Chapter 42

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Kai's Pov

The next day, the aquarium was quiet and peaceful.  That was, until a concerned Seirra burst into the Autobot's room.

"Aygun Fitfver ijtjns ghonjtfe," Seirra quickly says.

"Okay, repeat that one more time but slowly," I instruct the frantic Seirra.

Seirra takes a shaky breath before repeating her previous statement in more detail, "I was sitting at my desk and some visitor had a question about the fundraiser tomorrow.  I didn't know the answer so I was going to ask Agent Fowler.  But when I reached his office, the area was trashed and I couldn't find Agent Fowler anywhere."

I'm still a bit shocked by her words, so I simply sit there.

"You should call Agent Fowler, I'm sure there is probably an explanation for this," Optimus suggests from the pool.

"I've tried, but he hasn't been responding," Sierra says.

"Then we should call the authorities," I suggest.

Sierra nods before whipping out her phone and walking to the corner of the room as she dials.

"I'm going to check out the room," I inform Optimus.

He also nods and I walk out of the room and make my way down the hallway.  I navigate the hallways until I find Agnet Fowler's office.  I cautiously open the door to find it indeed trashed.  All of the cabinets and drawers are open with files and papers all around the room.  I move my feet into the open spots on the floor, not wanting to step on important papers.

I scanned the flies on the desk, most of them are daily reports and schedules.  I see a picture frame of Agent Fowler and another guy on the desk.  The frame is broken so I carefully take the image in my hand.  Agent Fowler looks a few years younger and the other man has a rectangular face, grey hair, and some scars on his face.  I put the picture down and scan the room one more time before leaving.

Soundwaves Pov

I can hear the sirens even from deep inside of the building and under the water.  I also hear a rush of footsteps that pass our door, but they soon reside into the distance.  I wonder if a new marine animal is being added to the aquarium, but I brush it off and focus my attention to the meeting.

If you even want to call it a meeting.  Megatron is basically snarking everyone, saying how incompetent they are and how no one is a true Decepticon.  His comments were not directed to me, of course.  We had a new found respect for each other since we both share Kai.

"Diamissed, you pieces of scrap," Megatron commands.

Shockwave, Starscream, Breakdown, Knockout, Arachnid, Skyquake, Dreadwing, and Makeshift file out of the room, most of them grumbling under their breath.

"That was a disaster," Megatron sighs.

"They are the disaster, it is not your fault," I offer.

Megatron gives a small smile before suggesting we check if Kai has arrived yet.  We both surface and see no one there.  The wait for a few minutes and we are soon rewarded when the door opens. 

"Morning, love," Megatron greets.

"Good morning, guys," she returns before plopping herself on the ground.

"Why are you late?" I ask.

"Agent Fowler is missing.  The police have arrived and were questioning most of the staff," Kai explains.

"I never liked him very much, good riddance," Megatron states.

Kai shoots him a look before saying that they are going to find another agent to take over Fowler's position until he is found.

I nod thoughtfully before inquiring about the fundraiser tomorrow.  I heard some of the staff talking about it outside of our room.

Kai smiles, "We're going to open up the Autobot room tomorrow.  People who pay an extra cost get to meet the Autobots in person.  The money will go to renovating some of the tanks and building new structures.  I do wish that your room could be open too."

Megatron pats Kai's head and is about to say something when Sierra runs into the room.  The female human must be scared of a greater threat because she is usually scared of us and avoids our room.

"Are you okay?" Kai asks as she stands up.

"He's here," Sierra informs us.

"Who's here?" Kai questions.

Sierra responds with, "Colonel Silas is here."

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