Chapter 44

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Optimus Prime's Pov

I hear a commotion outside of the door and I hull myself onto the floor.  Kai opens the door and steps in with our other fellow humans.

"So uptight, I mean geez," Miko is ranting as they near the pool.

"Well, get used to it.  He's here to stay," Jack responds to Miko.

"Who, may I ask, are you talk about," I inquire.

"Oh, right.  Agent Fowler is missing so we have a new head keeper," Raf explains to me.

"You don't like this new agent?" I ask.

"Of course not, Agent Fowler was more chill, but this Agent Silas is so boring," Miko says while dramatically flopping herself on the floor.

Jack and Sierra both roll their eyes before sitting down too.

"We just don't like him because he doesn't seem the nicest," Raf says.

"Don't worry.  Your guardians and I will not let them hurt you, if this Agent Silas is dangerous," I comfort the children.

"Thanks," Kai speaks for all of the teens.

A quiet knock on the door gets Kai walking to the door and opening it.

"Why are you guys all hiding in here?" Anthony jokes as he walks in.  "Also, why are there a lot of weird people in the lobby?"

The group quickly explains the situation, catching Anthony up to date.

"Okay, then..." Anthony says.

Before the conversation can be continued, another knock at the door is heard.

Agent Silas' Pov

"Where is it?  Where is it?" I mutter as I open the drawers in the desk.

"Useless...didn't he keep copies of the keys?" I say as I continue my search in the office

I sigh in frustration as my lieutenant steps into the room.

"Do you need some help?" he asks.

"Yes.  Go see if you can find a staff member.  I want the merformer's room keys," I intruct.

He salutes before walking out of the room.

Kai's Pov

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"Yes, I need your key for this room," the man standing in front of me asks.

"May I ask why?" I question.

"You don't need to know.  Key please," he says as he holds out his hand.

I reach into my pocket and hand him a key card.  He thanks me and walks away.  I close the door and walk back to the group.

"We need to leave or camp out in this room," I tell the group.

"Why," Anthony asks, "I just got here."

"One of the new agents came and asked me for the merformer's room key card," I say.

"Did you give it to him?" Optimus asks.

"No.  I gave him the one to the dolphin room, Sierra gave it to me when I wanted to see the dolphins," I respond.

"I don't trust them and I think they might harm you," I specifically tell Optimus.

"They'll come back when they realize they have the wrong key," Raf reasons.

"I know, but should we run or hide?" I ask.

"It is not safe here, I think you should leave for now," Optimus adds his opinion.

"I agree, live to fight another day," Sierra says.

"Okay, I think we should stay together though.  We could all have a "sleep over" at my house and discuss our next move," I offer.

"Great idea.  Let's get out of here," Anthony says, standing up.

They head toward the door, but Optimus holds me back.

"Be careful," he says.

"Don't worry, as long as we stay together we'll be fine," I reassure as I kiss his cheek.

I get up and meet the group at the door.  Miko peeks her head out the door.

"All clear, let's go," she says as we make a run to the aquarium entrance.

Jack jumps onto his motorcycle with Sierra sitting behind him, while Anthony gets into his car.  Miko and Raf both join me in my car as we leave the aquarium.  There are soldiers guarding the ticket booth, but they let us pass.

We all meet up at my house and I unlock the house before everyone files in.  Hopefully, now we are safe.

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