Bloodlines With the Original Family

Start from the beginning

Damon then starts talking again, "Yeah. I don't-- I don't think she wants to talk to you right now."

"Damon, your pushing Stefan's buttons." I tell him, trying to save the sliver of a relationship he has with his brother.

"Sorry Stef. Just looking for the mute." I laugh a little, earning me a glare from Stefan.

"Sorry." I whisper.

"Damon, I swear to god, if you tuch her--"

"You have a good day. Mm-hmm. Tell Hope next time she should join us. Bye-now." Damon says before hanging up.

Stefan just looks at the phone, obviously pissed at Damon.

He then throws the phone.

"Dude, you know how much those cost now-a-days?"

He just ignores me and picks up a necklace. No Aunt Rebekahs necklace.

One she gave to me.

That I'm wearing right now.

At least it's hidden beneath my shirt.

How have none of us, as in me and the twins, noticed this before? (I just thought of this, so go with it.)

"Well, we have a day off and are heading to Caroline's so..." Lizzie says, walking ove to me and pulling me out of the room.

"We have school today." Josie points out.

"Not anymore."

"Wait! I need you, any of you three to do a spell."

"Can't sorry! Maybe ask Bonnie!" Lizzie tells Stefan before dragging us out of the door.

"Where are we going?"

"Mom's house." Josie tells me.

"To finish telling her everything she need to know." Lizzie finishes for her twin.

"Man, you two are creepy sometime." I say, walk just a tiny bit faster, away from the twins, towards Caroline's house.

~~At Care-Bear's House~~

We are all sitting in Caroline's room, waiting for Caroline to bring in hot chocolate.

I'm on the bed while the twins are sitting on the floor right in front of me.

"Hot chocolate. I hope you don't mind, I put a little bit on cinnamon on top. Makes it 10 times better if thats possible." Caroline says, all happy about it, hadning us out mugs.

"I always liked it better like that." Josie says before taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Ok. So tell me all about, well me."

"So, you stay you until you get into a car accident. You suffer from quite a few injuries, so Elena gets Damon to heal you with his blood."

"Then Katherine kill you in you sleep. You come back, a vampire. You date Tyler for a while, a werwolf." Lizzie finishes.

"After Tyler was turned into a hybrid, while you two were dating, you also meet someone who you also loved. Or, so I am told. I was told by a very biased person."

"Who that?"

"My dad. He was the other guy you caught feelings for. Nothing ever really came out of it, but you still cared about each other. You broke up with Tyler at college because he chose revenge against my dad instead of staying with you."

"I would like to point out," Josie speaks up. "Her dad chose you over revenge against Tyler."

I laugh a little at that.

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