Chapter Fifty One

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Lily's POV

Wednesday's in May are oddly depressing. There's nothing to do and all my classes are just continuing work we started Monday.

School is over soon though, we have a month left. The second week of June is finals and then graduation, which i've been trying to ignore but it's kinda hard when your future depends on this tiny piece of paper.

I've also gotten no letters from Universities yet, so that's always fun. It's not like I need to go to college or anything.

"What do you want for dinner later?"

When I look up I see it's Aaron asking, not Ann. I assume I made a face because he shrugs at me. "She's at the library, so I'm in charge of food. Don't get spooked, I won't poison you."

Me and Aaron don't talk much, we say greetings or ask small questions because we live together, but we really avoid interaction all together.

I chuckle, turning back to the English homework I have. "I didn't think you'd poison me, but I don't care what we have,

He sighs and flops down on the couch next to me, "Welp, you're unhelpful."

I shuffle to give him more room, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Chinese?"

"I could get down with that, I'll order it around 7."

"Okay sounds good,'' I agree, focusing back on the assignment. The room falls silent except for the tapping of his foot. I let it slide for a minute until all I can focus on is the consistent tapping.

"Do you need something else?" I asked in a rushed tone, his eyes widened. "Sorry if that's annoying, I just want to talk to you."

My brows furrow, I put my pencil down and direct my attention to him. "Okay, go ahead."

He wipes his hand on his jeans and he seems a bit thrown off, like I wouldn't agree to talk this quickly.

"Okay, so, uhm,"

"Aaron, just say it. I have homework and literally nothings gonna happen, it's fine."

He takes a breath, "I-"

He's cut off by a ringing on my phone, I give him an apologetic look and turn my phone over, seeing it's Rea. I also see about four texts, all of them consisting of, 'answer me', or 'i have news'.

"I'm really sorry, I have to answer this."

He waves me off, "it's fine, go for it. Just forget I said anything. I'll be in my room."

He stands up and stalks off down the hallway, I feel a ting in my chest of guilt, but I swipe on the call, putting it to my ear.

"Finally! I have news!"

Her voice is loud and rings through the phone, I giggle, "I heard, what is it?"

"I got accepted into Seattle University! Like actually!"

I gasp, like hand over my mouth and everything. "Oh my god Rea! That's fucking amazing! I'm so proud of you, oh my god. You're going to the college you always wanted!"

"I know! I know!" I can just imagine her jumping around when she read the letter, maybe even shedding a few tears. "I'm so happy."

"Who knows?"

"Just you! My moms not home yet, and you were the first person I called when I found out."

I smile to myself, "I'm honored. I'm so glad you can go to the college you want and still be close to your mom."

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