Chapter Forty Four

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Lily's POV

April 11th

The past week has been filled with anxiety for this trip. My mom never brought me on trips, she always thought I would run her fun or people would look at her weird for having me on her side. I never got to experience a plane, or packing, or the excitement, all I ever got was what day my mom left and what day she got back. I fell into a dark hole of questions, I didn't know what to pack, I didn't know what time we would leave, I didn't know what I had to do, or how long we'd be on the plane. But I did have Ann, and she was as helpful as ever.

"You'll be here by yourself for a week. Don't burn it, you can throw a party or what not, I don't care, as long as I don't have to clean it." She explains while stuffing the last bit of her clothes into her suitcase. Aaron slouches on the couch, bored, nodding to what she said. "Yeah, yeah, I got it."

Ann had packed most of my bag, I say that because I might have put it all in the case, but I had a question for her about every 20 minutes. She never seemed burdened with the questions though, she always smiled and stood up and helped me. She understood why I didn't know what to do, and she gladly took on the role to help me adapt.

I sit on my suitcase, which I bought a few days ago. It's large and black, with a lot of pockets. It was expensive but Ann had no problem shoving me out of the way and sliding her card to pay for it.

She had everything covered, from forcing Aaron to be the one to watch the house, to making sure we have the right time for the plane, she even talked to Rea about the plans.

Speaking of Rea, she went feral when she heard the news, saying, and I quote, "No fucking way! Mom! Lily's coming to visit." To which Ms. Cunning came bursting into the room to ask a million questions. I laughed, excitement bubbling in my belly.

That excitement did get overpowered though, thinking of the plane. An aircraft, in the air for hours at a time, that I just have to sit on, for hours at a time. It sounds terrifying really. Churning my stomach in the wrong way.

But the more I remembered where the plane brought me, the less I worried.

I drown out the sounds of the sibling bickering next to me, thinking of what me and Rea can do. I can cook with her mom, and she can show me that garden down the street she loves so much, and I can buy her ice cream, and watch movies with her. It's just so exciting, my brain feels like it's doing cartwheels.

"Earth to Lily. We have to leave." Ann laughs, snapping her fingers at me.

"Oh sorry. Let's go." I answer, standing up and grabbing the handle of my suitcase. I wave to Aaron, who rolls his eyes. Ann hurries in front of me, opening her trunk, piling our suitcases in. I get into the passenger, tapping my foot on the fabric that lays on the floor. Minutes later Ann hopped into the driver's side, looking at me with joy in her eyes.

"Before we go, I have to warn you, I have bad airport anxiety, so I won't be much help." She informs, then smiles, "Let's listen to music and get this show on the road shall we?"

I laugh, watching her house, or well, our house, become a blur in the distance. Here I come, Rea.


"That wasn't that bad," I say, standing next to Ann while we wait for our luggage. She snorts, "that's because you slept through the plane ride."

I throw my hands up and scoff, "I thought it would help okay!" She waves her hand dismissing me, "It's our suitcases, let's go, I have an actor that's waiting on me."

l roll my eyes but step forward as the case comes closer. I pull it off, almost stumbling backward. Ann pulls it off effortlessly, show off, I think. I follow her skipy steps, having to up my pace the quicker we get to the exit.

The sun shines outside, the weather hot, which I'm used to from living in California. But as we turn the corner, I see a tall, dark-haired man holding a sign that reads 'I'm here for my Ann not those paparazzi fuckers', which makes me snort, but Ann has pure joy written all over her face. It's sweet really, the way she drops her suitcase and runs toward him, the way his face lights up the same amount when he sees her. One hand drops the sign as he opens his arms for her. He stumbles back at the embrace. Ann giggles and jumps from the excitement. I stand and watch them like a proud mom, I want something like that.

She looks back to find me, spotting me quickly since I didn't move, before pulling him with her. She's smiling ear to ear and she gestures to me, "babe, this is Lily, Lily, this is Sebastian."

He smiles at me, his blue eyes sparkling in the sun. No shit this guy is a movie star, go Ann. He puts out his hand for me to shake, which I return very quickly. "Great to finally meet you," he says, "Ann talks about you constantly." She swats him with her hand. His voice is deeper than I'd imagined, sounding like it's forming deep in his chest. "You too,"

I look at the floor, feeling out of place standing with Ann, and this basically stranger, but his aura feels so welcoming I can't help but smile back at him. His arm stays looped around Ann's waist, but when she looks down at my suitcase, she remembers we will part ways soon, a cloud of sadness forming in her eyes. She frowns, lying her head on his shoulder. "I'm not ready for you to leave."

I shrug, "well I think Rea is waiting."

Sebastion digs into his back pocket, pulling out his phone. Ann looks at him skeptically, before he points his attention to me. "I insist on paying for your uber, so if you could put in where you need to go so I can confirm it, i'd dearly appreciate it.'' I laugh it off, before realizing he's serious. "Oh no, you don't have to."

"I insist."

I look at Ann for help, but she just raises her brows. "You heard the man, he needs the address." I sigh in defeat, taking his phone and typing in what I need. He takes back his phone with a grin. "Alright, confirmed. Um, Jackie, is your driver, estimated 30 minutes until arrival."

"Thank you so much, now you two get going, I'll wait here for the car." Ann shakes her head, "no-no, we're staying. We won't make you wait alone."

I smirk, "I insist on waiting alone."

Sebastian laughs, covering his mouth. "She got you there."

Ann huffs, but brings me in for a hug, rubbing my back. "Call me when you get to Rea. I need to make sure you're safe." When she lets go she's looking at me with a serious expression. I give her a thumbs up, "got it, mom."

Sebastian gives me a half hug, wishing me a good trip, saying he'll see me in a week when we meet back here. I watch as they fade away into the crowd, where I'm left to sit on a bench, in a swarm of people, just waiting for the last thing before I see her face.


"Thanks, Jackie!" I yell, waving to her as she drives away. I'm faced with a house I've only seen in the backgrounds of pictures, but I can't think about it long because the door is opening, and both Rea and her mom are running out. "Lily!" they yell in unison. I set down my bag, laughing at how Rea basically sprints to me, eloping me in the warmth of a hug I've waited far too long for. I squeezed her, sighing contently. I give Ms. Cunning a welcoming hug before I'm led inside, and I already feel the comfort seeping into my veins.


I've had a lot going on so I apologize this is so late!

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I've had a lot going on so I apologize this is so late!

Remember to drink water and eat something :)

*head pat*

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