Side Story - Creation Mythos

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Your P.O.V : 

         Oh ! Hello there ! ….. Oh come on ! At Least respond by saying " General Kenobi !" . Geez, kids just don't appreciate a good reference these days, do they ? Regardless, you must be wondering what and where you are. Don't worry. I just found that you wanted to know about the history of the cosmos. So I thought, who better than me to tell you about it ! Oh, you're wondering who I am. Why, I thought you must have realised by now ! 

It's a me , a Nyarlothep ! 

      Eh, why are you running ?! Oh …..! Wait, wait ! Calm down ! I know I don't exactly have the best reputation, and to be fair I'm kinda responsible for it, but I'm not that bad of a person ! Hell, I don't even kill that often ! I just alter and screw up your entire life ! I guess I am in need of some serious rebranding. Any suggestions ? I was thinking about going for the whole ' God of pranksters ' or something but unfortunately Loki already trademarked the department of pranks. Damn that bastard ! Annoying me, even after death ! I mean,I prank him just a few hundred times and disguise as him and mess with his wife a little bit, and he holds a grudge against me for the rest of his life ?! What the hell man ! Oh well, I guess you aren't here to hear me complain about these things now are you ? So , about the history of the cosmos. Do you want the long version, or the short version ? Eh, so you don't want to listen to a story for a few centuries ? Well then buddy, you have no choice but to choose the short version ! Let's begin our story , shall we ? 


      In the beginning, there was nothing. The essence of emptiness, the space between dimensions, the void itself was absent. Space , Time, matter , the laws , the forces , dreams, reality, all were absent. However from this emptiness, a single entity emerged. The entity was all that existed. The entity only stayed put in its place. It had neither needs nor desires. It was completely content with its state. However the entity wouldn't stay alone for long. 

      Soon , from the same nothingness, another being emerged. The being while was a structure that the first entity couldn't define.  However, if a normal individual were to gaze upon the second being, it would immediately identify the appearance as that of a humanoid female . With the second entity's movement, space came into being. Accompanying the birth of space, time soon came into existence. The being, discontent by the emptiness around her, willed the creation of light. With the birth of light, the being saw another being besides her .  She approached the first entity. While no words were spoken, they were communicating. For beings like them, words were not required  . She questioned the first entity, " What are 
you ? " The entity calmly replied, " Something that has always been. I've already been before you came into being. " The second being questioned him curiously , " Then why didn't you do anything ?" The entity once again calmly replied, " Is there a need to ?" 

        The second being was puzzled by his answer. She instinctively knew that the other being was perhaps just as powerful as her, yet he lacked any desire to do anything. She asked the first being once again, " Why wouldn't you ?" The first entity, not quite understanding her, maintained his silence. The second being replied cheerfully, " No matter your will. From now on, I , Maya , will be with you !" The first entity curiously said , " Maya ?...." 

      The second being, who had proclaimed herself as Maya , seemingly proud of herself said, " Yes. That is what I will call myself. I will call it , ' A name ' . It will be something that someone else will use for calling you !" The first entity still held a puzzled look. Maya suddenly made a face, as if she had realised something and exclaimed, " Oh I know ! You want a ' Name ' for yourself, don't you ?!" The first entity, once again, held his silence. Maya however, taking it as a sign of confirmation, said, " Hmmm….. Let's see…. Hmmm…. I know ! How about ,' Mahakala' ?! "  Maya kept a cheerful smile on her face. The  first being , took a moment to compose himself, before opening his mouth. This marked the first word that was spoken into existence, as the being said, " Mahakala…." 

One More Chance ( A Date A Live Fanfic ) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora