Chapter 12

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A few weeks later
Cassie'sPOV It's been a while since I've spoken to the twins the last time today I am officially going back to them after spending many days and weeks with my family my friends catching up on life and everything I didn't mention anything to my parents for what was happening at the house but something had to be going on Ethan sounded like he wanted to tell me something but it was something that maybe I wasn't supposed to here ever since that day I've been shredding I kind of want to sit down and talk to him about it but I thought it was not necessary I grab the last suitcase that I had from upstairs and my parents looked at me as if something was definitely wrong
D hey honey You OK
C uhh
M you seem a little bit upset about some thing
C me no one fine totally I guess I'm just nervous to get back on the plane
D I'm sure everything will be A-OK look if  there's anything you need me and your mom Will be on the next flight out
C I know I know but nothings happening I'm all good I promise I just want to get to the airport because the twins are picking me up
M all right all right let's go because your flight leaves in like 2 or 3 hours 

Cassie'sPOV After I said my final goodbyes my parents Went to security and finally got to my gate I sent Ethan 🙊 and Grayson a text saying that I was going to be on the plane within a few minutes I didn't receive any texts back I thought maybe they probably sleeping I got on the plane sat there for 5 hours when I finally got off the plan I texted the twins say that I was here Ethan 🙊 texted me back saying they were waiting for you at the gate So I texted OK and I laughed as I was turning the corner I saw them both with the biggest smile on their face it's like I have my family back
E heyyy you
G Jesus we've been waiting for you like what took you so long
C five hours of flying what do you think it took
E hey let us grab your things for you you must be exhausted
C Oh guys u do-
G it's nothing just give us your stuff we have the car parked out at the front
E So how was your trip
C The trip was amazing Being with my friends and family I think that's what I needed you know like I haven't seen them in so long they felt really bad that I couldn't come to my graduation and it was fine it was great we actually had a great time and things were awesome and I got to see my dog and my grandparents is pretty good so far
G So did you meet anybody new did you go on a little date
C Nope nothing out of the ordinary so how is being at home you guys to have any parties did you
E oh God no children and trust me if we were having a party we would ask you first before anything But even if we were first
C awhh or she just the sweetest oh I literally I'm gonna take the biggest nap ever so

Cassie'sPOV as I walk through the door something fell completely different I felt dark sad cold but more of loneliness and tragic I just  shocked it off when the twins put down My bangs I went to go pick up one of them and I felt as if I was caring like a ton of bricks I hold it up all the way to my bedroom and it was just so cold like being in the freezer I thought maybe the air conditioning was on I noticed the vibe and everything Else was a little bit on the plus side I just ignored it but then I started to feel something wasn't right as I turned around Ethan 🙊 was standing right behind me Ahhh Jesus Ethan

