Chapter 45

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A/N: I am going to start giving birthday shout outs in my chapters.  Just message me and tell me when your birthday is and I will include it in a chapter.  So, Happy Birthday Marvel1Maiden! 🎂🎉

Mrs. Sedna's POV

The guilt weighs heavily on my heart and soul.  Why didn't I stop him from telling Silas everything?  I sigh and resume making myself a cup of tea.  I dump the tea bag into the hot water before looking out the window.

"I'm home," Ezili says from the house's entrance.

"I'm in the kitchen," I reply.

I hear shuffling and many voices so I peek my head into the living room and see a group of kids.

"These are some of my friends.  They are going to stay the night, kind of like a sleepover," Ezili explains.

"Nice to meet you," I greet.

The teens all say their own greetings before settling down.

"Well, your father and I are going to go visit an old friend.  We will be home late so don't worry about us," I say to Ezili as I set my teacup down.

Ezili nods as I take my leave and find my husband in our temporary room.

"You ready?" I ask him.

"Yes, one second," Mr. Sedna says while fumbling with his tie.

I walk to him and help adjust his tie before smiling.  My husband gives a small smile before clearing his throat and grabbing a briefcase on the floor.  We say goodbye to Kai and her friends before leaving the house.

Anthony's Pov

The door closes and Kai quickly locks it before coming to sit on the floor in front of the sofa.  All of us are scattered around the living room with Bucky and Steve watching us.

"Where's Sailor?" I ask, realizing that the merformer pup was no where to be found.

"With the Autobots.  He should be fine though, they will protect him," Kai says, sounding a bit concerned.

"Soooo, what's our next move?" Miko asks.

"I don't know.  We don't have any evidence that Agent Silas is bad.  We could just be paranoid for all we know," Kai says.

"All of us don't trust him, that has to be something more than a coincidence," Sierra says.

"Agreed," Raf says.

"They need the key to get into the rooms and I still have it," Kai informs.

"It's just a door, they can break in if they need to," I reason.

"True," Kai agrees.

"Our priority is to keep the merformers safe," Sierra reminds us.

"Yes!  Jailbreak!" Miko exclaims.

"No, we can't do that," Jack says.  "Like Kai said we could just be paranoid and Agent Silas is not actually a threat."

"This is so difficult," Kai murmurs while rubbing her temples.

Steve and Bucky sense her distress and comfort her by licking her hands.  She thanks them by kissing their heads.  Steve then jumps into Sierra's lap and Bucky comes to sit next to me on the floor.

"We need solid evidence before we accuse anyone," Jack says.

"But how do we get it?" Raf ponders.

We all sit in silence before Miko suggests taking a break.  Kai agrees and gets up to grab some snacks from the kitchen.  Kai soon returns with some snacks and drinks.

"I think we should return to the aquarium tomorrow and observe Agent Silas, we shouldn't jump to conclusions yet," Kai suggests.

We all agree and resume eating quietly.

Agent Silas' Pov

Standing in front of the red merformer door, I scan the key card my lieutenant gave me.  The light flashes red.  In confusion I scan it again, once again getting a red flash.  I look at the card and read the tiny font.

"Dolphin room, you idiot," I seeth at my lieutenant.

"I apologize, sir," he says as I sigh in frustration.

"Get the heavy duty equipment.  We are breaking down this damn door," I command.

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