Three Hundred Meter Walk

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IV - Zach

The hallways, narrow, housed the crowds. The athletes, nerds, gamers, popular girls, and the common rabble all trudged the stained tile floor three hundred meters to our next destination; the cafeteria. Of course, the news had etched itself into my mind right when a male voice announced for school to end.

The screeching dissonance of fire trucks blared as several zoomed past our school. My peers, one by one, loaded themselves into their family vehicles, disappearing form my sight forever. Then it stopped. At least three people still remained. The trail of cars ceased.

I sat in the cafeteria with Luke and Jeremy, a couple friends of mine. I glance over to the windows showing view above my neighborhood.

I didn't want it anymore. Ashy smoke rose in the air from the direction, and maybe that's why my parents never showed up. I never saw it again, but I just knew it was gone. Some kid was near me, and he lived in the same neighborhood. His mouth was barely open and his eyebrows rose to his hair. His eyes, wide, gazed to the scene.

I kept strong. My eyes wandered about, but not there. In the distance, I could see Cole walking in the direction of the doors. I was glad to think he was going to get to safety, but he then made a sharp turn towards me. He sat down to join our noiseless conversation.

Still not paying attention to the neighborhood, I noticed some of the students in a terrible condition. They were more of the victims.

I could no longer endure the waiting. I waltzed out of the cafeteria for a moment to peer out the front doors. I don't see anyone. Only cars were in view, but nobody to work them. I return to my spot without being noticed. Light chatter wasn't interrupted.

"Alright kids, we are going to stay in here for the night," the same male voice informed us. "We don't have any blankets or whatever, so you'll have to make do."

Sunset rolled around, but I couldn't shake off my insomnia. Knowing I want safe kept me on my toes, ready to flee anything. My eyes no longer wandered free, but focused on Katrina. What I did was unforgiving, but she would never let it go. Everyday, I would want to talk to her, but she would never feel
the same. I gave ample apologies and expressed my regret more than anything, but Katrina remained stubborn, so instead I would watch her. I wouldn't stalk, just watch. She seemed to not sleep either, but I'm sure she already knew of what was going on.

I turn to my other side. Cole's eyes were shut as he lay six feet from me, but he had to be day dreaming instead of sleeping. Cole was always doing right and knew what was wrong. He was ways intelligent, smart, and funny. As well as that, he had the looks that define what any girl would seek. He was everything anybody wanted. Catherine was in love with him, and several of my friends were one hundred percent sure of it, but she was always afraid to say anything to him.

Then, I would shift my body to look at anybody I wanted. Eventually, I became deprived of sleep enough to where my worry couldn't stop me, but my sleep was merely a nap. It was interrupted by the screams.

The room was lifeless. Only one force moved; the enemies. The cafeteria was fled from. I exceeded pacing to catch up to my friends. The only people I found were Catherine, Cole, Shelbie, and Katrina. The ran together, without me. There seemed to be no room for other worry, other thoughts, or humanity.

We just ran.

A large group came from nowhere. Our feet immediately halted and amended direction, but one of us was unlucky. Shelbie was grabbed by them.

"Help me!" she shouted, but help one could not provide, if one wasn't afraid.

We all were afraid.

The Survivors I: Fresh BeginningsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon