chapter forty-eight.

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Draco's POV

Cassandra just collapsed on my floor when she was trying to run out.

"Shit, Cassandra?" I run over to her body.

I check her pulse and luckily she's still alive and breathing. I pick her up bridal style and carry her towards the Gryffindor common room. Once I enter, Fred and George are there to greet me with a death stare.

"I'm just putting her to bed" I tell them with a blank face.

I walk up to her dorm and knock, wondering if Hermione's back. There's no response after about a minute so I walk in with her in my arms. I bring her over to her bed and lay her down gently. I go to her bathroom and dampen a washcloth to wipe her makeup off. I pull off the jacket she was wearing and fold it at the end of her bed. I see her empty water glass on the table and fill it up with water from her sink, placing it back down on her nightstand.

"I'm so sorry" I choke out.

I hold her warm cheek, rubbing it with my thumb.

"I love much" I cry.

After that I turn off her lights and leave her room quietly. Ever since I've been a death eater I've sure acted the part; that's not what I want at all.

The Next Morning

Cassandra's POV

I wake up with my head pounding, opening my eyes to the harsh sunlight shining through my windows. I slowly sit up and the room spins; oh shit I'm going to puke. I run to the bathroom and hover myself over the toilet, throwing up until I see my stomach vile. There goes the meal I had yesterday morning. I stand up and look in the mirror at myself, my knees weak. I stare at my figure and examine my thin arms, slender waist, and thigh gap. God, how did my weight drop so fast? I check the time and it's 7am; breakfast starts in 30 minutes.

I walk over to my dresser and throw on a large black sweatshirt along with light blue skinny jeans that are now a bit baggy on me. I brush my teeth and fix my messy bun, making it look perfect. I slip on my black converse and make my way down to the dining hall.

Once I enter there's very few people at each table. I sit down at the Gryffindor table next to George, Fred, and Hermione.

"Was Draco um good to you last night?" George asks me.

"Uh yeah, everything was..fine" I lie.

"What happened last night?" Hermione asks me.

"Well we went down on a bottle of vodka and Draco ruined the party, dragging her off" Fred tells Hermione.

George hits his arm and Fred puts on an apologetic face. I grab a banana and a bowl of oatmeal then start picking apart the banana to put in my oatmeal.

"Eww, who eats oatmeal" George scrunches his face up.

"I do" Hermione shrugs.

"Have you seen me lately? I need it" I sternly say, throwing the banana peel down.

Silence fills the table for a few seconds.

"Cassandra, you look stunning..just glad to see you eating again" Fred lightly smiles.

I smile a little at him then take a few bites.

"Why don't you both watch the quidditch practice today?" Fred says.

"Ron will be there" George smirks at Hermione.

Hermione and I laugh. I don't want to be anywhere near Draco right now so I might as well spend some time with my best friends.

"I'm in" I smile at them.

Hermione nods her head and we finish eating our breakfast.

After breakfast Hermione, George, Fred and I make our way to the field. We enter, seeing Ron there already; to my surprise Draco was there as well.

"Draco! It's Gryffindor's practice meeting not yours!" George yells out to him.

Draco flies down to us on his broom and makes eye contact with me then George.

"I can be here if I'd like, I suggest you have some friendly competition if you want to improve any of your skills" Draco sneers.

"Leave Malfoy" I tell him.

He looks at me with shocked eyes then gets off of his broom. He looks at everyone except me then walks back to Hogwarts.

"You two fought last night didn't you?" Fred whispers to me.

"Yeah" I mumble back to him.

Hermione and I walk to the quidditch stands as Fred and George get into the small circle formed by the quidditch players.

"Are you and Draco okay?" Hermione asks me.

"Yes, you're the third person to ask that" I respond, annoyed.

She doesn't make any remark or give me a dirty look, she just continues on watching the practice.

"Sorry...we're actually um not okay right now" I apologize . 

"I'm all ears" she lightly smiles, turning to me.

"The last couple days we've been under a lot of stress I guess..but he's using it as an excuse to let all his anger out on me. Last night he got mad at me for drinking with George and Fred then took me to his dorm to scream in my face" I say, embarrassed.

"Oh I'll get him-"

"No, just leave it please..or..I don't know. I just want time to tell me what to do" I interrupt her.

"He'll get a snap back to reality me" she says to me, focusing on the practice.

I didn't argue with her because maybe that IS what he needs. I watch everyone cooperate in scrimmage and it's actually really amusing; more so than I thought. After practice Hermione walked up to George and Fred and started talking to them. I already know what she's talking about and frankly I'm not that scared of the outcome.

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