Chapter 25

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Kai's Pov

I lean against the Decepticon door, my face a blushing mess. I run my fingers over the marks on my neck before trying to hide it with my wet hair. Once I'm sure the Autobot's won't notice them, I enter the room. I casually pass out the fishes, sometimes checking my hair position.

"Hi, Kai," Ratchet greets.

"Hi," I return ad I give him his fishes.

He squints at my neck suspiciously before asking what I'm hiding.

"Nothing. Would you like a pumpkin?" I ask, trying to change the topic.

"It's that time of year again," Ratchet sighs.

"Do you want to help me decorate?" I offer.

"I guess so," Ratchet agrees.

I smile and grab some pumpkins before jumping into the pool. Ratchet takes some of the pumpkins from my arms and guides me to the open area where people can view the merformers. We both randomly place the pumpkins, drawing attention from some people visiting the aquarium.

I give a quick wave to the audience before we swim back to the private living area. Before we break the water's surface, we bump into Optimus.

Optimus Prime's Pov

"Hi, Optimus," Kai smiles.

I open my mouth to respond, but I notice some bruises on Kai's neck. I gently brush her hair aside and trace my webbed fingers over the marks.

"What happened," I ask, concerned.

"Nothing bad happened. I'm fine, really," Kai babbled out, blushing.

"Who did this to you?" Ratchet asks as he leans in to inspect them.

Before Kai can answer, Ratchet chuckles. His cheeks are dusted a shade of blue.

"They're hickeys, Optimus," Ratchet says.

My eyes widen a bit before I smile.

"Did Megatron and Soundwave give them to you?" I ask.

"Who else?" Kai says. "Honesty, they took me by suprise."

"I suppose they also gave you that necklace," Ratchet observes.

Kai nods. It seems that Megatron and Soundwave might be getting a bit competitive. Maybe it is time to step out of our comfort zones to prove that we are also worthy for Kai. Ratchet must be thinking the same thing because he tries to seductively kiss Kai.

"Do you wish for us to give you hickeys as well?" I ask.

Kai blushes, but smiles.

"Why not, now I can at least say they came from all of my lover," Kai answers.

We grab her hands and lead her to the cave where we had our first kiss. We surface at the pocket of air and we just passionately kiss for a few minutes. We stayed in the water, Kai had her legs tangled in our tails/tenatcles. I gently bite her flesh before sucking the wound. She winces a bit, probably sore from Megatron's and Soundwave's display of affection. Ratchet is behind her, attempting to give her a hickey.

"Am I doing this right?" he questions when he did not get the desired product.

"No, not quite right," Kai giggles.

She turned to face him kissing his neck.

"May I?" She asks.

Ratchet nods as he blushes. Kai bites into his scales, being careful not to tear them off. After she's done she swims back into my arms to admire her work.

"So that's how you do it. Let me try again," Ratchet says as he leans into her neck again.

We spent a few more minute like this. We either would both be giving Kai love bites, or she would be giving them to us. After we finally decided to stop, we rested on the floor of the small cave. I entertained myself by twirling Kai's hair with one of my finger while she played with one of Ratchet's tentacles. We sat in mutual silence until Kai gazed at her watch before exclaiming that the aquarium was going to close soon. We bought her back to the surface and bid her farewell.

I must say, those long minutes in the cave were quite enjoyable. We must try it again another time.

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