A Trip To The Pharmacy

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IX - Jeremy

It was cool at first, but then I could feel the crinkling of my nose when Katrina was rescued. The dripping insides clung to my senses which I could not shake away. The world of zombies was not okay! I threw myself as far away as I could from the source; a zombie corpse. I tried to not vomit and could barely hold in my insides.

Killing zombies used to be cool!

Then, you would innocent people you don't know died from fighting them; fighting them should have never been awesome of patriotic in any way; it's just defense. The rancid body odor drove almost anyone away. The only thing that kept us away from the source was more of the zombies.

Tanner handed out knifes from the kitchen, but what were we going to do with them? Half of us were still confused and the other half were scared from everything they had seen so far. Luke had to be our leader, but It seemed like he was going to get us all killed by checking to see if zombies were somewhere. The other choice was Katrina; more intelligent, better thinker, but was not the ideal fighter. Clearly, she was already battling Luke while Luke saw it as friendly competition. I knew that he loved her a great deal, and so did Katrina and all of her friends!

I begged in my thoughts silently that either wouldn't start two new groups again to separate us all. It was a zombie apocalypse; you don't separate Thankfully, Katrina and Luke followed the same path.

"Look!" Emily cried. "People!"

"They'll help us, right?" Catherine cheered.

"Perfect!" Tanner joyed. "Now we'll be safe, I hope?"

"Help us!" I shouted, but the only response was the face of a man giving me narrowed eyebrows.

There were seven men; none stayed to assess us. Their facial expressions seemed the same as neglect. Each had a weapon. Their main choice was a fire weapon, but the others who could not obtain guns used melee weapons. The same happened with another group; men and women. We again were refused information concerning the what was going on.

Emily fell to her knees. She was ready to give up. As well as that, others began to breathe heavily, followed by a slower pace. Casually, I waited for either Luke or Katrina to lift the spirits.

"Come on guys!" Katrina coached. "We just have to find a safe place. If we just follow those other people, maybe we'll find an evacuation center! Maybe that's where they are."

Then, Luke gave his legendary stance.

"No! Certainly that's where they are going, but you can't expect them to be still up and running. Im one hundred percent sure that in those is fires is the evacuation center!"

Katrina had what was known as the oh no face. I couldn't let two groups part forever, so I did what I had to. I threw fists to my sides and stomped over to stubborn Luke. Without hesitation, I unyieldingly brought Luke with me to he direction Katrina was going by taking grasp of his ear.

"Ow!" he yelped in pain. "That hurts!"

"Shut up and just come with us!"

"Enough of your crazy stories from zombie movies!" Katrina added, and we continued on our way.

Not much longer later, we saw the same people running back. Luke was exactly right. We could see the evacuation center, but the sign we were reading was charred and barely visible. We didn't know what to do from there; we just ran. We didn't follow anybody else, because it seemed to be survival now. There was no more parents; they never came to pick us up, because something else came to pick them up.

Eventually, we ran so far that we ended up at the axis road. There were nine in our new group; Zach, Katrina, Cole, Catherine, Tanner, Emily, Denys, Luke, and myself. We saw random people on the street everywhere, but there was no time to socialize. They either had their own priorities or were being eaten alive. I couldn't watch as they begged for help, so I continued in with my group. There was no turning around. We never really saw zombies because they were killed or they were in a building. Only a few lurked around.

Once our legs were too pumped to continue, we came to a stop at a pharmacy. By now, no more people were alive in the area. We wanted to check inside through the tall windows to see if anyone was in there, so Luke continued his leadership role by climbing a top a ladder. He must have seen something startling, because he almost fell backwards into the concrete pavement; a six meter drop!

"There's four teens in there!" he whispered with excitement.

"Maybe they'll take us in," Tanner said as he reached for the door handle.

"Don't take that!" an unknown feminine voice shouted. "Those are gross take something else instead!"

Cole jumped in shock but went unnoticed, realizing he wasn't he subject.

"They are healthier and give you more energy," another voice replied.

We inched closer to the sounds.

"It doesn't matter. Food is food."

"Marriyam, don't be stupid. Do you want to die?"

"A zombie!" a boy shouted.

We finally arrived to the scene. Four teenagers, two boys and two girls, jumped up from their places. Then, thee threw their hands to cover their face in protection followed by the jumping of their arm hair.

They saw us, but didn't abandon.

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