Chapter Ten

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       Shido woke up lazily from his bed. However, it would be more appropriate to say that he ' got up ' rather than ' woke up ' , considering that he hadn't slept. He never slept as a matter of fact. His body had no need for necessities like food , oxygen, or sleep as long as mana was supplied to it. Of course, sleeping did help even the members of the cursed bloodline to relax , however considering his circumstances, it was a complete impossibility for him at least. Besides, the horrors of reality were enough for him , he had no interest in experiencing the horrors of dreams once again, at least not after all that had happened….

       He shook his head to dispel the useless thoughts. However, soon a new thought arose in his mind. It was a simple one, one that would have arisen in anybody's mind ,  " So anyway, I just blew up a solar system…." Okay, maybe it wasn't that common of a thought, but so what ?! He still couldn't believe that he was chosen as the next Sharangadhar. He was still having a hard time believing that he had completely destroyed a solar system with this ease. Sure , he had destroyed a planet in the past , but that took the power of the entire Bloody sun along with the souls of all of Humanity ! This time, it was easier for him than snapping his fingers ! 

        Because of this, multiple complex emotions were stirring inside him. After witnessing the sight last night, he felt…. He felt…. Excited ! He had never witnessed something like this before ! The sheer magnificence and awe inspiring sight of the explosion was still in his mind ! Not only that, it was an entirely different explosion than what he had witnessed upto this point ! He had spent the entire night researching about Sharanga. He had roughly written down five thousand seven hundred and twenty one pages ( and yes , by pages he meant actual physical papers , not digital ones. While he did create digital backups, he preferred noting down all of his research with a paper and quill instead of a computer. He didn't even like using pens.  He only used quills and ink for writing. Or blood in case ink wasn't available ) worth of research papers on the capabilities and scenarios with the Sharanga . 

       He researched and formulated everything, from how to increase the strength of Sharanga ( ultimately concluding that while it was possible, it would render the weapon useless. ) , to what would happen if instead of channeling energy through the bow , he used and fired a divine weapon from it , say for instance a divine sword like Caliburn or if he really wanted , Excalibur ?! And while it would be a fool's errand to destroy such a powerful and great divine weapon, did it really matter to him ? He had several of those, what's the problem with losing one ?  Of course, it would be devastating on a scale never before seen, but it would most certainly defeat any threat in front of him.

     He then sighed internally, considering that despite its amazing strength, he could never use it on earth , much less against the polluters. Hell , forget about earth , he couldn't ever use Sharanga in this universe. His dimension just didn't  have the capacity to endure it . The moment he used it in this dimension, the entire fabric of space-time and reality would fall apart, in a fashion similar to what would happen if someone ignited a matchstick inside a room made up of nitroglycerin ( which he had tried once by the way )  . A sight to behold for sure , but not something you want to be caught up in or even be in the vicinity of. 

       Mulling over his thoughts, he finally came downstairs. Before he could approach the kitchen, he heard faint noises coming from it. He was alarmed and angry . If it was something like a burglar, whoever that idiot was , he had just lost his living privileges. However, he was both relaxed yet surprised when instead of a thief , he saw in front of him, Ellen, who was busy cooking food. 

        She was wearing a simple apron that he normally wore and had tied her hair with a cloth. And while he would normally refrain from making comments like this, but he had to admit, she really gave some intense 
' waifu material ' vibes. She looked both cute and beautiful on it , so much so that he was momentarily entranced by her. He however, quickly regained his composure and said while fake coughing and getting her attention, " May I ask why you are here so early today Ellen ? " 

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