cassie how much bags of clothes do you have
C Well to certainty I have two luggage is and All my bathroom stuff I didn't take any furniture the only thing I had was like a laptop desk that goes on the bed but that was it
G bro you literally call that furniture      
C Oh really what did you bring oh let's bring the pool table
G OK OK I thought it was gonna fit in the car but I thought it was the ones at fault you know
C oh god that's a air hockey table not a pool table there's two different kinds  
G Well can we at least go get one
E Yeah I have some games that I have to beat with Grayson over here because he keeps winning
C I guess we can go buy some once we have the house all done up and everything speaking of which Ethan 🙊 where is this place
E oh yeah it's about 4 1/2 hours away from here
C so you mean to tell me I'm moving to an ahalf hours away from Los Angeles I'm going up to where exactly 
E It's in Santa Monica California
G wow 4 1/2 hours in the car I'm going to sleep E Cassie can drive for two hours and then I'll drive for the last two hours because apparently Grayson's going to be out falling asleep
C awh You're too kind and sweet but Ethan 🙊 get some sleep great and will be sleeping for the Entire ride

Two hours later
G are we there yet
C No not yet
G oh OK are we there yet
E not yet Grayson
G oh OK........ Are we there yet
G OK relax I was just pulling your leg
E Cathy can you pass me the bag on your left-hand side I left something in there
C Yeah sure hold on this bag
E yes thank you
G i'm hungry can we get something to eat
C sure I have to stop and get some gas so  hopefully we can find like a fast food place because I'm starving
E I have an idea Cassie why don't you go and get us some food and will put the gas in for you we don't care what you get here take about $60 by whatever you need
C OK but make sure you look after Grayson
E Don't worry about them I got them go get some food I'll take a care of the gas OK come on sleepyhead let's work as Gas in
G Bro seriously it takes two people to fill up a gas tank do it yourself
E I can fill up the gas tank myself Grayson I just need you to step out of the car you need some energy why don't you just go get some water or something because we have like another 2 Hour Drive still
G wait a minute we've been driving for two hours
E oh wait a second I forgot you were snoring at the back of the car who knew
G Do you blame me I was tired I had to get a little snooze
E See the gas pump fits perfectly into the truck can you press the 89 button
G Wait why 89 why don't you just go with 95 it's much higher
E I guess Cassie's been teaching you too much about Canada but they go by litres we go by gallons unless you wanna pay an extra $55-$85 for gas
G OK OK take it easy relax go get something in the gas station
E good idea so why don't you go pay for the gas I'm gonna sit in the car wait for Cassie and then you can come back buy a bunch of snacks or something because knowing you Yo go and eat my food Cassie's food and your own food so go get some snacks for all of us why don't you
G Damn somebody's on their menstrual period these days
E Oh somebody someday miss you. You're funny just go get the food
C It's all the arguing about I could hear you guys from down the block
E Do you know how my brother is Ooo food what get
C Well I didn't like McDonald's and I didn't like Wendy's so I got Shake shack well we don't have it back in Canada so I have never tried it I thought maybe We would try it 
G I smell burgers and fries and did you go to Shake shack
C Yes I did did you guys fill up the gas tank
E Yes I did and Grayson paid for it isn't he nice
G Yep paid it all
C well I guess I'm gonna be driving
E wow Cassie I thought I was gonna drive I want to give you a break you've been driving for the past two hours I don't even know how you didn't sleep last night
C I mean I can drive for another two hours I mean you know I even got some coffee Starbucks to
G Damn did you tell u you're the best friend ever 
E yep and now he's addicted to this is on Starbucks let's get in the car I'll drive you can relax
C Fine but what if I fall asleep
E Doesn't matter take some sleeping take a snooze close your eyes for a little bit I got to say Cassie you're driving is not that bad
C well thanks let's get onto the road and get out of here it's kind of creepy
E well I mean we do live up in the countryside so it's quaint it's quiet there's no city there's no noise but there's a couple of houses so once we get there we just have to find everything do everything and that's it
C You know it's so weird like we got up here so quickly I mean four hours
E I see that's because we had a personal driver drive us there personally we have to go to rest stop because somebody had to Pee
G Sorry if I drink too much water

2 1/2 hrs officially at the house
C Geez I cannot believe we've been driving for 2 1/2 hours to get up here
E I know Cassie can you pass me the address
C yeah sure it 8276 Claire Myth Rd.
E Thank you and we are here officially
C Grayson Grayson wake up
G uh what Oh finally we're here Jesus took us ages to get up here
E come on let's go inside and see what's going on everything is basically all furnished the last time we saw it even though we moved here so fast and so quickly but I guess they want to sell the house but we got it
G I know well guys it's the rest of our lives in this house no matter what happens it's going to be heck of a one big roller coaster
C yup uhh when we open the door until we can start moving in officially
E i'll go unlock the door and you know you know what here's a good idea why don't we may be clean and disinfect everything before we put it in you know all the stuff because you never know what could be in there
C Sounds like a good idea
G wait so you actually carry your cleaning supplies with you
C Of course I do OK you guys can start cleaning I'll do the kitchen you guys can dust everything in here
G whatever you say cassie if you need us just call
E Can you believe this house is so pretty it's a good thing that Cassie told us to clean it before anything

G Hey I'm gonna go get some more cleaning supplies from the car I'll be back
E OK I'll be in the kitchen with Cassie hey Do you need any help Grayson is  grabbing some more cleaning supplies
C uhhh Yeah sure just get the cleaning solution and just start cleaning the tables and stuff G okey (knock knock) Grayson can you get the door
G probably Ethan Ethan stop playing around knock knock
C What the fuck was that noise
G I don't know maybe somebody's at the door go check
C  hello hello Grayson there's nobody there
E What the heck are you guys
C AHHH Ethan what the fuck are you doing you scared us
G Bro tell us the truth were you knocking on the door
E no I was outside getting the cleaning supplies why do you ask
C Well we heard knocking sounds and we thought maybe it was you
E no maybe we're just a little bit jetlagged from driving all day maybe we're just tired let's just try to get all the stuff cleaned up and try to get a good nights sleep and it's only 830 at night and we've been driving for 4 1/2 hours
G That was fucking weird

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