New Friends?

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XVII - Emily

I awoke to the sudden rustling in the leaves. I jerked my head up in an instant, followed by the rapid eye movement to search for the disturbance. Our camp was situated adjacent to a dirt path into the forest about thirty meters out, but we didn't enter. I violently shook Tanner to awake him as I should for everyone to get up.

Zach and Katrina snapped to attention, listening the the leaves rustle as well. Jeremy eventually rose from slumber, and I realized Daryn was already up and awake.

Out of a bush, I noticed two young, short children. Their legs took them far. Immediately, in an effort to help them, I quickly sprinted for them into the forest and was followed by Tanner, Katrina, and Zach. Jeremy and Daryn remained at camp.

"What did you see?" Zach called from behind.

"Kids, I think."

"We have to help them!" Katrina responded.

"They must have thought we were zombies."

"They saw us though!"

"They're scared then," Tanner added. "They probably have other people too; they wouldn't be surviving by themselves at their age."

"Neither would we be," I contested.

"That's why we're dying."

My breath intensified as Zach and Katrina slowed. We neared the kids but they were swift for their age. My skin began to tighten as we searched for these children, who made it hard to be friends. Soon, the other two had given up, leaving Tanner and I to catch up. They began to slow. It was finally time to meet them.

"Hey!" a deep, masculine voice called.

My heart beat quicker than a drummer.

"What are you two doing out so far away?"

"Don't harass the kids, Thomas," a gentle female voice responded.

I saw him. He saw me. Then, I was ambushed and shoved onto the stone hard light dirt. Tanner almost called for me, but he experienced the same. Before I could get up, two sweat engulfed palms reached to blindfold me. Then, my arms were held to my back.

"It'll be okay," he said. "Don't squirm!"

Tanner shouted for help, but the only attention he received was somebody tying him up in some way, I supposed. Rapid footsteps smacked the ground. They went somewhere, but I didn't know where.

I thought maybe we could have more company. We could have become friends at that point and join together, but each begged to differ.

"What do we do?" a boy panicked, presumably Thomas.

"I don't know, but we don't have time to think!"

"Hey let me go!" Tanner screeched.

I couldn't see, but I thought he was being held by his arms to his back. He continued to cry for help.

"Let me go! Come on! What's the big deal?"

I heard a thud to the ground, synchronized with a grunt from my friend. The footsteps returned, but this time led somewhere else. Next, I was released onto the ground by my captor. In a rush, I unveiled the world beyond my mask. In the distance was five figures, running together, running away. Tanner did not jolt up to chase them, but instead glared in confusion to their direction.

"Who were they?" Zach questioned me, who had just arrived with Katrina few minutes later.

"Not our friends."

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