E sorry I didn't mean to scare you are you OK
C Yeah I'm just putting some stuff away what's up
E oh no nothing is it cold up here or is it just me 
C No you know what is freezing up here I thought maybe you guys turned on the air-conditioning
E no we haven't been home all day but if you want I have a heater you can use it I'm just glad you're home wasn't the same without you
C That's sweet actually can you help me unpack I don't wanna stay upstairs alone
E uhh yeah sure of course what do you want me to put these uhh are what is this 
C oh that thing my grandmother gave it to me
E But what is it
C My grandmother believes in the evil lie set an evil lie so I keep negative in spiritual things away I told my grandmother What was going on in here
E Oh So basically he keeps anything away and it gives us like a good charm basically
G I hear a gift giving
C Look this is for the both of you I told my grandmother was going on but I never said anything to my parents so Grayson basically what it is it's called the evil lie it basically blocks out anything or are you say negative things that come towards you so whatever has been scratching you this will keep it away
Oh yeah and also this
E garlic and how the fuck garlic is supposed to help
G Yeah it's going to smell
C That's the point dimwits see every single Italian household has a roll of garlic and you don't open it up it just gives out my grandmother calls the spirits the bats because bags don't like garlic I hate it and they also don't like pumpkin they also hate Halloween which that's coming up pretty soon anyways are we have to do is just hang this up I'm pretty sure we have something in the kitchen
E So you mean this a roll of garlic is going to help us out why can't we just go to the grocery store and get mashed of garlic why does it have to look like this
C first of all if you open it of course it's going to stink but what I've heard my grandmother would always put garlic on top of the kitchen and any time something bad would happen the garlic gives out a scent do you understand
G so did you bring a big patch of a pumpkin
C No as long as you guys have the evil lie on your keychains nothing else should go wrong it's always on you you have your keys with you so whether you wanna hang it in the car or outside I got you guys two more in case you lose one
E Wow thanks Cassie but you're gonna keep the role of garlic right you're not actually gonna give that to us
C You're welcome and no obviously I'm gonna put it in the kitchen you guys won't smell it but whatever's in here will smell it and I'll probably leave us alone
G I hope so because there's been a lot of crazy activity when you were gone
C what are you talking about
E Well a lot of crazy things are happening upstairs in all the usual walking banging furniture moving we haven't seen anything but we've heard a lot of things
G for a little girl singing but we don't know what or who is here
E So let me ask you something Cassie does your grandmother know about these spiritual things
C She does that's why she gave me the evil lie in the garlic but she says if that doesn't work if it doesn't there's a thing called staging
G sure let's burn the house down
E what's staging 
C Sijing is you take burned up wood and you kind of let it all over the place so that smoke creates like a dynamic for anything that's evil it'll start to kind of minimize it away over time so that means that we have to do the entire house from top to bottom but I don't know if this house has an attic
G so we basically have to go around with a little paper thing in her hand and stone but is it gonna burn your hand or something
C No no it's not gonna burn us or nothing my grandmother will send it to us if it's necessary but it's pretty easy all I Gotta do is just go around the house but I got to make sure it's safe
E So it's basically like letting up a cigarette and then the smoke kind of like travels
C it's basically smoke it's not fire it's smoke one and I'll do it I'll just travel around the house and whatever is here I will smell it and it'll actually engage them to leave
G Well you've done more research than I've done in biology class you know a lot about the stuff  
C It's not really a big deal it's fine but listen I really have to start unpacking so maybe later on I can wake up for my big nap and maybe we can do something later if that's OK
G Only if you're up to it but yeah that be cool
C All right I'm gonna take a nap so I'll unpack later on
E OK night Cassie
C Night call me if there's anything

Later on that night
Cassie'sPOV After 3 1/2 hours of napping I heard someone calling my name so I got up trying to look up cute then I went downstairs to find Ethan and Grayson watching TV then as I turned around I felt something behind meI continue walking down the stairs and Grayson said hey Cassie do you want to go out and get something to eat I looked back and said sure Ethan 🙊 do you want to come Ethan 🙊 says we're all going because we are not leaving you alone I mean you haven't been with us for like an entire month and we missed you so do you wanna come and hang out sure why not there's nothing really in the fridge and I have to go shopping tomorrow so Let's go get something bigger truck holds and left lock the doors shut all the lights and made sure everything was closed we actually had an amazing time we are she went to a brand new burger joint that I just opened up we ordered some food and just hung out and chilled. We had a couple laughs here and there then when we were all about to leave the restaurant I told Ethan 🙊 and Grayson that I was going to go to the bathroom real quick I told him to wait outside after I was done

Cassie'sPOV I walked out and did my business then I looked up into the mirror and I saw her look like a young woman standing directly behind me and she vanished I froze in time when I turned back she was gone I left the bathroom I could see Ethan 🙊 and Grayson outside the doors E Cassie where are you going The hell is she going G I've no idea Cassie get back here E Cassie Cassie hey what's wrong C We got to go home right now somethings wrong  in my mind I knew something wasn't right at the house but what I saw was pure agony
E Cassie exactly tell us what happened
C somethings going on at home and I'm not going to say anything
G Well what the hell did you see it's like you saw something and it scared you
C just get home quickly please
E OK we're here let's go
C I am scared for my life at this point
G Cassie relax calm down
C No I'm not gonna come down open the fucking door  oh my god
E Cassie what th- Holy fuck
G Yo why are you gu- oh my god
C The house is fucking ruined the house is destroyed
G Dude who the hell was in this house though
E things all over the floor and I don't even know what to do
G dude I can't even see the fucking floor it's so full of glass
E Where is Cassie AHHHHH GUYSSS 

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