Day 15 - Familiar - Jorbyn

15 1 5

Jonah looks at the photo on the metal table. It was of a blond boy.

"Do you know this man?" The cop asks, eyes watching him curiously. Jonah picks up the photo and stares at the face smiling at him. It seems so familiar, but nothing is clicking.

"I..I." Jonah does know this man, but from where?

"His name is Corbyn Besson. He was murdered two days ago," the cop informs him with a sad smile. Suddenly, everything clicked into place. Jonah's eyes fill with tears and the cop slowly takes the photo from him.

Jonah sits back and stares at the light glinting off the metal in front of him.

"I'll give you some time." He leaves the room and Jonah stares still. Corbyn Besson, his childhood best friend who left him once they turned 18. How had he forgotten him? Him and Corbyn had been so close and now four years later, he doesn't even recognize and photo he took.

That had been the day before Jonah's seventeenth birthday. He had wanted to capture Corbyn's smile to keep forever. He had been so in love with the blond. He noticed how Corbyn was miserable, but he was always smiling around Jonah, and they were true smiles.

When the cop came back in, he explained how Corbyn had been beaten to death by his ex girlfriend and Jonah grew mad. The cop said the girl had been sentenced to life in prison and Jonah felt a bit better. (Don't worry, it wasn't Christina)

He went home that night numb and explained to his mother why the cops had come to the door. He could see the pain on her face and it made him feel all the worse.

That night, Jonah dreamed about Corbyn and saving him.

Again, this is for you BESS0NSBADGUY  and
I hope you liked it!

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