Back To The Cafeteria

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I ran. Emily followed me. We ran while the zombies trudged as if they were in molasses but in a terrifying manner. Mr. Manning, the theatre teacher, was inside his room. Then the zombies came. They had him, but not me. Some were unlucky, while some were.

"Slow down!" she yelped without ample breath.

"You still need to hurry!"

Another boy was with us; probably a sixth grade student.

"They're coming from over there!"

More young students joined the fleeing crew.

"Ashley!" one yelled as her friend was consumed by the tragedies.

"Help me!" cried a boy after he became constricted.

Emily's hands reached for a door handle, and stronger hands reached for her. With abundant force, I tackled the monstrous being off of her. More shrieks of terror. I lobbed my trembling body inside a computer lab.

"Close the door!" Emily shrieked, but she didn't have to tell me.

Nobody else requested entry. There was nobody to request entry. Nobody was left alive.

A door to the library was gleaming bright at the other side.

"An exit!" I shouted in joy.

The door handle was locked. Pounding on the door was increasing from the zombies. I wasn't sure if this was real or not, but I doubted it did. I collapsed onto my death bed. Were the zombies even real? I must have been insane. Then, I realized I was not. Emily used her elbow for willing sacrifice to smash the door window. After yelping in pain, she frantically twisted the handle from the other side, allowing access. I was grabbed by my hoodie and dragged across the floor. Afterwards, I lifted myself up, and continued.

Peering over a shelf of good reads were my friends; Catherine, Cole, Zach, and a sobbing Katrina. Shelbie wasn't there, who was Katrina's best friend. I knew she was gone, and they knew too, but I couldn't believe it at first. One of my friends, at a young age, died. Such events are very rare that belief is beyond my will power. It happened. Shelbie died.

We just ran.

Denys did nothing. She sifted her hand through her hair multiple times, but halted at the sight of her friends. She joined us, feeling happy.

We just ran.

What could we have done? Our feet tired and our calfs burned. Our eyes steered into the lightless cafeteria. Nobody was inside. Not even the zombies. We ran inside in instinct. We then propped chairs to the doors for safety and made out way to the lines. We shy the gates and hid in the kitchen.

There was seven; Catherine, Katrina, Zach, Emily, Denys, Cole, and I.

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