A Gun To My Face

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XV - Cole

The minivan had broken down three miles after we left. Jake was gone, so we were down to nine people; soon eight because of me. The sickness from the bite was already gnawing at my senses. My vision was getting blurry while my bones weakened. My temperature rose dramatically, but we kept on walking.

Tanner and Jeremy trudged with the sloppily packed up tents on their young backs. Daryn held the shotgun on her shoulder with the strap while I still owned my dark steel pistol in the side pocket of my cargo shorts.

I was already grungy enough to have wanted to shower three days before, but the world didn't let me. My white shorts were stained with dirt and wrinkles while the color had faded to a light grey. My shirt was fine, but only because it was dark blue.

As we trudged our feet along the road leading to the next town, my senses continued to weaken. I couldn't smell anything anymore; odd. I could still feel pretty well but my thoughts were dizzy. All I could think about was Catherine and what did I eat before the apocalypse began. I already hated myself for letting Catherine down, and then now I would have to say good bye to her.

She held onto me as we all marched in silence. I didn't think anybody thought of me, but only what they would do with me.

I was certain someone knew what do do with me already.

Greg, in an instant flash of speed, gave me a light push reaching for my pistol. He pulled it out, smooth and quickly, and pointed the gun to my face.

"You're going to die before you can do anything!"

"What are you talking about?"

The boy was obviously insane. Were they not going to kill me? Was I going to turn and kill someone? Possibly Catherine? I begged myself he would do it but a word never escaped my lips. He reached for the trigger, but Zach tackled him, retrieving the weapon and giving it to Tanner.

"Don't do it again, Greg," Daryn warns him stern but refused to turn backwards to us. "Don't tempt me."

Greg retrieves his hand and digs them into his pockets. We continued with Greg a set distance from the rest of us. He kicked rocks around as he narrowed his eyebrows in anger.

An hour after the event, midday had passed which I assumed to be around two or three in the afternoon. We sat down to enjoy boxed cereal which Emily still had with her. We had to share with with each other because very little was left. Once we were down, we stood up to continue our silent walk. My first attempt to join them ended in falling into my back. Zach and Tanner then helped me regain stability, but I soon was trampled over my seeming incredible weight gain.

The day continued with Tanner carrying me on his back. It felt relieving to not have to use much effort in travel, but the bumps and jerks in walking still resulted in slight pain. After awhile, Tanner switched with Zach. The farther we walked, the closer we were to the forest.

Then, Greg pulled the ultimate pain into my body. He snatched the gun from Tanner and pointed the weapon to my face again after Zach felt surprised and let me fall. My body was glass and it smashed on the floor. I didn't smash, but it felt that way. Quickly, Greg remained and pulled the trigger.

I felt dead.

I wasn't ready, but I was.

I heard the click, but only the click.

"It's on safety," Tanner tells him. "Nice try, oh and turn around."

Tanner takes the pistol away as Greg turns around to reveal a long barrel pointed to his head, ready to shoot. Daryn wasn't going to hesitate; we all knew that.

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