Chapter Eleven

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     As a member of the Cursed Bloodline, transformation was a core component of his abilities. On top of that, he was a True Ancestor, meaning that there were quite literally no restrictions to the type and kinds of beings that he could transform into. Also he had nearly a century's worth of experience in it. However, today his skills were truly put to the test , for today was a mission far greater in stakes than he had ever undertaken with transformation. Yes, that's right. Today was a date with miku. A date where he had to transform into shiori…..

       Under normal circumstances, he would have either crossdressed or maybe have just used haniel to transform himself. However, the problem with haniel's transformation was that it was not only temporary, but also a sufficient enough energy shock was enough to revert it. However, with his bloodline abilities, that wasn't the case. At present, all of his cellular DNA did indeed have the XX chromosome rather than the regular XY. Of course, he had done this in the past too. However, it was mostly for assassinations.

      His current form wasn't too different in appearance from what he would have looked like had he crossdressed instead of transforming. And that was a key difference. In the past, whenever he transformed into a woman to assassinate someone, he looked…. better, than his current self. His body proportions would be much more refined ; with long flowing hair , a chest that would rival miku's, broad hips and an hourglass figure that would put most models to shame. Combine that with his seduction acts , it had never once failed him during assassination.

     Of course, his current predicament was different from anything he had done before. His arm was hugged tightly by miku as it rested in her ample bosom. It was a good thing that he could control all of his bodily functions right down to the cellular level otherwise his face would have been as red as fresh blood and he would be having ' additional reactions ' which he really didn't want to in public, much less in front of miku.

       Miku seemed not to care about the stares that the people on the street were giving them , considering that he was walking with a famous idol. Miku , sensing his hesitation, asked him , " Is there a problem , Shiori-San ? "  The absolute innocence with which she spoke was enough to get his heart flutter . Of course, he was slightly dissatisfied with his feminine name, but he didn't let it show with his expressions. He wasn't the descendant of Orpheus for nothing.

      He asked in a meek voice, with clear undertones of femininity , starkly contrasting from the tomboyish one he had used on his first meeting as shiori with miku, " Erm …. It's just that….. all the people are staring at us…"
Miku had a clueless expression on her face as she tilted her head sideways cutely and said,  " But what's wrong with girls being out
together ? Girls hang out like this . " Shido opened his mouth but closed it again, unable to refute her. Sighing, he resigned himself to his fate.

      Miku, understanding this , smiled and dragged him along her to a clothing store. Still, not counting his appearance, he was indeed enjoying the date. As he entered the store, he could see that the lady at the counter appeared to be acquainted with miku, perhaps she was a regular ? Regardless, he saw as the lady herself had a glint in her eyes over the prospect of choosing dresses for him ? Were all women like this ?! Wait, no . That couldn't be correct…. Nia never really showed any interest in clothes aside from cosplay but perhaps she was an exception ? Regardless, he was slightly nervous about the whole dressing thing.

        Soon , Miku handed him a white dress. The dress seemed to be made out of delicate milk white fabric which was beautifully woven. Upon closer inspection, he found that it was a particular type of dress. A Wedding Dress , as a matter of fact  Sighing, he took the dress and went into the changing room. Miku did try to enter the changing room under the excuse that he wouldn't know how to wear it, but he closed the door before she could enter. And while she would have been technically correct, he had the entirety of the knowledge of the Root. As such, he didn't just know how to wear a dress , but also make a dress !

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