chapter twenty-seven.

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Cassandra's POV

I wake up in my dorm surprisingly and I'm greeted by Hermione unpacking her things.

"Hermione!" I cheer, walking towards her.

She engulfs me in a tight, warm hug.

"How was your break! I like your hair by the way" she says, softly touching the ends of my hair.

I think back to all I've done during my free time. I got drunk, got high, acted reckless, dyed my hair, distanced myself, and cried the whole time.

"Um, break was alright. How about yours? Did you get anything nice for Christmas?" I ask.

"I got nice clothes; my parents couldn't really get me anything from Diagon Alley" she chuckled.

I smiled at her then went to get ready. I brushed my hair out, got dressed in my robes, then put on some light makeup. After that I grabbed my books and left to class with Hermione. I sit down next to her in potions class and see Draco sitting all alone. Should I sit next to him? Wait what am I saying, I need to distance myself...maybe it won't hurt to try and get on good terms with him. I grab my books and walk over to him until Pansy sits right next to him, making his face light up. I freeze in the middle of class as my heart shatters. He really didn't love me this whole time.

"Cassandraaaa" Hermione calls out to me.

I turn around and walk back to my seat.

"What're you spacing out for?" she chuckles.

"Malfoy" I say quietly.

She looks over to them and goes silent.

"I'm sorry..maybe it's for the best? Who knows, someone else might be the real one for you..George has been talking about you a lot apparently" she smirks, attempting to cheer me up.

Throughout all of class I can't focus; I'm just staring at the same sentence in my book, attempting to read it correctly over and over again.

"Alright, class is dismissed. I hope you all are prepared for your back to school homework" Snape says.

I walk up to Pansy as she's leaving class with Draco following behind her.

"We don't have the best past but I hope you and Draco are doing good..not kidding. I hope he treats you well" I lightly smile then walk away.

She only had a disgusted expression on her face throughout the whole time I spoke to her. I walk off to my next class quickly and try my best to get through the day without crying. After my final class I begin to walk towards my dorm until I'm stopped.

"Hey, Cassandra!" I hear Blaise yell behind me.

I turn around and he catches up with me.

"I just wanted to say your new hair really suits and all" he says, looking me up and down.

"Thanks" I nervously smile as he gets closer to me.

"You know if you're not doing anything today you should come back to my dorm. You've seemed..lonely recently" Blaise says, pressing his body closer to mine.

"I'm not into that type of stuff Blaise..sorr"

"Look, I really like you honestly..I wouldn't tell anyone" he says, attempting to manipulate me.

"I'm just gonna go back to my dorm alone" I say.

"What are you joking? Teasing me?" he says upset.

I shake my head and he slams his hand on the wall above my head.

"You are so fucking boring..I'm gonna be honest with you because no one else including Draco will. Any guy who says he's interested in you beyond just fucking you is full of shit" he growls in my face.

"Amused Blaise?" Draco yells out behind him.

He turns around to Draco and begins to back off of me.

"Piss off" he says to him, angrily.

Blaise glares at me then walks away. Tears fill my eyes and I begin to walk back to my dorm.

"Cassandra wa-"

"No I'm fine..umm go spend time with Pansy, she seemed upset with me at least earlier..I think you should show her the astronomy tower" I turn around and say with a genuine smile as tears roll down my cheeks.

I continue speed walking to my dorm, ignoring his presence. I walk in and run to my bed, grabbing my pillow. I slam my face into it and let out my loud sobs for what felt like hours but in reality was minutes. I sit up finally, facing the wall and my cat curls up in my lap. I lightly laugh through my tears as I pet his soft fur.

"Cassandra!" Hermione shouts excitedly, walking through the door.

I turn around, attempting to wipe my wet makeup off but I'm too late.

"What's happened?" she asks sincerely.

"Just Draco..I miss him" I respond.

"Well...this may cheer you up" she says, opening a book up.

She shows me a page with the last name Cottrell on it.

"W-what's this?" I ask her.

"I think this is your father" she says, pointing to the name of Axel Cottrell.

I read his family tree and relationships and a woman named Delilah Potter was his spouse.

"I heard about what you saw in the mirror of Erised and I think it may have something to do with..this" she says, pointing to a small paragraph in an old newspaper.

Axel Cottrell was believed to deliver a child with Delilah Potter but it's unknown as she was murdered by him before his first imprisonment in the Prison of Azkaban.

My jaw drops.

"You didn't have to do this research thank you" I respond.

"Of course..if you want here's some old newspapers he's mentioned in. I understand if this is all you want to know" she says, handing me a couple of newspapers.

"Read them with me" I say, grabbing them and sitting on my bed.

We read that he's committed multiple murders and has a history of torturing people. A few years ago he escaped the Prison of Azkaban and in the other newspaper it was rumored that he's a Death Eater alongside the 'one who must not be named'.

"I- I wouldn't suggest following could get killed" Hermione warns me.

"Don't worry, I know.." I drift off.

Today I learned that my father was a horrible man..a death eater specifically. Even though I just informed myself of his criminal actions I won't be able to go on with life without seeing him just once.

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