Chapter one

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Shido took a bath and came downstairs and headed to the kitchen. It was a long time since he had a hot water shower. After everything on earth was destroyed by him , he just used to completely replace all the layers of his skin by regenerating new layers everyday , since there was no water to take a bath. Regardless he went towards the counter and took out a few utensils . He took a large utensil and mixed the ingredients like flour , milk , butter etc and mixed them thoroughly.

He placed a pan in the stovetop and poured some oil on it. As soon as the oil had heated up he poured some of the flour over it. Soon a sweet smell wafted through the room. It was definitely a lot better than the smell of gunpowder or the the weird smell of uranium that used to be left after a nuclear explosion. He seriously hated them. He had almost lost count of the number of times his body was incinerated by a nuke. However the smell of the pancake being ready on one side quickly grabbed his attention as he hurriedly rushed towards the pan before flipping the pancake on the other side. He let out a deep sigh. Seriously, what was he doing. This wasnt the time to reminisce about the past . He didn't want to worry the others .

He saw that a girl with red hair came into the dining room along with tohka. She was of course kotori, his adopted sister. He smiled as he was placing the pancakes on the plates, making sure to put an extra portion for tohka, given her appetite. . He was broken out of his trance as kotori saw him smiling as he was looking towards her and tohka and she asked him in a haughty tone ," Oi ! Shido ! Have you finally embraced your inner degeneracy and fallen so low that you're eying your own sister ? Heh, maybe I should start calling you a lolicon from now on . "

Shido raised an eyebrow at kotori's strange question but finally realized what was going on after seeing that she had black ribbons on her hair . This means she was in her ' commander mode ' as she called it. Normally he would have either panicked and try to deny her accusation or merely pay no heed to her words. However as he had matured from his past self and he was no longer a mere shy and naive teenager , he smirked as he retorted her jab and said,
" If my tastes in girls are any indication, I'm not a lolicon. And even if I was , I'd be hard pressed to fall in love with you and your..... great plains . Yeah... Let's go with that ! Honestly I sometimes worry whether you'll find a man for marriage kotori... "

As he had finished speaking, kotori saw that his gaze was fixed towards her chest. However instead of a lustful gaze that a man would have when staring at a woman's chest his gaze was, that of pity . She immediately covered her chest with her hands and as her whole face had turned red out of embarrassment. She shouted and said ," You - You ! Stupid Shido ! You definitely have become a pervert !" As she finished speaking, Shido raised his arms in defence as he said, " Come on , I was just messing with you . A little teasing never hurt anyone. "

Kotori surprised by this pointed her finger towards him and asked him in a accusatory tone , " Shido never teases me. Who are you and what have you did with my brother ?! " Shido sighed as he said, " Oh wow . I tease you once and you start doubting whether I'm your brother . Should I start listing the times you got scared of things like spiders or the dark and how I had to calm you down ?"

Upon hearing this kotori's suspicions were cleared as only Shido could know about these things. However as the realisation of what he had said hit her, she began to shout in a flustered tone ,
" Shut up ! Shut up !" Seeing his sister's antics , Shido let out a small chuckle . Seeing this tohka interrupted Shido as she said, " Shido. You shouldn't fight with kotori-San like that. "

Upon hearing this, Shido merely went up to tohka and gently patted her hair and said, " Don't worry tohka, this is just playful banter between siblings. Kaguya and Yuzuru do it all the time too don't they ? " While tohka was slightly curious why Shido was headpatting her more than usual, she decided to not pay any attention as for her Shido's headpats were like kinako bread. She was always happy to receive them , even if she already had enough. She only responded to Shido with a simple nod.

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