Chapter Eight

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           After the events of morning, Shido continued his day normally by returning home and cooking lunches for everyone, followed by going to school as usual. Of course, had had already created a schedule for his entire day. The biggest event for him today was the fact that he was going to go with Ellen on a date. Ratatoskr was going to fix a spot for them, but Reine had advised both of them to wear formal clothes. That aside, last night was an extremely profitable one for him.

         He had received raw materials for further construction of both his base and for creating an assembly line. The body of a dragon was very useful for multiple things. Blood as an alchemical ingredient, scales and skin for forging instruments and weapons, claws for staffs and array setups, etc. And now he had a large number of these. So he was quite happy with the results. Sure , he had to eradicate an entire species to get hold of them , but who cares ? He could just go to another dimension and find more Dragons to hunt.

       Currently, he was making his way towards the ground. The sports teacher had announced a small dodgeball match between the students. On his side was miku and origami . While on the other team was kaguya and Yuzuru, along with tohka. While miku was still keeping slight distance from men , she was still slightly getting used to be around others. As the match was progressing however, Shido received a message from one of the clones that he had managed to infiltrate the prime minister's office. That meant that while technically, Shido could let his clone handle everything, as he wanted to give a little bit of personal attention to the prime minister, he would have to leave the match here halfway.

        However, then came the question of how to leave the match without rousing suspicion in the minds of others. While he was pondering over it , he saw tonomachi on the other side of the field. An idea sprung up in Shido's mind. He then confirmed that Reine wouldn't be anywhere around as she had a lecture in one of the other classes. He then discretely casted a simple mental spell on tonomachi along with a few concealment spells on top of it to prevent detection. Seizing control of his mind , he then ordered him to take aim and strike Shido with the dodgeball in his hand with all his strength.

         A strange feeling arose inside tonomachi as he lost control of himself. Suddenly, for no reason, he began to get enraged at Shido . He aimed at him and struck him with all his might. As soon as the ball hit him, shido was knocked out and fell on the ground unconscious. As tonomachi regained his senses and came to the realisation of his actions, the others , particularly tohka , origami, miku and the yamai sisters rushed towards Shido. They immediately carried him to the nurse's office for treatment. What they didn't know was that Shido had done this deliberately. With him being struck by the ball, he was now pretending to be unconcious and had ordered this body to be like this for atleast a while. He then quickly transferred his soul to the clone body that was in the prime minister's office.

Location : The Prime minister's office

          Mitsuhide sighed as he leaned back on his chair. The last two days had been hectic for him . The terror attacks in both America and Russia had shook the world. Not only that, the tensions had already escalated between them that a war didn't just seem possible, it almost guaranteed. He was being forced by both the nation's to choose a side. America wanted Japan to side with them in order to have a strong ally on the naval front, and so did Russia. And while he had clearly expressed that Japan and the Japanese people wished to remain neutral in this conflict, he himself didn't know for how long he could hold up against the pressure.

        He was startled when suddenly a large red blob dropped out of the air vent right in the middle of the room. Out of the blob emerged two slender long red appendages which pierced through his two bodyguards which stood near the door. Soon , their bodies dissolved into the same blood red liquid and combined with the red blob in the middle. He screamed for help but no one responded from outside. Normally, just one shout from him would have been enough to make dozens of armoured men come inside breaking through the door. However, this time, no one came.

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