chapter thirty-six.

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Cassandra's POV

After getting dressed in the clothes Draco provided for me I put my hair into a ponytail then walk out of the boys' dorms. As I make my way into the common room everyone stares at me; this feels like a walk of shame even though nothing happened last night. I walk off to the Gryffindor common room and run up to my dorm, hoping no one saw me. I step into my dorm and slide my back against the closed door in relief.

"Why would you sleep there!" Hermione complains.

My eyes jolt up to her standing in front of me and a wave of guilt comes across me.

"I'm sorry..nothing happened it was just a good talk I guess" I respond.

I get up and walk over to my wardrobe, looking for a pair of black jeans.

"Oh yeah, a 'good talk' with his lips I see" she chuckles, referring to my hickeys.

I turn around with an upset face.

"If anything it's him showing publicity between us..he's planning something for the both of us this afternoon" I respond.

"I can't even believe you gave him a fiftieth chance Cassandra" Hermione sighs.

"I'm my own person Hermione..I make my own choices okay? Just stay out of it for now" I groan.

I walk off to the bathroom and apply some eyebrow product and mascara. I pull on the black skinny jeans I grabbed and fix my high ponytail. I walk out and grab my wand and black converse, avoiding any further conversation with Hermione. I jog down the stairs to the Gryffindor common room only to be stopped in my tracks again.

"Cassandra, can I have a chat? No judgement or lecturing I promise" I hear George chuckle from behind me.

I hang my head low and throw my hands up as I sigh. I sit down on the empty couch and George plops down beside me.

"I just wanted to say that I'm happy you're okay..if you ever need a talk I'm always here" he tells me.

"I thought you would've hated me after..everything with us" I respond, looking down at my feet.

"No that's ridiculous, I never hated you I agreed with you. You're like my little sister" he says, bumping my shoulder with his.

"Okay now that's weird" I laugh, resulting in him laughing along.

"I just hope Malfoy can treat you right; I'll be there to put him in check if he messes up ever again. I've actually found a um girlfriend I'd say myself" he says.

"Really!? Who is she?" I ask all giddy.

"Angeline Johnson" he blushes.

"She's cute..I'm actually really happy for you" I smile.

"Yeah well she's nothing compared to're amazing Cass" he says, throwing an arm around me innocently.

"Cass? I haven't heard anyone call me that in so long" I chuckle.

"We'll get used to it!" Fred shouts from behind us.

I look back and Fred just walked into the common room.

"I'll try Freddie" I smirk at him.

"We're going to Hogsmeade in a minute, would you like to tag along?" Fred asks me.

"I'd love to but I kind of have something at 2" I respond.

"Well it's 10 minutes till, I suggest you get going" George responds.

"Shhit, thank you" I smile, rushing out of the common room.

I quickly make my way towards the astronomy tower and finally arrive two minutes late. I walk up to the top level and see a small trail of rose petals leading to the back of the room. I look up and see Draco sitting on the bench we sat on the first night I met up with him, a bouquet of roses in his hand.

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