A Trip Down Memory Lane

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"Never thought Potter was one for gossip." Moore joked as he headed to the kitchen to get some snacks for Kelly and himself.


Ginny placed her mirror on her pocket as well. She looked both relieved and sad like every time Harry called. Relieved he was alright, but sad he was still not home. It had been so long since they have been parted for that much time, she didn’t know how to handle it anymore. But Hermione looked worse. Apart from Ron’s foreign courses during his training years, they never were apart. At least not in Ginny’s concern. The trio never told anyone about Ron deserting them back in the hunt for Horcruxes. And that is where Hermione’s mind was. She felt left out. Although she was quite done with dark magic and was really happy with her job, she couldn’t help but feel like she was missing out on something. 

“But what was it you were so excited about?”

The two friends had barely seen each other during the last couple of weeks. Ginny was keeping herself busy with school hunting for Teddy and finishing up the nursery. She also used her free time to visit Luna a bit more often and even went to Hogwarts to have tea with Neville.

Hermione, on the other hand, was hunting down a job opening for Ginny. Ever since Harry told her about Ginny’s epiphany about writing about Quidditch, she had been contacting old friends and former school colleagues that worked on The Prophet and finally got a hold of the Editor of the famous wizarding newspaper, Barnabas Cuffe, only a couple of days before. She had asked Mrs. Weasley some of Ginny’s old essays from Hogwarts and showed them to Mr. Cuffe. He was quite mesmerized by Ginny’s writing and offered her the position of Quidditch correspondent, starting on the next season, which meant September. 

“I have some news for you, Ginny. I hope you’re as excited as I am.” 

“Tell me already. Don’t keep a pregnant woman waiting!”

“Well, as you know, I have been a bit low on work because I’m waiting for the approval of my law proposal about the rights of House-elves, right?” Ginny nodded. “So I took the liberty of having a bit of a side challenge. Skipping the whole ‘how I did it’, I got you a job on The Prophet for Quidditch correspondent!!”

“MERLIN! How did you do it?” Ginny was up and hugging Hermione to her bones.

“I thought I said ‘skipping how I did it’. Still, being who I am turned out to be very useful to get to some otherwise difficult people to reach. You’ll start on the next Quidditch season.”

“Hermione, just one thing.” Ginny had sat back down and was sadly staring at her hands. “Did I get the job for my skills or for whom I’m married to?”

“I assure you that Mr. Cuffe was impressed with your writing and the fact that you were the best Chaser that the Holyhead Harpies have seen on the last century. His words, not mine.” Hermione caught Ginny’s hands across the kitchen table they were sitting. “It had nothing to do with your surname. You’re as famous as Harry, I think you forget that. I feel really bad about my godson, he has a lot to live up to!”

Ginny slowly started smiling and in a minute both girls were laughing. “Yeah, I guess he does. But I have a feeling he’ll have a name for himself.” Ginny caressed her belly before looking at her watch. She got up again and headed to the kitchen window that overlooked the backyard. “TEDDY! Come back inside. We have to get ready for the game!” The pregnant girl turned to her friend again. “Hey, Hermione, do you have plans for this lovely Saturday afternoon?”

“No, I don’t, why?”

“Come with me and Teddy to the game. Please, it’s been ages since it’s been just us!”

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