chapter forty-two.

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Draco's POV

Out of all the classes we've had today Cassandra hasn't talked to me once; she's only looked at me a couple of times in potions. I got my letter from my father this morning informing me that we'll be meeting at Borgin and Burke's at 5:30pm; 30 minutes earlier than Cassandra. I grab my fully black suit out from my closet and make my way towards Hogsmeade, bracing myself to meet my father. Once I meet with him we're apparated to the manor in a second. There at the table sat Travers, Bellatrix, Peter Pettigrew, Augustus Rookwood, Fenrir Greyback, my mother, Antonin Dolohov, and lastly Lord Voldemort. My blood went cold at the sight of him. I sat down at the table while a small discussion was being held.

"Well she has no choice isn't that right my lord?" Travers asked Voldemort.

"That's correct" he replied with a devil like grin.

My fists clenched and eyes darkened as I stared down at the table.

"Ah, you've arrived" Voldemort sighs.

I look up and see Cassandra in a black knee length dress with a small slit at her right leg. Her hair is straightened down and she's wearing very minimal makeup from what I can see because she's staring down at the floor.

"There now, splendid. Why don't you take a seat across from Draco" Voldemort orders to her.

She doesn't look up at him and lets her father pull her arm towards the table.

"Bring your attention to me when you're being spoken to!" Voldemort shouts.

She slowly looks up to him and her tear stained cheeks glisten in the light.

"Not only are you alike in age with Draco, you're as stubborn as he is" Voldemort sneers.

My hands claw at my legs, the urge to avada kedavra him is almost irresistible. Cassandra is pulled to the seat across from me with her father sitting next to her. Voldemort begins to talk but his words are cloudy to me. I don't want to look at Cassandra, I don't even want to hear her voice right now.

"Draco Malfoy!" Voldemort shouts.

My head jolts up to his disapproving face and he just laughs.

"See Cassandra? As I told you..stubborn" he says, making his way over to my seat.

He tightly grabs my shoulder and I try my best not to show that I'm in any pain.

"How about you introduce yourself to Cassandra..tell her how it feels to be chosen" Voldemort says right above me.

I lift my head up and see Cassandra. She's not shaking or crying, she's numb and pale. Her expression almost scares me; it scares me to think of what she's thinking.

"I-I'm Draco...I just became a..death eater recently and it's one of the best things that's happened to'll be powerful and feared" I choke out.

I couldn't say put me in pain to see her like this. Voldemort patted me on the shoulder a couple of times and walked back to his seat.

"Now Travers..if you're her uncle now aren't you?" Voldemort grinned.

Her face finally shows an emotion..fear..shock and fear.

"Please no, I don't want this" she whimpers.

"What was that darling? Speak up" Travers says with an evil grin.

This was torture to watch.

"I'm begging you please! Just kill me instead!" she shouts.

Why would she say that...

"Since you're such an annoying little brat, I'll give you something to whine about" Bellatrix says, getting up.

Fear, anger, and anxiety fills my body as I already know what Bellatrix is about to do to her.

"Crucio" she quietly says, pointing her wand at Cassandra.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Cassandra screams in pain, falling to the ground.

Tears fell down my face so I stared down at the ground, making sure no one could see me.

"Stay still you little brat!" Bellatrix says frustrated.

"STOPP PLEASEEE!!" she screams.

I look up and see the dark mark becoming engraved onto her forearm.

"FUCKKK NOOOO!!" she lets out a blood curdling scream.

I sharply inhale and go back to staring at the ground. Then it all ends; the screaming, the sound of Bellatrix and Cassandra fumbling around on the ground. It was all replaced by barely audible sobs from Cassandra.

"Get up! You're going back" her father sternly says.

I look up and he's pulling her almost lifeless body off of the ground.

"Very nice to meet you Cassandra" Voldemort laughs.

Cassandra and Axel leave the manor, Cassandra limping behind her father. I look down at my hand and realize I've been digging my nails so hard into the back of my hand that my fingertips are covered in blood. I let both of my hands free and violently shake my right leg. After a while everyone was dismissed from the meeting, that being it was mainly about Cassandra. After I apparated back to Hogsmeade I ran through the dark night off to Hogwarts, specifically the Gryffindor common room. Once I successfully make it in I rush to the girls' dorms. I make my way to Cassandra's dorm and barge in to see Cassandra on her bed, all alone. She's still in the dress she was wearing, her body shivering.

"Cassandra?" I say.

She doesn't move, she doesn't say a word. I walk over to her bed and lay on the left side where I'm able to face her. Her face is pale and her eyes are the darkest I've ever seen them. I grab her hand that was close to her face and she's ice cold.

"I'm here for're safe with me right now. That was the worst of it okay? I'm not going to leave you tonight" I quietly say.

Her eyes meet mine and more tears roll down her cheeks. I wipe her face and gently kiss her lips; fortunately a small smile forms across her lips. I get up and go to her dresser, searching for something comfortable for her to wear. I grab a Gryffindor house pair of sweatpants and a black tee shirt from her drawers and place them on her bed. I walk over to her bathroom to grab a warm washcloth for her face only to be hit with the pungent smell of vomit right when I walk in. I look in her toilet and it's basically filled with puke. I close the lid and flush it then find a washcloth. I know how that feels definitely; when I got home from my dark mark meeting I threw up in the toilet just a bit. I grab a wash cloth and run it under warm water, ringing out the excess water. I make my way over to her bed and see that she's slowly putting on the clothes I put on her bed. I grab her face for her to look at me then wipe under her eyes, her cheeks, and forehead. She smiles and blushes, looking down. I just remembered that I got her Plan B this early morning. I grab the small package out of my pocket and take the pill out.

"I got you Plan B this morning" I say, holding the pill out to her.

She lightly smiles and swallows it immediately.

"Mind if I borrow one of my shirts I've given you for tonight?" I chuckle.

She smiles and nods her head, pointing to her top dresser. I open it up and there's my black shirt I gave her just about a week ago. I undress from my suit and put the shirt on, leaving me in only my shirt and boxer briefs. I turn around and see Cassandra fully dressed, cuddled up into a ball under her covers. I get in bed and wrap my arm right around her waist, pressing my chest into her back.

"Goodnight Cassandra" I whisper to her.

"I love you" she quietly says.

"I love you more" I respond, kissing her head.

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