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(Go check out whec 227 on youtube!)

        wxrmheart asked:
'Yo, Frisk and Chara, are you two dating?'

Mittens: Pfft- This's gonna end well.

Chara: ...

Sans: ...what...?

Kris: I can see it. *Pulls out a box of moss*

Frisk: We hang out a lot, does that count?

Chara: Me and Frisk...?

Kris: I mean look at it this way, you two are practically twins, have been through of a hell of a lot together, and last I heard you were both bi.

Sans: Anyone, but Chara. Please. *Glares at the fourth wall*

Asriel: I mean if that's what you want...

Chara: No! No, we are not dating. I have never thought of Frisk in that way. *Hugs Asriel*

Frisk: Same as Chara. Sorry if you ship 'Charisk' or whatever it's called, but if it helps me and Chara-

Chara: *Shoves her hand onto Frisk's mouth* They don't need to know everything, Frisk.

Kris: Hold up- I'm interested now. Let the girl speak.

Chara: *Slowly removes her hand while glaring deep into Kris' covered eyes*

Frisk: In the current route-

Asriel: Hehehe, I know what they're talking about now.

Frisk: In the current route when we were on the surface, I was trying to help Asriel and Chara make pie for mom. In the process of retrieving flour from the top shelf, I had to climb onto the counter. I sort of lost my balance and fell on Chara...

Ralsei: *Starts cringing at the thought of falling so hard*

Chara: *Crossing her arms over her chest*

Sans: I really don't like where this's going...

Asriel: Frisk and Chara ended up falling into an accidental kiss. *Starts chuckling at the memory*

Mittens: *Starts laughing*

Chara: *Puts on a fake smile* There goes my dignity.

Frisk: It was... Interesting to say the least...

Kris: Wait, wouldn't that have been your first kiss?

Frisk: Uh... No... *Starts blushing*

Sans: *Starts whistling while looking everywhere but Frisk*

Asriel: Wow, you learn something new every day.

Mittens: (I actually ship both Frans and Charisk so this was an interesting question.) Hey Chara what'd you think when you kissed Frisk?

Chara: Why do you care?

Mittens: Because Kris did mention you being bi.

*You hear frans shippers running in the distance*

Mittens: And that's my cue to leave. Until next time, peoples!! *Starts running in the opposite directions of the shippers*

Frans shippers: *Follows yelling about betrayal or something like that*

Chara: Oh what the heck. *Starts following the crowd weilding her knife*

Frisk: Why...?

Sans: Holy Asgore, I know me and Frisk had a bit of a fan base but damn.

Asriel: Chara...! *Chases after her*

Kris: Ah shit. Here we go again.

Ralsei: *Giggles under his breath* Language!

(Wow. It's been nearly four months since I last updated this.)

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