chapter twenty-four.

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Cassandra's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar place, scared. I jolt up and see that I'm in the Gryffindor common room still. George and Fred left me a blanket and small pillow under my head. I look over to the window and the sun is barely coming up. I walk up to my dorm and decide to wash my hair and all. I change into a black flowy tee shirt, grey leggings, and black converse. I decide to not put any makeup on and sit on my bed to pet my cat.

"How was yesterday and all?" Hermione asks me referring to Draco.

"It was fine...honestly it wasn't, I just want my mind off of it"  I say, avoiding the question.

She nods her head and awkwardly looks down at her bed.

"Holiday break starts tomorrow..I assume your staying here with Harry, correct?" she asks me.

I nod my head.

"Well I hope you have a good Christmas" she smiles at me.

"Thanks, you too" I quickly respond.

I get up and walk out of my dorm, deciding to walk around the halls. After about 30 minutes of walking I hear my name being called.

"Cassandra!" Harry yells behind me.

I turn around, waiting for him to catch up to me.

"You really went out with Draco? All he is is trouble and I knew you'd get hurt" he scolds me.

"How did you know?" I panic.

"I heard everything when you were with the Weasley twins" he responds.

"Harry, just stay out of it okay?Everything's fine right now an-"

"No, you're my family that treats me right..that being only you and Sirius..I need to protect you so I'm going to tell Draco off" Harry says.

"No Harry! You might get hurt" I warn him.

"He can't do anything to me, he's not good for you" he defends himself.

I follow after him as he storms outside to the courtyard. Unfortunately there's Draco hanging out underneath a tree with his friends.

"Malfoy! If you don't stay away from Cassandra you'll pay for it!" Harry threatens, pulling his wand out.

Draco's eyes widen as he puts his hands up in defense.

"It's always seemed like the little mudblood loved my company..I have no issue getting out of her stupid little life" he smirks at Harry.

"I mean it Draco" Harry snarls.

"Got it..Pottah" Draco spits back, glaring at me.

Harry walks away from him and grabs my arm to try and bring me with him. I pull my hand out of his grip.

"Stop..I'm fine okay?" I whisper to him.

I walk past Draco not even attempting to make eye contact and make it to the outside hallway leading back inside the castle. I hear fast paced footsteps behind me and I'm suddenly pulled back by the back of my neck. Draco pins me to the wall with both of his hands strangling my neck.

"Never! Tell anyone about what's happened between us! I don't care if you trust Potter, the Weasleys, or Granger! Keep our business out of your mouth!" he shouts at me.

Suddenly we've apparated to his dorm room and his hands are still around my neck. I hit his arms, signaling for him to let me go. He doesn't let my neck go until he's pushed me on his bed. He starts to kiss my neck until I push him off.

"Draco stop! I don't want this! Are you fucking mental?!" I yell at him.

He backs off then remorse and confusion fills his eyes. I'm gasping for air and lightly rubbing my neck.

"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry Cassandra I don't know what hap-"

"Maybe Harry was right, we aren't meant for each other" I cut him off.

"But the amortentia, everything I..I love y-"

"You don't know what love is Draco! We fucked and you liked it that's all you feel..lust...have fun at your parent's for the holidays. I can't do this...not right now at least" I respond.

He just stares at me and tears fill his eyes. Tears begin to lightly roll down my cheeks and I turn to leave his dorm.

"Cassandra no can I j-"

I interrupt him by walking out of his dorm then shutting his door. I stand outside of his wall and attempt to recover from when he grabbed my neck.

"CASSANDRA! FUCKK!" he screams.

I hear him hit something and then a glass smashing follows it. I decide to go to Sirius' house to see if I can have a drink with him. I just want to be away from Hogwarts right now. I make my way to his house and knock on the door. 

"Cassandra! Pleasant to see you..what's happened?" he asks me.

"Um can I just come in and have a drink? I'm desperate for one" I lightly chuckle.

"Of course! Rum or vodka?" he asks me.

"Let's mix it up" I chuckle.

"Oh dear, what's happened darling?" he asks me.

"Boys..boys suck" I say, sniffling.

"Well I second that" he says, putting his drink up in the air.

He hands me some rum in a whiskey glass and I chug it down.

"I see how this night will be then" he chuckles.

Drinks after drinks, Sirius and I are both laughing over random things and doing reckless, fun spells in the house. The night goes on and all I can remember last is falling asleep on his couch with a warm blanket. 

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