chapter twenty.

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Cassandra's POV

I wake up to someone shaking me and I brush it off, rolling over to my other side.

"Cassandra, wake up we're late!" Draco yells.

I jolt up in panic, realizing I'm still in Draco's dorm.

"Shit!" I yell, getting out of bed.

I messily throw my clothes on and rush to the bathroom to splash my face with water.

"I'll meet you there, we can't walk in at the same time" Draco says walking into the bathroom.

He gives me a long kiss and I blush. I scrub off my mascara that was running and luckily my eyebrows still have some product in them. I grab his mouthwash and swish it around in my mouth quickly then make my way out. As I'm making my way out of his dorm into the Slytherin common rooms I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"You little slut" Pansy laughs behind me.

I turn around and she's giving me a dirty look so I exchange one back. I return to rushing to potions class and finally make it in.

"I should start counting the times that you aren't late rather than when you are shouldn't I Potter?" Snape says to me.

I avoid eye contact with him and make my way to the seat next to Fred.

"And where's your robes?" Snape asks me.

I just realized I was only wearing my skirt and long sleeve.

"Umm, I..forgot it" I respond.

Snape just gives me a side eye glare and returns to teaching.

"You must've left it in my bathroom. I'll give it to you at dinner" Draco whispers to me at the table next to mine.

I smile and nod then return back to turning my book to the correct page.

"Really? Draco Malfoy has a chance with you?" Fred chuckles.

I kick his leg under the table and blush, shushing him. Today we're learning how to make a truth potion and we're making them at each of our tables.

"You ought to try it Cassandra, it'll be fun" Fred suggests.

"How about you do it" I respond.

"No, I'm the prankster not the prankstee" he complains.

I laugh at him and stare at the potion.

"Fine..I'll take a sip" I whisper to him.

He gets all giddy as he fills a small vial. I take a very small sip and feel nothing.

"I feel like this isn't working" I tell him.

"Give it a minute..what were you up to yesterday, that might put it into affect" he says.

"Well Draco and I went back to his dorm and we had amazing se-"

Fred covers my mouth in shock.

"God Cassandra, this needs to wear off!" he says, beginning to laugh his ass off.

"Alright, alright. How about we put this to good you think Draco's treating you right?" he says quieter.

"Yeah, he's great. It's just he wants to keep his rude reputation so he's mean in public" I manage to whisper to him.

"That's good at Professor, how long would the effects wear off if someone took this potion?" Fred asks Professor Snape.

"Well who knows, it could be anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 depends on the person" he responds.

dirty little secret // draco malfoy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora