Chapter 23

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A/N: Sorry if I'm dragging this story out, but there is still a long way to go.

Meagtron's Pov

Our little water fight ended with Kai dominating us.  She says she has learned a lot from the Autobots.  But I bet she could learn more from us.

Kai soon had to leave, and we departed with a quick kiss.  After the door shut, Soundwave spoke.

"We should give her something.  Something to prove that we are better than the Autobots," he suggests.

"Agreed, but what?  Our tank isn't the fanciest and we barely have any pretty material," I grumble.

"Knockout," Soundwave answers.

True, the shiny mech collected all the pretty and shiny shells when we first moved into the tank.  He's bound to have something we can give to Kai.

"Let's go find him then," I command as we dive under the water.  As we swim, an idea pops into my head.  My sleeping quarters has a pocket of air in it, we could decorate the small area for Kai.

We soon arrive at the medbay and I knock on the rocky walls.

"My Lord, I wasn't expecting you today," Knockout bows as we enter the cave.

"We are looking for something you might have," I say.

"And what might that be my Lord?  I will give anything for you," Knockout smiles.

"Shell collection," Soundwave answers in his mechanical voice.

Knockout pauses before slowly nodding, "And what might you need them for my Liege?"

"Something for Kai," I respond.

"Of course, follow me," Knockout says.

We follow him to the back of the medbay and behind a seaweed curtain to his bedroom.  I look at the rocky shelves, lined with pretty shells.  They shine in all their glory.  Soundwave starts to browse and I follow suit.  I'm suprised to find small gems along Konockout's collection.  I stumble upon a cyan blue crystal.  I delicatly pick it up and hold it up to show Soundwave.  He nods in approval while grabbing a few shells.

"That will be all," I announce as we leave the cave.

We could hear Knockout's protest but we ignored them.

Soundwave's Pov

We carries our loot to Megatron's bedroom.  He said he has a plan, and I trust him that it'll be good.  We arrive at a little pocket of air and Megatron lays out his plan.  We are to decorate the area with seaweed and the shells we snatched from Knockout.  He hands me the gem and I get to work on making it a necklace.  Using some seaweed I make the string.  I skillfuly wrap the seaweed string around the gem, making sure the gem won't fall loose.  Megatron swims off to collect colored seaweed and corals.  When he returns I present the blue crystal necklace.  He nods in approval and we work together to make the area perfect.  Once we finish we look at our work.

"Looks good," Megatron says.

I nod as I survey the cave.  On the rocky ground we have set up a seaweed bed so Kai has something soft to sit on.  Hanging on the ceiling are rows of seaweed with colorful shells.  We have scattered a few corals here and there to add color.  Now we must wait until tomorrow, to show Kai how deep our love is for her.

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