Chapter Thirty Seven

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Lily's POV

Monday, January 25th

The amount of eyes on me today feels overwhelming. It's not like any other day, there's more people staring at me than normal. I don't get why, but it's confusing, being the center of conversation when you don't even know what the conversation is about.

It's like there's groups of people that are more interested in whatever story is going around than their everyday lives. Such predictable teenage drama

Whispers fill the hallway in small sections of people, some try and hide it, others don't care. They stare at me like I'm some circus act.

The more I walk, the smaller the halls get, the closer I get to those people.

A group of girls are especially staring, whispering in each other's ears like some group of stereotypical teen girls. May I mention, not quiet whispers either. 'I heard they faked the whole thing.'

'I heard she's been lying through her teeth about who she is.'

My feet walk faster, my breathing picking up. Is this what I think it is? How do they know?

Once I spot Aaron I'm walking to him before my mind even catches up, pulling him by his arm away from his friends.

"Yo chill, I was talking!" he wines, making me roll my eyes. "And I have questions. Why are people at school talking about me 'faking the whole thing'? Did you tell people? If you did Aaron I swear to g—"

"As I said before, chill goldilocks. I didn't tell anyone, maybe it was that big mouth friend of yours?"

"What friend?" I asked, confused. "The only friend that I told lives miles away from here."

"Violet?" he says, cocking his head to the side, looking at me with an expression that says 'obviously'.

"Why would Violet have any idea? I barely told her anything."

"Well when people are curious and make the effort to come to my house to ask, I don't see why they can't know."

I look at him in shock. "You told her? Wait, she came to your house?"

He rolls his eyes, folding his hands together in front of him. "Yeah she did, it was this whole thing. She wanted something," he stops, lifting his hands in an air quote motion, "she could use."

I involuntarily throw my hands up, my mind racing. If she's mad at me and knows she could use it, and if this gets out to more than just a few people it could ruin me, quite literally.

"So you just told her? We had an agreement Aaron!"

"Our agreement consisted of me being your cover, and not making anyone think otherwise. It's not my fault your friend is snooping around."

I rub my hands over my face, "what did you tell her, so I know what to look out for?"

"We weren't together. It was fake," he stops, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. "Also, I didn't tell her you were gay, I just didn't deny it."

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