Chapter 21

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C somethings biting on me
G Yo dude there's like teeth marks on Cassie's neck
E what are you oh my God
C what do you mean there's a bite mark
G Cassie I'm not even kidding you there's an actual bite mark on your fucking neck does it burn
C it's burning and it's killing me like I wanna touch it but I can't because it burns
G Dude he literally comes tomorrow I don't even know how long we can actually take it did the guy is like coming the legit tomorrow
E What do you expect us to do I know that Cassie can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore you can't take it anymore
C well I can't just tell my parents to come here I mean I don't know what to do
E I mean if we check into a hotel we can't because anywhere we go they come and it's scary
G I mean we can try to just go out the entire day
C I know but then it's going back home is the scary part
E Listen it's literally almost 4 AM let's just talk about this tomorrow morning and try to avoid what's going on right now Cassie just keep the cross around your neck at least it'll protect you 
C Yeah you're right she's trying to get some sleep Grayson can you do me a favour can you shut the door please I don't want to look down the hallway
G Yeah Cassie hold on
E hey look at me your going to be OK I promise 
G Cassie listen to me whatever you do you hear something ignore it don't look and just try to avoid it I know it's hard
E We're going to be right here no one's going to hurt you
C ok night

Ethan'sPOV The next morning me and Grayson snuck out of the house for a little bit to surprise Cassie with a bunch of gifts we didn't wanna leave her at home for too long so we shut the door so she could get some rest after what happened last night she hasn't been the same for a while now and we just wanted to make her smile again we went to Starbucks and got her usual order picked up some gifts drove back home went upstairs quietly to see if she was awake when we open the door the bed was already made we checked her room she wasn't there I kind of got a little bit panicky then Grayson was yelling from downstairs I ran downstairs so fast I couldn't believe the disaster in the kitchen we tried to look for a note to see if Cassie has left the house but no one could get a hold of her I tried calling her cell she wouldn't answer then we got back into the car left the gift on top of the sofa wrote a note in case Cassie just went for a walk we searched around the neighbourhood we ended up not finding her I was in full panic mode I was about to call the police when I saw a young girl sitting at the side of the street with her head down I told Grayson stop the car I got out of the passenger seat
E Cassie Jesus where the hell have you been
Cassie you OK
C Ethan what are you doing here
E question is what are you doing here sitting on the street by yourself
C I just came out to get some fresh air did I leave a note on the counter
E no Cassie look at me for a second what's up with your eyes
C Nothing why do you ask
E You look like you've been crying what's wrong
C yeah because I didn't know where you guys were so I left I don't want to stay there by myself
E Can I see we left a note for you on the nightstand counter you didn't read it when you woke up this morning
C Ethan listen as much as I want to go back I can't stay there by myself what did you both go anyways
G Well if you come home because we've been looking all over for you we got some surprises at home for you
C I don't want to go back in that house please don't make me go back in there
E Cassie why can't you so freaked out come on talk to me
C Can't Ethan it Burns      
E What's burning you
C I have five scratch marks on my back and ever since I left it hasn't hurt since
G Cassie listen the guys are coming tomorrow OK it's one more night I know you're hurting listen listen to me you're stronger than this you can't give up on yourself now
E Look if you want it I can talk to Mike and see if you can come today
C You guys know I haven't been sleeping OK somethings going on with me right now and I don't know what the hell it is I'm scared
E Well come on let's get you out of this rain because you're going to catch a cold
C We're not gonna go back home or we
E no I will stay here for a little bit until you calm down know what the hell happen to leave the home
C OK fine I'll tell you so I woke up and I looked over you guys were not there so I said OK maybe they just stepped out for a little bit and then I look over to the nightstand and I saw the note and then all of a sudden I look up the door opens up by itself so I thought it was you guys playing a prank on me but it was as if someone like force the door opened and I covered my face with the blanket because I didn't want to look and then something just scratched me and pulled me and I literally got my stuff and I ran out of the house so fast
I obviously like made the bed and stuff because I don't want to leave a messy room and then I packed up my stuff and I left and was sitting here for the past two hours waiting for you guys to come home
E Why didn't you wait for us on the porch until we got home
C because here's the problem when I physically left our house my entire body went back to normal but I don't know when I woke up this morning my eyes were red and I just feel like I couldn't move my entire body it feels like someone is stuck inside my body every time I enter the house
G Listen right now what are you feeling
C I mean I feel totally fine I just don't want to enter back that house anymore I'm sick of it
E Look the one thing that you have to do you can't hide from your fears you remember that remember the times when you were scared to write up your assignments so me and Grayson stayed up with you to help you out did you give up no did you give up on us when we had to do our projects now because we had to face our fears and this is the part that you have to face will be right behind you but no matter what we're not gonna let no Possess person get over you
C yeah you guys are actually right I mean you know maybe we can just go back to the house see see what you guys bought me and stuff like that
G can I ask why the kitchen is a disaster
C I have no idea because all I heard downstairs was a lot of racket so I thought it was you guys but it's not now I know where I stand and it's scary
E Listen let's go back to the house and we can show you what we buy you just to make you feel better and we're gonna take you out for the day so we can take your mind off this whole crazy thing that's happening OK look Cassie the next and last thing we need right now is to lose our best friend and we're not gonna let that happen OK so let's go back and you know what no matter what happens we're going to stick together as one family like a sister to me and I wouldn't want to see my sister get hurt now would I
C I got it Grayson drive
E Cassie come on you have nothing to be afraid of were right beside you
G This is for you just a little something to make you feel better
C You guys got me flowers your sweet
E And we got your favourite Starbucks drink and we kind of knew exactly what body sprays you like from Bath and body so we went there and we got you some hoodies because you love to be comfy
C guys you didn't have to buy me all this thank you
E no listen go upstairs go get change go get refreshed come back and we're going to go
C can one of you come with me not where I'm changing but just stay stay outside of my room if you don't mind
G I'll take this one Ethan just stay down here and make sure everything is cleaned up
C I'll be back in 10 minutes
G OK hey Cassie can I ask you a question
C Sure oh Grayson can you open the door just a little bit I can't breathe
G Yeah sure I'm just covering my eyes to give you some privacy
C Goofball you can turn around
G Ooo look at you you be looking so cute yes hey Ethan you got to come up here
E What what is it
G take a good look at Cassie aren't we the best friends ever
E wow I mean look at that smile yesss girl I swear to god if you don't get a boyfriend    
C Guys do you have to hit me up every single time you buy me something new and I mean man this perfume smells amazing and it's my favourite wait how did you guys know about it
G What are your two guy friends can't even go into your room and smell your good ass perfumes that you buy from Bath and body because we know what your favourite yeah because we do our research sweetie
E now come on and we got more surprises when we get back will watch any movies that you want will have a movie night with popcorn snacks anything and will pick up some chocolates because we love you too much so come on we got the entire day to spend

