Chapter 26

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M OK so the first clips that you're going to see this is a video first and I'm gonna move onto the voice recorders in the spare box sessions OK first thing you're going to see is this is obviously Me but obviously you can't tell because where I was sitting you can't see me so this is either me or Dave boy you gonna say I want you to watch this and I want you to see exactly what you guys see
C Whoa whoa play that back            
E Dude that's a fall in person but I'm seeing right
G dude you can make out the face the arms the legs the full body and it looks like it's oh my God
C Dude I don't know if that's either a lily or Stephanie but this fall person looks like a teenager
M right exactly now the next thing I want you guys to see is these two videos side-by-side
C I'm pretty sure I heard a scream like a sound like a little girl screaming
M Exactly now watch this
G that look like  A little girl Peking and as soon as she sees the camera she just like goes away
C dude that looks exactly like a little girl and seeing And it's so quickly it happens like in a flash
D and when that happens you can see like two little dogs those are called Ormes took a big ball of light and it could've been obviously a manifestation happening which You both saw at that point and with everything that you guys are seeing this is what we caught we didn't really catch anything downstairs but I'm gonna be honest with you guys this house is probably one of the scariest craziest just so much bad energy and I have never had that in my life and you can almost feel like so tearful and it's just so sad but you're also feeling the guilt
C It's weird how do you say that because when I first walked in here that's how I felt I felt like sad I felt alone I felt depressed I felt scared and I was like so out of it
M now you guys are going to hear a bunch of voice recorders and I'm gonna play it all through out and then when it's over we're gonna talk about it because all of this one recorder caught everything  So Cassie whatever you do don't jump but if your chair
C i'll try not to *listening* *get out* *help me* *Big danger* *mommy* *I don't want to hurt her* *The devil* *Possession*  *I want you to get out* *where is mommy* *I'm here* Holy fuck M now listen to this part So I ask who is here *me* Who is me *Lilly* So I say to her is this really you she says *yes* *I am trapped* So I said to her who trapped you she says
G dude I have the fucking goosebumps she literally wants Cassie
E Dude I don't even know what to say right now like I'm so numb Cassie are you OK
C I don't even have any words to say
D now there's one part so I called Mike upstairs and he runs upstairs and all of a sudden we heater this big bank do you know where it came from we ended up not going into that room because we didn't know who it was and that's when we called it a night but the rest of this is the only footage and all of the Spirit box sessions and everything and we heard a lot of like faint whispers that we didn't catch on camera but it was just crazy
G OK so our question is are we safe here or we need to think of other options
M well at this point if you guys leave it would come with you so you need to somehow detach it from Cassie's body
E What do you mean detach
D guys I don't wanna scare you but Cassie is possessed
M Listen when you first walked in here I got attached to you OK what is happening is that Lily who is the next-door neighbours old friend and you gave us some really good information now this entity is mimicking this 15-year-old girl getting into your body and possessing you in a way that it could kill you
C So you mean to tell me I could die from this
D if we don't attack it soon yeah It can  
E so would we have to do as her friends
G because obviously we can't see it it's only Cassie can see it but
M So what we're gonna have to do is we're going to call a priest and he's going to perform an exorcism on the house and on Cassie sometimes it ends off well if sometimes it ends off that there is a 50-50 chance that she could come out of it or not
D now Cassie I'm going to tell you this much I'm gonna show you the pictures OK and I want you to tell me that's who you saw
C Yes just show me *looking* Yeah that's the little girl I'm seeing that is exactly the 15-year-old girl I'm seeing
E yeah like look at that and it looks so realistic C but she looks so innocent
D Exactly now I hope you're ready to see this entity
G We're ready
E Yeah show it *shows* wow That is probably the creepiest thing I've ever seen
G you mean to tell me that that thing is in Cassie as of right now
M yeah me and us to say it is Cassie you OK
C i'm gonna throw up oh my God I'm dizzy I I Can't even look at it oh my God I'm gonna be sick
E Let me go check on her BRB G hold on I'm coming with you E *knock knock* Cassie you OK Open the door *door opens* hey hey Cassie shh your ok G I gonna go get her some water C I don't even know what to feel right now my entire body is numb E Cassie I know look final you you're a tough cookie OK you're going to get through this we're gonna get through this no matter what it takes C Yeah but I don't wanna die E but you're not gonna die there is a 50-50 chance that will happen to you trust me these guys are really good at what they do OK you don't have to look at the picture anymore we're just gonna go out there and get this done OK
C OK you're right
G Here take some water with you You OK
C yeah I think so whatever takes no matter what
M Hey she OK
E Yeah I think she got a little corralled up will go through with it
D all right I'll give them a call  
C Do you mind if I step outside for a few minutes
M Yeah of course of course go outside take a breather

