Chapter Forty Three

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Ann's POV

One month later

Thursday, April 1st

I'm sitting on my bed with my computer. I was originally trying to finish my design for my concept class but I gave up quickly when I realized how blank my brain was. But now, if my wifi stopped being so fucking slow, I could do what I was trying.

My phone lights up with Sebastian's picture, I smile, answering it. "Hello darling," he says quickly. "Aren't you supposed to be filming right now?" I ask. He huffs, "don't even remind me, I've been here since 4 AM. They gave us a break before makeup."

My eyes widened, "four in the morning? That should be illegal."

"Tell me about it. Anyway, I called to see about the tickets, are we still good for that?"

I look down at my computer, the loading screen has been on there for 7 minutes, "we are. I'm just waiting for them to process." He breathes out in relief, before stopping. "Them? Isn't it only you flying?"

I scratch my neck, standing up from the bed. "Yeah about that.." I can just sense him rolling his eyes, like I know he usually does when I do these spontaneous things. "What did you do Ann?"

"I brought Lily a ticket."

"To see me? Isn't that weird?" He questions and I can see why, so I quickly reassure the situation. "No! Not to see you, to see Rea. I thought it would be a nice present. It was only a few extra hundred."

"You what? Do you even know if she'll want to go?"

This time I roll my eyes, "that's such a stupid question. Of course she will. Don't worry, it doesn't affect my trip there." He pauses, silence echoing through the phone. "Are you sure? That's a big gesture and I want you to make sure you actually want to."

I rub my eyes, "Babe, I'm sure. It's been weeks since she even accepted her feelings and now she's just sad about it. Doing this will either help the situation or give her something to do while I'm gone. And I think she needs something positive right now."

He huffs, "Can't she just stay there?"

"I'm going to smack you, I'm not leaving her with my brother." Silence follows my words before he agrees. "Yeah okay, as long as you're still coming to visit then I think it's a good idea."

I smile, looking out my window briefly. "You really care about her don't you?"

I nod, even though he can't see me. "I do, she's like the sister I never got. I just want her to be happy." He makes a pleased sound, "You are such an amazing person, god I love you for it, I think this is a great gesture. I'm sorry I was so hesitant about it."

"Don't be sorry, I understand the concern." I notice the loading screen leaves and I'm brought with my receipt, I click the button to finalize the tickets. "And done. The trip is official."

"I would clap right now but I think Roger would cast a new main character thinking I'm insane."

Roger is the director, a pain in the ass when I'm trying to get alone time with Sebastion but he is providing him with a job so I can't complain. "Well, we don't want him to think you're any crazier than he already does."

"Hey!" he whines, making me giggle. A sound of shuffling goes on the other line. "Mr. Peters? We need you in trailer 6 for makeup."

I sigh, "well, Mr. Peters, I think you're needed."

"That I am," he pauses, "talk to you later, and see you the 11th, correct?"

I smile to myself, "yes you will. Love you, don't get fired."

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