Day 10 - Dragon - Tarlos

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TK had a pet dragon when he was younger. After wining and loving the dragon for three years, the dragon, who he named Carlos, flew away. TK searched for him for days, but never found him.

TK had sulked for weeks after that, no longer finding much joy in anything.

Ten years later, TK is living a life of his own, going to college and living life on day at a time. He was just casually working on homework at his father's farm when a gust of air surrounds him. He played it off as the wind until the ground beneath him rumbled. He looks up and sees a medium sized dragon.

The same one from his childhood. TK smiles and jumps up, watching as the dragon shifted into his human form.

"Carlos!" He cheered and ran forward. The other man smiles and laughs, running forward too. They embrace and TK sighs.

"I missed you," TK whispers and Carlos smiles against his neck.

"I missed you to, Tyler, I missed you too."

Halloween Drabbles/One Shots 2020Where stories live. Discover now