chapter forty-seven.

Start from the beginning

"That's the closest it's been to being fixed" he replies.

"I- I don't know" I say, confused.

"Do it again" he orders.

I turn around and chant it again, pointing my wand at the cabinet but it gives me the same result. Draco moves me out of the way gently and points his wand at the cabinet.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus" he whispers.

The cabinet rumbles less then goes silent. He steps back and has a defeated look on his face.

"Can you work on the cabinet for now..I'm exhausted" Draco says, plopping himself down on the couch.

"Yeah, just go to sleep" I smile at him.

He lays down on the couch while I work on the cabinet for what felt like hours but in reality was only an hour.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus" I chant for the hundredth time.

The cabinet rattles violently for a few seconds then I hear a click. My body leaves my soul, scared of what's going to happen next. I run over to Draco and shake him awake.

"Draco, it was shaking really loud for a while an-"

"I think you've done it" he interrupts me.

He walks over to the cabinet and opens the door, picking up an apple which had a couple of bites taken out of it. He closes the cabinet door and turns to me.

"You did's repaired" he numbly says.

Chills flow through my body as I stare into his dark eyes. Anger grows on his face, as fear grows onto mine.

"What did you do that I couldn't?! This was my task!" he yells at me.

"It's not a competition Draco, at least this is over with" I say, stepping back.

"Do you know what happens next?!" he yells in my face.

I flinch at his volume and screw my eyes shut.

"You don't, do you? You don't even know what's about to happen" he spits at me, pushing my chest back.

"I'll give you credit for this, okay? I'll tell them you opened it" I innocently say.

He pushes me aside not knowing his own strength and I fall into a pile of random things. He storms out of the room and I try to follow after him until I break down halfway. Why is he so mean to me now? I really don't know what I did.

After standing in the same place, crying for at least 5 minutes I make my way to the Gryffindor common room. I walk in, trying my best to conceal my sobs but it doesn't work out.

"Cassandra? What's wrong?" George asks me.

"What did Malfoy do" Fred asks with an upset face.

"I don't want to talk about it" I cry, sitting down on the couch next to them.

"Well, we've snatched a little something special" Fred says, holding a bottle of vodka underneath my head for me to see.

"Do you wanna go to the Astronomy tower and let it out?" George asks me.

I look up at the both of them and nod my head, smiling lightly. We make our way to the tower as they both make me laugh the way there. We climb to the top of the tower and each take a small swig.

"Alright, let's play a drinking game; never have I ever" Fred smirks.

"I'll start..never have I ever smoked pot" George says, putting a finger down.

"George, you're supposed to say something you haven't done" I laugh.

"Oopssss" he says playfully, taking a swig of the bottle.

We all take a swig then it's my turn.

"Hmm, never have I ever shagged a girl" I smirk.

"Alright, that ones just targeting us" they laugh.

They both take a swig and now it's Fred's turn.

"Never have I ever shagged a boy!" he says loudly.

"No fair" I pout.

"We're even now!" George says.

I take a pretty big swig from the bottle and already feel the ground that I'm sitting on start to wobble. The night goes on, filled full of laughs and shots; it made me forget about everything. By the time I knew it I could barely keep myself up while standing. I was leaning on George as Fred was playing with magic a little. George looks down at me and I look up at him.

"Your eyes are shimmering" he hiccups.

I laugh and look down at my feet. George grabs my chin, pulling my face back up to meet his. He brushes my stray hairs from my bun behind my ear and smiles at me.

"Bloody hell, what are you doing?!" I hear Draco yell.

My attention jolts to him, fear filling my body.

"Get away from her" Draco spits at George.

"Alright but you stand next to her so you can catch her" George says, slowly moving away from me.

I stumble and hold onto the railing of the Astronomy tower. Draco grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him, resulting in my whole body falling onto him.

"Get away from her mate, she's alright up here" Fred says.

"I need to talk to her" Draco snarls, pulling me towards the stairs.

"Let go of her wr-"

"It's fine..I'll be fine" I interrupt the twins.

They look at me with worried faces as Draco pulls me down the stairs more. His grip tightened on my wrist to where the pain was unbearable.

"Draco please stop" I slur.

He ignores me and continues to drag me to the Slytherin common room, I'm assuming leading up to his dorm. I hear a door slam and see that we're now in his dorm. I look at him and his body is radiating with the rage he has within him.

"You do MY task and act like it's so easy just because you think you're little miss gifted; probably because Harry is related to you. Then you go off and get drunk with the Weasley twins?! Were you trying to shag George?!!" he yells in my face.

The rooms spinning around me and Dracos voice is deafening.

"No, I wasn't I promise I-"

"We had hard work to do and you just fuck around after finishing it?! Like it's a game?!" he shouts in my face.

He steps closer and closer to me, making me back up.

"Did he kiss you?! Did any of them touch you?!!" he yells.

Suddenly my body slams back onto his bed. Draco's hand is wrapped around my throat and I can feel multiple tears running down my cheeks.

"I promise I didn't okay? I promise" I let out a hideous sob.

His eyes stare into mine like daggers.

"Please Draco let me go!!" I yell through my tears.

And with that request he does so; he pulls away from me and takes a few steps back. I'm struggling to catch my breath as I am terrified. I crawl back on his bed to get farther away from him.

"Cassandra..I- I'm sorry I don't know-"

"No! Get away!" I cry.

"Cassandra please" he says softly, tears running down his cheeks.

I get up and make my attempt to run out but everything goes black.

dirty little secret // draco malfoy Where stories live. Discover now