Day 27 - Angel/Demon - Buddie

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Christopher had been at school when Bucky and Eddie got into the crash. Chris was happily doing his work when Carla came into the room with his teacher that had stepped out.

"Chris, sweetheart, could you grab your stuff and go with Carla?" Ms.Flores asks and Chris nods, collecting his papers and school bag. He notices the grim expressions on both his teacher and Carla's faces. Chris knows that face.

That was the face his dad wore before telling him his mom had died. That was the face his dad wore when he told him his Bucky wouldn't be around for a bit because of grown up issues.

But this had another darkness to it.

Chris follows Carla out to her car and he sits in his seat like a good kid and watches Carla.

"Carla. What happened?" Chris asks and Carla lets out a sigh.

"Your dad and Bucky got into a car crash, buddy," Carla says and Chris feels things freeze around him.

"Are they okay?" He asks gently, not sure if he's ready to hear the answer

"I don't know, buddy," Carla replies and looks at him in the rear view mirror. Chris feels no stomach drop to the floor as Carla drives towards the hospital.

They get there and Chris sees the 118 sitting in the waiting room chairs. Hen and Chimney smile at Chris as he crawls into a chair next to May. May gently holds Chris's hand at his prompting and he feels comforted by the touch. 

He sits there and listens to the other people talk, but he doesn't grasp any of it. He didn't feel like this when his dad told him about mom. I mean, yeah, he was broken up about it, but he still had his dad in the end and then he gained Bucky, but now at the chance that that could all go away like his mother, makes Chris sick.

Chris thinks back to a few nights ago, probably over two weeks. He was supposed to be sleeping, but woke up parched. He went to get a glass of water when he over heard his dad and Bucky talking.

"Eddie, you don't want me."

"Yes, I do, Buck. Why do you think I follow your ass everywhere to make sure you're safe? Why do you think I've introduced you into Christopher's life so quickly? I've never felt this way for anyone, Buck. Something about you and your dumbass just reels me in and I've been stuck."


"Don't 'Eddie...' me, Evan Buckley. I want you to be boyfriend, now will you?"

*sniffles* "Yeah. Yeah, I will."

Christopher had smiled and went back to bed in peace and the next morning, he saw Buck kiss Eddie the next morning in the kitchen and even though Chris was glad they got their heads out of their butts, as his dad would say, it was still gross.

"Bobby Nash?" A nurses asks and that's when Chris looks up at the nurse. Her and Bobby talk for a bit before Bobby waves to Maddie. She gets up and Chris follows. He wants to see his Bucky.

"Are you going to see Bucky?" Chris asks and Maddie nods, smiling with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, Chris, you wanna come?" She asks and Chris nods. He follows behind her, Bobby leading the way.

"This must be Christopher, Buck's son," the nurse says and Chris smiles proudly. He is Buck's son and Buck is his dad.

"Like, actual son?" Maddie asks and the nurse nods.

"Yeah, we got papers a couple days ago about the legal adoption when he started dating Mr.Diaz," she says and Maddie looks to Bobby then at Chris.

"They told me not to tel because they wanted it to be a surprise," Chris says and he looks into the room. He sees Buck laying in the bed and pushed past his aunt and grandpa. He gets to the side of the bed and crawls into the chair next to his left side.

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