Cassie'sPOV after you just witnessed me exactly what I'm about to go through my body is entirely numb I can't even think speak or think what has this world come to is this the end no I can't be thinking negative like that I just have to be positive that everything will come out OK no matter what the outcome is I sat there on the porch I'm thinking about my family I don't know if I should give them a call but however they have to know that what their daughter is going through it's very bad if I don't end this now I'm just crumbled into pieces I shed a lot of tears down my face I couldn't breathe but I was still looking up at the stars this is not what my life was supposed to be like I was supposed to graduate college of my friends move into a house and just live our best lives but that didn't happen but sometimes life just sticks to you like a magnet you don't know what the outcome is going to be you don't know where it's going to drive you I got up walked into the house and I said loudly I'm ready to do this

E geez Cassie u scared us
G Listen we already called your mom and your dad and they are already aware of they spoke to Mike and Dave on the phone and they told us to keep them updated on exactly what's going on
E yeah so you have nothing to worry about we're just going to get this over and done with
D The piece is coming over in about 15 to 20 minutes so
C guys can I speak with you for a minute
G yeah of course
E What's wrong
C Listen I know you guys don't wanna hear this coming out of my mouth but whatever happens tonight I want you guys to know that I love the two of you equally OK
E Cassie don't say that
C No listen if I don't come out of this know that I love you both and I will always be with you guys no matter where I go OK please remember that
G Cassie listen to me OK we are not giving up on you until this energy is out of your body you're gonna be OK you're going to be fine we promise 
C OK let's do this

25 minutes later
*Knock knock*
E i'll get it
A Hi you must be Ethan I'm Andrew
E Hi Andrew I am guessing you are the priest that's going to help out our friend here
A Well thank God I have the right address now where is that Cassie
C Right here this is Grayson Ethan's brother
A Well honestly meet you Grayson
G Likewise
A OK Cassie have a seat  OK so I understand that you have been through a lot in his last few months and I got the footage from Mike and David and they did an actual investigation of the house and I understand that you're going through what's called a possession right now
C Yes that is correct
A now I understand that you have a picture of This entity
C right it's on top of the table I just don't wanna look at it
A OK let me have a look wow you got one heck of a bad one now I have performed thousands of exorcisms and I assure you Ethan Grayson that I have never had a default and any cases but you never now to give you guys the rights in turn it he of what could happen so you guys are well prepared now is there a 50-50 chance that she could make it absolutely but there's also the 50 chance that she could be fairly wrong I'm just giving you guys a heads up
E yeah I know absolutely it's better to just be honest and not beat around the bush like a lot of people do but you know we're just scared as her friends and you know
G I'm just a question how badly can this end
A Well you can go to different ways you're going to see some very disturbing things on her face you're going to hear some disturbing language her eyes could roll backwards a lot of things could happen the one thing that this and if he does not like with anyone is the cross they don't wanna hear about it
C ow What the fuck was that
A  let me take a look Oh yeah there's about six scratches on the here Now Cassie where would you want to do this do you wanna sit here do you wanna go upstairs it's your choice The real question is where are you mostly affected
C it's mostly in my bedroom where he stays but we can try up there because he likes to hide
A OK what we can do is all hands all you first and then the house is the last thing that you have to worry about because once it's out of your body and then we go on to cleanse the house it'll be gone
C OK let's just go upstairs in my room and do it
A all right Cassie have a seat ethan Grayson I want you to to sit right next to her and just hold her whatever you do don't let go
C dude fucking shaking right now I can't even breathe
E it's OK Cassie we're here don't worry
A ok Close your eyes and let's get started......




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