Chapter Fifteen

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Location : Itsuka residence
Time : Early Morning

         Another day , another morning at the Itsuka residence. Shido smiled as he prepared breakfast in the kitchen. The seemingly idyllic mornings brought back a sense of nostalgia in his heart. And while for anyone else, a task as repetitive as making food everyday might be boring, it was almost soothing and relaxing to him. Cooking really helped to drive away his boredom. In the past considering that there wasn't any food in the world to cook , he used to relieve him of his boredom by killing the people of at least one major city every morning. And while cooking didn't have as many exciting explosions as destroying cities, it was still good enough for him. Besides, that was still something that he could do at night. If faced with two options why should you choose only one instead of snatching both of them ? It was quite simple, really.

        A while later , as he was sitting on the table having breakfast with everyone, kotori spoke up and said, " Say Shido , you are free tonight, right ? " As all eyes turned to kotori, Shido raised his brow and said, " Yes , but why do you inquire ? Is there some job that needs to be done ? " Kotori sighed and said, " Yes. You see, there is an event going on in the Blue Lotus Casino. It's under the same parent company as the restaurant you visited yesterday. Shichirou-san and his daughter are also going to be there. Technically speaking, it's a business gathering for Issac-san's associates , but we're allowed to be there . And Shichirou-san himself personally requested you to be present, so can you and the others come for the event tonight ? "

       Shido pauses to think about it. It had been a while since he had actually gone to a casino. The last time was roughly a century ago in a small town in Korea and even then he was interrupted with an airstrike of thermonuclear warheads right on top of it. Sure , he was a bit rusty , but he definitely wanted to give it a go once again. He nodded and said, " Sure. If everyone else is free, I don't exactly mind. "

       As everyone else started to cheer for having the opportunity to go out, Nia spoke up and said, " Say , kotori-chan ? Can you please give us some funds ? It's fine even if it's a small amount, but can you do that ? " Kotori sighed and said, " Fine. All of you'll get  1,00,000 yen (around a thousand dollars ) . I don't exactly expect you to turn it into a profit , but don't make a habit out of gambling. "  Nia cheered on hearing this. Tohka had a confused look on her face as she said, " I don't think I know what to do in a casino "  Nia smiled and said, " Don't worry Tohka-chan ! Onee-Chan here will teach you everything ! " Shido snickered and said,
" Onee-Chan ? Don't you mean Oba-san ? "
( Oba-san means old woman ) Nia nearly screamed with a horrified look and said, " How could you say something so horrifying to your very own cute waifu ! Besides, you're around the same age as me if we count your reincarnation as shinji too ! "

           Shido shrugged and said, " And your point is ? You think something like that is going to work on me ? Unfortunately for you , I am devoid of any pride or self respect, so I don't care, Oba-san ~ "  Nia whimpered on hearing this and said, " Now you're just bullying me ! " Shido chuckled and wrapped her in a hug and said, " There, there. I was just messing with you. You're really fun to tease. So cheer up, okay ? "

       As Nia cutely whimpered in his arms , Shido chuckled softly. He then said, " That said, I'll start with the preparations for tonight. Don't worry about your clothes , I'll personally make new clothes for all of you with my own hands. You can ask Nia about my work , she can validate it. I have a lot of spare fabric at home , so there's no issue of material shortage. If I can make multiple kaiseki boxes in an hour, I damn well can sew multiple dresses in a few hours ! "

         As Shido was already starting to make his way upstairs while everyone had their mouths wide open in surprise on hearing this, Ellen spoke up in a curious tone and inquired , " Wait a minute, even if you're good at making costumes, that doesn't explain one thing. You were going to start making our costumes right away. But that would require you to know our measurements, which I don't remember you ever taking. So tell me, how do you know
them ? "  As Shido turned towards them and chuckled nervously, he saw that everyone was staring at him , expecting an answer. He spoke up nervously and said, " Well , um , you see , whenever you guys just put your clothes for giving to a tailor for minor adjustments or stitching up small tears , it's not the tailor doing that , it's just me. I thought what's the need to spend extra money when I can do the job . Of course, having worked on your clothes for nearly a year now , I have pretty much all of your sizes memorized. "

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