Chapter Nineteen

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Lily's POV

"Mother— mom— stop. Just let me talk please!" I can feel my anger course through me in every inch of my body, it's flowing in my blood.

"You won't be home till, what, the morning? It's a business thing, so why can't I have anyone over?" She growls over the phone, "because it's my house! If you weren't so ungrateful you would understand that."

"I'm not ungrateful! It's a friend from school, shouldn't that make you happy! I'm trying mother, I'm keeping up with your stupid role and now I finally made a friend. Just let me have her over for a few hours."

"Your lucky I have to go, I swear to god Lilith, if anything in the house is messed up—anything, you will get the consequences. Understand?" I sigh in relief, "thank you moth-"

She hangs up before I finish, I want to scream, to cry, to punch something. She treats me like I'm nothing, even when I'm trying to follow what she wants. My eyes fill with tears, but before they break from my eyes I huff and wipe my face, stomping to the bathroom to take a shower. I turn the nozzle, cold water pours from the showerhead, I wait, staring at the water hitting the floor. Steam fills the room, I strip out of my clothes slowly, watching as they drop to the floor. Today was the last day before winter break, which also means half of my day is gone from school and Violet will be here in less than an hour.

I stand under the stream, the hot water peddles against my back, and I let it, standing there motionless.

It takes 5 minutes before I begin to actually shower, and even then it's slowly.

The only thing that gets me out of the shower is the thought of Violet getting here before I'm ready. I rush to get dressed, I put on these black mom jeans and a white t-shirt, a basic but fast outfit.

I sit on the couch waiting for her, scrolling through movies so we didn't sit here wondering what to watch later. Will she like the breakfast club? It's the only movie I keep passing that seems somewhat appealing.

Knock, knock, knock

And she's here.


Violet's POV

I tap my foot on the cement of her porch, holding a pizza in one hand debating whether I should knock again. But before I do she opens the door, a bright smile spreads across her face. It's contagious, it makes me smile immediately. She opens the glass door and shifts sideways to let me in, which I follow until I'm standing in her living room.

"Is the breakfast club okay to watch? I don't have any other ideas." She asks from behind me, I turn around to face her and nod, I don't really mind what's on. I just like being in her presence.

"Where can I put this?" I question, referring to the pizza in my hand. "Oh um, in the kitchen."
I nod and do as she says, it sits on the counter while I walk back and see her already on the couch. She clicks play on the movie right as I sit down next to her.

The movie plays and I only half pay attention, sneaking looks at her every few minutes. She doesn't seem to notice, she's drawn into the movie. She's effortlessly pretty, gorgeous even. The way her face is relaxed, the slight pout on her lip, how she'll lick her lips once a while, it's just alluring. Her hair is still damp, I assume she showered before I got here. She shifts multiple times, not finding comfort in the way she's laying on her arm. She had given me a blanket earlier in the movie, so I tap her and urge her to use me as a headrest, she agrees, laying her head on my shoulder and continues the movie. My stomach feels weird when she does, it like-- flutters? I don't know, but I ignore it.

We finally get to the pizza towards the end of the movie, its a little old but we don't mind. She is crossed-crossed while she holds her plate, still fixed on the film.

A knock at the door grabs our attention, we make eye contact and she shrugs, obviously she didn't know who it was. "I'll get it," I say, she gives me a thumbs up and goes back to watching tv. I set my plate on the table and get off the couch, heading toward the door, grabbing and turning the handle. I open the door. There stands a brunette girl with a giant smile plastered on her face. But as soon as she sees me her face drops a bit,

"Hi, who are you?" I ask politely, I mean I don't know this girl, no reason to be rude. Her mouth opens to talk but words barely come out. "Oh- i- I apologize I think I have the wrong house," she says, she seems apologetic, but when I go to tell her it's fine I hear Lily walk up behind me, my head shoots to look at her, she stands shocked,



This one is fairly short but you can assume why, get excited!

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This one is fairly short but you can assume why, get excited!

Remember to drink water and eat something :)

*head pat*

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