Guns, But Not For Me?

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XI - Luke

Denys was one of the weaklings. She didn't have the strength to keep going, but I wasn't sure if it was mental or physical.

After leading the group to safety, they followed me going down the road. We had run quickly enough to get off the axis road in three minutes or less. Be ashes the sun was soon to set we needed to find a place to stay. Jake directed us to a restaurant; Lenny's. As soon as we reached the lot, we sucked down and inched along cars to find the entrance.

"Wait, looks in the windows first," Emily asked, then Katrina took the liberty of fulfilling her.

"Nothing. It's banged up in there though, so there may be someone in there hiding."

"Oh, good."

"Everyone keep alert," Cole began. "Keep your eyes on everything."

"Yes, everyone, weapons out," Katrina added.

Jake fumbled with the door handle.

"It's unlocked. Everyone ready?"

"Yeah," everyone whispered in synchronization, and then I saw the zombie horde in the distance.

"Quickly, inside!"

Jake lead the group in a cluster, and at the same time, Katrina was managing her way to the front. She didn't deserve to be leader. Especially when there was older people such as Jake and myself. In response, I did the same. Clearly, Jake felt ambushed because he forced Katrina and I off of him; it got to that point.

"Watch out!" he shouted.

Everyone's attention was brought to us. Katrina, the lesser one, backed down by returning to her spot.

"False alarm!"

My words brought ease to their minds. Their sighs of relief allowed them all to continue staring at everything else. Then, it was real. Greg slipped back. His eyes widened immensely, as did his mouth to screech. Being the fighter I always was, I done to help him. It was the best way to earn more trust from the new group. I peeled out my knife slicker than hair and threw force into the face to impale a zombie, but in the wrong spot. Daryn tackled it off of Greg. Embarrassed from attempt one, I chuckled and retried. The second time, I ended the zombie with a impalement to the head.

"Thanks," he said.

"No problem," I replied, but then realized he meant Daryn.

We split up. Everything else was fine. We checked at least four times, but nothing turned up. We figured everyone had fled because you wouldn't find non perishable food items in a restaurant.

"There's the horde," Cole said unsteady as he gulped his fear.

"They'll pass by if we just hide. Cole, how do you even see in this lighting?"

"Let's go to the bathrooms," Catherine suggested. "I don't think the kitchen is a suitable place. Besides, there was obviously a fire in there. It's disgusting.

She stuck her tongue out to it to prove it.

Without question, we moved ourselves into the bathrooms; coed. Nobody wanted to be all one anyways, at least not in darkness blacker than the night itself. I took the first nightshift with Daryn. Later, we switched out with Tanner and Jake.

I awoke to vigorous shaking from Cole.

"Get up!"

"The sun is barely up! What's wrong!"

"They never left!"

"What do you mean they never left?"

"The zombies are coming back get up! Get up! Get up!"

My head straightened split second; my head bruised Cole's and he tripped back from excitement.

"Ow!" he exclaimed.


"Doesn't matter we need to go," Zach interrupted. "Daryn and Jake are doing something with a car. I don't know what though."

"Let's get out of here!"

I gathered my knife hidden under my sweater. Quickly, I slapped my dark violet sweater onto my body and jolted up from the bare linoleum floor. In fright, but collection, we rushed to the entrance. As we stormed outside into the nose stinging January weather, a minivan with our two teenagers halted at our sight.

"Hop in!" Jake shouted.

"Eleven people in a minivan?"

"It's all we've got."

Naturally, sacrificed a seat and climbed in the back through the rear hatch. I was followed by Cole and Catherine.

"Oh by the way, there's a pistol to whoever wants it," Daryn shouted from the front. "I have a shotgun now!"

I went to reach for it, but I was beaten; Cole. What was he going to do with a gun? He couldn't even fight! He protected Catherine and that was his job! I deserved the weapon, not Cole. Even worse, next would have been Tanner had Cole not grabbed it.

Nobody knew how to fight; only me. I couldn't believe my eyes. I watched Cole slowly slide the automatic weapon slide in to his pocket slick like steel. Then, I realized we were already out of the parking lot on our way somewhere, but seriously, guns, but not for me?

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