Cassie'sPOV Me Ethan and Grayson spent the entire day together we went to the mall hung out for a little bit got food which I desperately needed went to do more shopping because why not these days then decided to go outside of the city and to enjoy the beautiful view we actually had fun for the first time in a long time it felt as if we were back in college again we all sat down in a quiet place and just talked nothing bad but good all times that we used to do Grayson Ethan were actually talking about the time when we all first met it was actually quite nice to get back those memories again I felt right I didn't think about what was going on right now because sometimes you just need to be in the moment of what really matters even though what you could be going through is really hard and sometimes it doesn't take up your reality but when you really think about it you just know that sometimes you will need a smile a giggle and just a little bit of laughter from time to time they did that it was around 930 at night we got back from a crazy day had a great movie sat down laughed at a couple of scenes washed a bunch of YouTube videos
E dude I don't remember the last time we actually had a physical laugh
G I know it just felt so right Cassie what did you think
C to be honest I'm really excited for what's about to come soon you you know what I actually feel at peace maybe not right now but I'm ready
E Come on guys we have a major day tomorrow let's try to get some sleep
C Do I have to sleep in my own bed tonight that's OK
G God God no you're sleeping with us I don't give a shit come on sleepyhead let's go  
C Would you just shut up I'm coming up Can you guys give me a piggyback  E OK come on short stuff let's go ow Did you just hit me
C Yes now let's go to bed 


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