Back To A City

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XVIII - Tanner

They were out of sight, which we assumed forever.

Emily, Zach, Katrina, and I returned to the camp ten minutes after the event with droopy shoulders and a sagged heavy breathing pattern. Jeremy and Daryn had neatly folded and packed away our tents, ready for us to haul. I could see seven or eight enormous buildings towering in the distance; it was time to return to mass civilization after being gone from our home town for a couple days.

As we approached the suburbs and streets of the many neighborhoods, we would watch as zombies neared us in the distance. They couldn't understand that we were there, and we worried for the time that a chain of followers began. Emily clutched her backpack, as if it provided safety.

Zach and Jeremy hauled the tents as if they were Egyptian slaves while the rest of us tread lighter on our feet. We continued to quietly make our way to the town center to find the evacuation center, as Jake wished us to do.

We hit the suburbs when mid day had come, but this time there were less zombies. First, I approached one with Cole's pistol readied in my hands.

"Don't," Daryn warned me.

Followed by her words was Zach and Jeremy with the knives I had given them days ago. Jeremy kicked the zombie in the side stomach, crumbling to the asphalt street. Theatrical was followed up by Zach with an aggressive stab to the head. It was energy consuming, but it was quite; thanks Daryn.

After recovering breath, two joined us to continue the the town center. It took us about fifteen minutes to escape the houses and enter the metropolitan area. The vehicle congestion increased in size while the zombie number increased.

We only fought a few times; all others were avoided as well as possible. The temperatures rose, but we're still freezing. We hadn't snow since the New Year celebration, but it was light and was already gone. That winter was oddly warmer and dryer. Usually, snow was common, but that year was different.

The whole day flew by but travel seemed to be lengthy that day, perhaps because there was much too see; towering office buildings, parks, and random peculiar statues laid out everywhere. My calfs burned from extensive walking.

Eventually, we reached the the downtown area. A sign read the city's name; Downtown Boston.

My foot impacted the bridge. I remembered my bother. He was there, in Boston. He was in the same class as Katrina's brother. They had a field trip to Boston, and I remembered once I got there. I remember what building it was. Quietly, I lowly took direction of the group and led us to Montogmery building, a couple miles farther into town.

"The center is that way isn't it?" Daryn asked.

"Let's avoid the obvious way," I replied.

"How much food is left?" Katrina asked.

"I've got a little."

I searched for a granola bar and handed it to Katrina, followed by the approaching of a zombie. Zach knew it; his body immediately turned around to fight. This time, I readied my kitchen knife, instead of a firing weapon.

This time, Zach gave a forceful tackle to the zombie, but slid and fell on gravel. The zombie hands reached for him, by Katrina rushed to save him; a stock block caved the face in of the enemy, splattering blood everywhere and onto Zach's clothes. I turned away in horror. I could see the brain, blood, skull, and other grotesque bodily items. Luckily for me, my head turn revealed my brother's supposed location.

"Adam Mortuary, Titus Law Firm, Montgomery Business Building, Boston Central, all across the bridge," I read aloud.

Katrina's face lit up like a lightbulb; she knew too.

"The sun is coming down already," Katrina began. "Let's go take shelter."

Without my suggestion, she took us across the bridge, leading us to exactly where I hoped she would; the Montogmery Busniess Building. Zombies lingered in the street, but we ran as we were close to our destination.
Everyone else other than Katrina and I was puzzled by our direction as they hadn't a motive to go anywhere.

"Where are we going?" Daryn demanded.

"We're going to hole up in a building for the night, maybe right here?" Katrina replied in question.

"Let's just go," Zach commanded as we entered an alleyway.

"Zach, lets handle this," Jeremy said, readying his kitchen knife.

The two hurried off to perform the same combat tactic they developed before, effectively riding us of its danger. They regained their breathing as I waltzed to the back door, making sure it was the right one. I jiggled the handle, and to my surprise, the door swung open, letting the freezing winter winds inside the basement room.

I felt a blast of heat being thrown into my face as the two temperatures met. Emily hurried inside to warm herself. Zach and Jeremy followed in response to our new shelter discovery. We had finally found a place where we wouldn't be freezing our butts off every night. The rest of us entered without hesitation.

It was warm like we had at least four blankets to cover us, but there was light and there was food; someone was there. We waltzed down the steps to the split level room to find a metallic table centered in the room with a bright, eye blinding light in centering the ceiling. Stacks of food was stockpiled at the right side where counters and tables were set up. I thought maybe we had stumbled upon rescue, but it didn't seem anybody was home. Next to the door was a bow and handmade quiver of arrows leaning against the stone wall, but the bow seemed as if it was for a child as it had no pulleys on it.

There was a massive, wall piano sized cardboard boxed set in the corner, opening up towards the room with a foot jutting out of it. I halted further inspection to find out who was in there. I hoped it was him. I wanted to see my little brother again. Katrina followed me because she noticed it too.

I opened the flap to reveal the identity.

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