chapter thirty-three.

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Hermione's POV

All day long Cassandra has been really cheery and overly nice; complimenting everyone in the halls and talking about random things she likes about the people she's close to including me. She gave me and a few other people a piece of parchment and told me not to read it until tonight. After classes she sort of disappeared and I haven't been able to find her for about an hour.

Draco's POV

The only interaction with Cassandra I've had today was here sliding me a note saying 'do not read until tonight' on top of it. Of course I'm not going to follow that command. After classes I went back to my common room and decided to read it.


By now I'll be gone and in a better place hopefully. Thank you for everything ever since I came to Hogwarts. The night in the Astronomy tower has always been my favorite memory of us so I want to spend my last there. You're my happiness, my hope, and my dream guy. I love you Draco Malfoy.

Cassandra Potter

I know what this is. I run out of my common room and into the Gryffindor common room as fast as I can.


"Calm down Malfoy!" Fred yells at me.


Fred's face drops as he realizes what I mean. Where could she be? The Astronomy tower..she wrote to me about the astronomy tower. I run through the halls, pushing through crowds.

"MOVE OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY!!" I scream, resulting in people moving.

I run towards the Astronomy tower, hearing a few people following after me. I run up the stairs to see Cassandra standing on the top story ledge.

"Please Cassandra! Get down now" I yell to her.

"I don't belong at Hogwarts, this never was my place to be" she says just loud enough for me to hear.

"Come here it's alright, everything will be fine!" I hear Harry yell from behind me.

Behind me stands George, Harry, Fred, Hermione, and Ron.

"You're the only one who's made me feel again..feelings I haven't felt or let myself feel since I was a kid!" I sob, walking slowly towards her.

She slips a little bit as she shuffled her feet back.

"I love you Cassandra! I love you! All I wanted to do was protect you..but now I'm here for you forever. Just please come down and explain more to me; yell at me on how I'm an asshole, let me hold you, let me laugh with you again..please" I beg.

"I'm so sorry" she sobs.

She takes a step back resulting in her falling off the 900 foot tall tower.

"NOOOO!" I scream running towards the ledge.

I hear Hermione and Harry let out bloodcurdling screams as violent sobs come from the Weasleys.

"ARRESTO MOMENTUM" Hermione yells out, aiming her wand at Cassandra.

Right as she's about to hit the ground her fall looks a bit more softer. I run down the stairs of the astronomy tower and rush over to her limp body. I grab her wrist and feel for her pulse, unable to find it.

"Wake up!" I yell, gritting through my teeth as tears run down my face.

Hermione comes down after me and puts two of her fingers on Cassandra's neck.

"She has a faint pulse, carry her to the hospital wing now!" she cries.

I pick Cassandra up and run with her to the hospital wing.

"HELP SHE'S DYING!!!" I scream through the halls.

I push open the hospital doors and gently place her on a cot as Madame Pomfrey rushes over.

"What's happened?!" she panics.

"She's jumped off the Astronomy tower; Hermione lightened her fall with a spell" I explain.

"I need you to step back dear" she tells me as she surrounds Cassandra with curtains.

Everyone who witnessed her jump along with Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape rush into the room. Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape walk into her closed off area and they quietly murmer. After a couple of minutes Professor Snape walks out.

"You all can come back tomorrow, go back to your dorms now" he orders.

Everyone starts slowly walking back to their dorms while I rush back to mine. I get inside and lay down on my back, staring at the ceiling silently. This was all my fault.

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