Day 25 - Fish - Sterek

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Stiles learned that Derek didn't like fish when one day he asked Stiles what he wanted for lunch. Stiles said he'd seen a sushi place downtown just open  up and Derek had scrunched his nose.

Stiles didn't question it and just said that burger place works too.

Stiles brought a platter of fish to the house the next time to see what Derek's reaction would be. He set it on his desk then wandered off. When he heard the loft door open and a gag, he knew Derek was home.

"Stiles!" He yells before he finds him, grabbing him by the back of his neck. Stiles squeaked and let himself be drug my Derek. "Take this shit out, now,"Derek growled and Stiles giggles.

"What? Don't like fish?" He watches as Derek eyes them, his eyes going blank then his nose scrunching again.

"Bad memories," was all Derek offered before dropping Stiles and going to his bedroom. Stiles threw out the fish before running after Derek.

"I'm sorry, Der, will you forgive me?" Stiles asks and Derek nods gently, burying his face into Stiles' neck, smelling his sweet scent instead of that horrid fish smell.

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