chapter thirty-five.

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Cassandra's POV

Draco enters the Slytherin dorm with me in his arms and we're unfortunately greeted by Pansy.

"Ugh! You're joking!" she yells frustrated.

She throws a small temper tantrum then stomps off to the girls' dorms. Draco and I both chuckle as he carries me up to his dorm. Once we enter he sets me down on his bed then goes to grab something from his shelves. Right as he turns his back I make my attempt to stand up to use the bathroom. I push myself off of his bed and immediately grunt in pain.

"Woah woah, what're you doing?" he freaks out, running over to me.

He grabs my arm and wraps it around his shoulder.

"I just need to use the bathroom" I respond.

"Oh uh yeah" he hesitates.

He brings me towards his bathroom door and I see glass all over his sink and floor along with a broken mirror.

"Draco what happened?!" I ask concerned.

"I'll explain once you're done alright?" he responds, bringing me over to his toilet.

I let go of him and support myself with the wall.

"Yell for me when you're done, I don't want you hurting yourself anymore" he says while leaving me alone in the bathroom.

I do my business then flush his toilet. The sharp glass shards tempted me as I stared in thought about how good they would feel against my wrist. I pulled the leggings I had on up then limped my way over to the sink. I grabbed a shard of glass and stared at it for a minute until a glass piece pierced into my foot.

"Fuck!" I groaned in pain.

Draco bursts through the door and sees me leaning against the wall with a glass shard in my hand.

"What are you trying to do Cassandra, no" he rushes over to me with a sincere tone.

He grabs my waist and escorts me out of his bathroom.

"I was fine Draco, you don't need to babysit me" I complain.

"Oh yeah, I obviously don't need to when your foot is bleeding and there's a glass shard in your hand after only using the bathroom!" he spits at me.

His tone scared me slightly and he didn't realize it until he looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap; today's been really off" he lowers his voice.

"Me waking up is off? Did Madame Pomfrey say I shouldn't of woken up or-"

"No, no. Its just..before I came to the hospital wing I heard you singing. It drove me mad so I went to the bathroom to refresh myself and there you were singing that song; your silhouette in the shower, then your body next to mine in the mirror...I got frustrated and broke my mirror" he says, looking down at the ground.

"Draco I- does that mean something or-"

"No, the thing is I don't know what it meant" he says stressfully.

"Well I'm here now...just like you said, all yours" I respond, staring at his face that's hung low.

He looks up to me and stares into my eyes.

"I don't want anything bad to happen to you ever again..I'm here for you always, no exceptions" he chokes out.

My face shows sincerity as he slowly leans into me. Our lips connect as we both exchange a slow and soft kiss. He grabs my shoulders with both of his hands firmly yet gentle. I pull away to where our lips are barely brushing against each other.

"I love you" I whisper to him.

He immediately smashed his lips into mine after I said that. I exchange a kiss that was more fast paced and heated than before. Without breaking the kiss Draco gently picks my body up and places me down on his bed, resulting in me letting out a small laugh. His body hovers on top of mine as he gently caresses my body. He breaks our kiss for a moment and looks deeply into my eyes.

"I love you too beautiful" he says, smiling with a raspy voice.

He moves his body off of mine and lays next to mine.

"Surprisingly I'm tired after all of the sleep I've gotten this week" I laugh.

"Well Hermione doesn't OWN you..sleep with me tonight baby" he says in a raspy voice.

I smile at his choice of words then lay my head and hand on his chest. Soon enough I fall asleep to the rhythm of his breathing and heartbeat.

Next Morning

I wake up to the sound of loud knocking on Dracos door and jolt up, instantly regretting it.

"Ow fuck" I groan.

Draco sits up and rubs my back for a second. He gets up out of bed and pokes his head out of his door.

"Where's Cassandra?" I hear Harry's voice ask.

"She's her own person, she can sleep wherever she'd like Pottah" Draco replies.

"Was this your plan after all? Lure her into bed right after she woke up from her suicide attempt?" Harry taunts him.

"None of that happened..she's safer here than she is with any of you" Draco spits, slamming his door.

"You could've been nicer" I say, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"I don't like all of your friends doubting me" he growls.

"Well then prove to them that they shouldn't. We've never showed any publicity and that's definitely not a green least in their eyes" I chuckle.

"It's just-..." Draco says, trailing off.

I look at him and raise one of my eyebrows. He then rolls his eyes and jumps into bed with me, carefully grabbing my body. He lays his back against his bed frame and pulls me onto his lap.

"What's this about?" I smirk.

He ignores my question and smashes his lips into mine. I kiss him back roughly and this moment gets heated very quickly. He kisses my jaw down to my neck resulting in me letting out small moans. He slowly licks up the left side of my neck, making my heat begin to throb. He leaves hickeys on a few parts of my neck then moves his lips back up to mine as he subtly slows down the pace. He pulls away and looks at me with a big smile.

"That's step one to publicity right? Showing everyone that you are mine and only mine" he quietly says, tracing the bruises on my neck.

I smile and playfully roll my eyes at him.

"I'm all yours but how am I to prove that you are all mine?" I smirk.

He stares into my eyes as a smirk creeps across his face.

"Go shower" he simply says, pulling my body off of his.

I scoff and give him a confused look only resulting in him motioning me off to his bathroom. I get up and walk to his bathroom to run the shower water. Does that mean he's going to think of me as one of his 'hoes'? If he even has any. After using his peppermint scented body wash in the shower I dry myself off with the cleanest looking towel in his bathroom. Shit! I forgot a change of clothes..what to do now. I begin to walk out of the bathroom to request a pair of clothes.

"Draco, can I borro-"

I cut myself off realizing that he's nowhere in his room. Wow..real classy after all of that. I look over to his bed and see a note along with one of his dark green sweaters and a pair of my black sweatpants. I pick up the note and read it.

You left your sweatpants here quite a while ago so now is a good time to return them as you have no clothes. Get dressed and meet me at the Astronomy Tower at 2 my love.
-Draco xx

P.S- Keep the sweatshirt;)

This boy is driving me insane.

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