Chapter 26

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A/N: Hello friends!  Happy Halloween!  Halloween is my favortive holiday, and I even put it above my own birthday.  I would love to hear what you guys dressed up as because the costumes are my favourite part of this holiday.  I was Julian from The Arcana  (wish I could put a picture of my costume, but I cannot because of privacy reasons).  Hope you all enjoyed Halooween even though we can't trick or treat due to Covid-19.  Also, the image above is not mine.

Kai's Pov

"You look great guys," I say to my pets as I snap a picture.

Bucky happily barks before licking my hand.  Bucky is dressed as the Winter Soldier and Steve is Captian America (A/N: I would totally do this to my pets if I had any).

"Okay, I've got to go to work.  Be good boys," I instruct as I leave the house with my Halloween costume slung over my shoulder.

Once at the aquirmum, I had a difficult time entering the building without looking like I killed someone.  I had my costume in a bag, similar to a body sack, over my shoulder.  I got a few weird looks, but nobody asked anything.  I entered the building and saw that Sierra was dressed up as Minne Mouse (A/N: Honestly, I don't know what to dress Serria up as.  But I thought it would be cute if she forced Jack to be Mickey Mouse so she could be Minne).

"Nice costume Serria," I compliment as I walk up to her desk.

"Thanks," she responds.  "Where's your costume?"

"In the bag," I say as I gesture to my shoulder.

"What are you going to be?" Serria ask, excited.

"A mermaid.  I want to surprise the merformers," I smile.

"Good idea.  I'm sure you'll look wonderful," Serria says before we say our goodbyes and part.

I decide to go to the Autobot room first.  I have been neglecting them a bit.  I take a quick peek into the room and find it empty.  I walk in and make my way to the edge of the pool.  I sit down and start unzipping the sack.  I also take off my jacket to reveal my blue scale bikini top (A/N: image above).  I carefully wiggle into my mermaid tail before putting my oxygen mask on.  I dive under the water and flip my fin a bit to get used to the feeling.  I've been practicing in the unpredictable ocean, so swimming in still water should be easy enough.  I swim toward Ratchet's cave, ready to suprised him.  I'm half way there when I feel a tap on my shoulder.  I flip over and see Bumblebee.  He gives a curious chirp pointing to the tail.  He looks confused and excited at the same time.

"It's a costume, Bee.  I'm not a real mermiad," I explain.

Bee gives a small, sad chirp before running his fingers over the fake scales.

"I'm going to suprise Ratchet and Optimus," I say.

Bumblebee gives a nod before swimming off.  I then continue my journey to Ratchet's cave.

Ratchet's Pov

I carefully place the coral on a shelf before inspecting my work.  I nod to myself before swimming across the cave to get some seaweed.

"Hey Ratchet!" a voice exclaims from the entrance of the cave.

Recognizing the voice I don't turn around as I murmur a "hello."

"Are you busy?" Kai asks.

"A bit," I respond.

"Okay, I'll be quick then.  What do you think of my costume?" Kai asks.

I turn around and see Kai standing at the cave entrance.  I scan her form and see the cyan blue mermaid tail.  I swim around her as I inspect the tail.  I poke it lightly and I can instantly tell it's not real.  Same with the bikini top.  Arcee doesn't wear one of those.

Kai's face blushes and I realize I have said it aloud.  I rush to fix my mistake while also blushing.

"B-but that's just merformer culture..." I lamely start.

"It's fine Ratchet," Kai reassures.

I smile, "Are you going to show Optomus?"

"Of course.  Do you want to come?" Kai asks.

"Why not," I say as we swim out my cave, my work forgotten.

Optimus Prime's Pov

I was in a meeting with Ultra Magus when Kai and Ratchet swam around the corner.  I paused mid-sentence once my eyes found Kai.  Ultra Magus followed my gaze before giving me a wink.

"I'll leave you guys alone," he smirks while swimming away.

The three of us blush a dark blue/red.  The silence is broken when Kai starts to talk.

"What do you think?" she asks.

"You look gorgeous," I respond and give her a quick kiss on the corner of her lips.

"You could fool anyone," Ratchet adds.

Kai smiles before giving me a quick kiss.

We both offer to give Kai a full tour of our tank.  She has seen most of it, but not all of it.  Ratchet shows her the coral patch and I bring her to our personal living area.  It is basically a collection of caves with sleeping quarters in them.  After the tour wad over, Kai said she had to go feed the Decpeticons.  We guided her back to the surface and watched her squirm out of the tail.  She slipped on her shorts over her blue bikini bottoms.  Then she slipped out of the room with a quick goodbye.

Ratchet and I an both agree that seeing Kai in a mermaid tail has us a bit excited (A/N: No, not what you're think perverts).

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