Chapter Five

595 18 48

Location : ???


        A young man sat idly on a table. He seemed to be in some sort of cafeteria as there were multiple tables around him on which various people sat. The groups of people were engaged in various activities. Some chatting and gossiping about various things, some reading some sort of documents, some merely having their meals, while some were performing maintenance on their guns. Of course, the sight of people performing maintenance on machine guns, sniper rifles or other such things in a cafeteria would certainly be out of place in a normal environment, this environment was anything but normal. This was because they were in one of the secret offices of AEGIS , a special offshoot of the CIA, which stood for
' Agency against External threats such as Gargantuan phantasmals and Inhuman Species ' . The original name was as one could see, was fucking long and atrocious to just look at. So they shortened it some 18 years ago.

        Regardless of the name, their organisation dealt with, as their name suggested, large scale phantasmal beasts like hydras and chimeras which the military wasn't trained to handle on their own. From his seniors he had come to know that they had been active ever since the first world war. One of their last huge operations was the one roughly sixty years ago , in Russia. This was, of course, the disaster the world knew as the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. According to his seniors, a hydra had found its way there. And since at that time, Russians didn't have their own special Agency for fighting against these phantasmal species. As such, they were called to deal with it. After a deal was negotiated, they reached the place and took care of the Hydra, even if it was at the loss of nearly three hundred and seventy eight of their best agents. However, after the Hydra died, it released all its venom in the surroundings, making it inhospitable for life. Luckily, they managed to cover it up under the guise of a nuclear disaster.

       They were also tasked with eliminating rogue cultivators ( the one's not affiliated with the government ) , or as they liked to call them, Inhumans. After all, how could you classify people who could throw tanks in the air normal humans ? Of course, their organisation held a few of these Inhumans at some higher position, as on field agents when the target became too difficult to subjugate. There were roughly four special agents who were at the Grand Magus realm and three at the Dao fusion realm. They were key in America's dominance in the field of mystics.

       Sighing, he took another bite of his meal, a simple peanut butter sandwich, a reminder of the peaceful times. After listening to all these things, one would expect the life at this agency to be an action packed one but the reality was anything but. His real name, before he received a code name from the agency was Lucas. However, it didn't matter now because after becoming a part of the agency, his death was faked in a car accident in his hometown of Langley. For the rest of the world, he had died seven years ago. When he first entered , he had expected an action packed life. And to be fair, had his fair share of assassinations and coup de at's too. His experience of overthrowing the Brazilian government was still fresh in his memory. Still, he hadn't received any assignment other than paperwork for the last two years.

      He was disturbed from his thoughts when he felt someone pat his back to get his attention. It was of course , Percival, or as he had revealed his true name to him, Jonathan. He was accompanied by Beatrice or her old name, Erika . Those two were the only one's he could truly call as friends in the agency. Percival spoke to him in his usual upbeat tone as he said, " What's the matter bud ? You look more depressed than your usual self ! " Lucas sighed as he said, " Ha ha . Very funny. Not everyone can keep an upbeat face like you Mr. Perfect. "
Percival scoffed as he said, " Oh come on! Having an upbeat attitude helps on the field !"
Lucas sighed and said, " Yeah , like that time in Turkey where you accidentally pressed the SOS signal making us all think that you had been compromised and how we were about to blow up the entire area in a square mile. Yeah...... That definitely helped us a lot !"
Percival punched Lucas's arm while Lucas kept snickering and said, " Dude ! You're embarrassing me in front of my girlfriend !"

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