chapter thirteen.

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Draco's POV

" 'God this school full of witches and wizards is just not for me. I have no idea what's going on anymore, I'm clueless. In potions class Draco had me drink a potion, telling me it would wake me up for the day like an energy drink. Turns out it would've kept me up for days if Hermione didn't give me a potion reversing it' " I read aloud in an American accent from Cassandra's diary.

I was sitting on a tree branch as a crowd was gathering around me, listening to her diary entries.

"Here's one from before we all knew Potter's cousin. 'School was exhausting today, Jake wouldn't stop being so touchy with me all over campus' ooooohh 'his touch is irresistible honestly but after Sunday I can't bear him' " I laugh.

Everyone underneath me is chattering and laughing until it's interrupted.

"Malfoy!!!" Cassandra screams.

My eyes widen and a part of the crowd walks away. Her and Hermione we're giving me death stares.

"Well well, finally back from your Muggle shopping trip aren't you? You're looking divine..didn't Snape tell you to change though?" I taunt her.

"Give me it back" she says sternly.

"Make me Potter" I laugh.

"Here's another one. 'September 13th 1994: Draco Malfoy makes my blood boil yet my heart beat faster with butterflies. Our night in the astronomy tower was incredible' " I read, my voice getting lower and lower as I concentrate on her writing.

I read this page in my head.

He healed my scars and it felt like he at least tried to understand some of my past. A guy has never gave me that much comfort and it's honestly sad. He saw my bony stomach that night as well and I could already feel the feelings he may or may not have had for me die. I saw on the map that he gave me that he was sitting up in the astronomy tower even after I just got back to my dorm. I just want someone to care for me and respect me; so far Draco has fit perfectly with that. I just don't want to fuck this up

"DRACO!!" Cassandra screams.

I remove my eyes from the lock on her diary and see her eyes filling up with tears while her face was as red as a chili pepper. I just sit there silently still.

"Give it back" she says, holding her anger in.

I drop down from the tree branch I was on and walk over to her. I still had to pretend this was funny for the crowd so I held it above her head to where she couldn't reach it then finally handed it to her. Everyone walks away groaning and disappointed.

"Reckon we could have a chat later I-"

"In your fucking dreams Malfoy!" she grits through her teeth, pushing me back weakly.

Why am I a monster like this. Why can't I just stay out of her way in public if my reputation does matter that much? I punch the tree I was on a few times until my knuckles bleed. Luckily no one was around to see that.

Cassandra's POV

I storm back to my dorm with Hermione, holding back my tears and screams as much as I can. We get to our common room and Hermione lets me be in the dorm alone for a little while. I put a silencing spell on the room and immediately start screaming my lungs out and stomping my feet. I throw my diary onto my bed and rip out all of the pages. I've had this since I was 14 and one incident made me destroy all those written down thoughts and feelings. I lay down on my bed facing down. I eventually fall asleep crying. Why am I so invested in an asshole that doesn't care for me?

Hermione's POV

It's been about 30 minutes since Cassandra let everything out in our dorm so I walk in there to check on her. I see her laying face down on her bed. She's only asleep right?? I quickly walk over to her and check her pulse. Luckily she's just knocked out. I look at her rug and pages form her diary are torn out. I decide to gather them all and place them near our door. I'm going to speak to Malfoy tomorrow..this is just ridiculous.

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